Bizarro's Workout


New Member
Jun 17, 2010
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I don't have access to weights during the summer so I've been getting into working out with calisthentics (bodyweight exercises) and minimal equipment. What I do now is:

Standing military press using a chair which surprising gets me very sore the next day with high reps 2 x 25 1 x 50. I guess I can use a coffee table or something heavier once I increase reps a lot.

One legged squats or pistols which are somewhat hard. I also run twice a week, 6 miles each time I run which destroys my legs.

The beach is one street away from me. Any swimmers know good exercises or strokes that help build muscle?

I have a pull up bar.

Some relevant info:
19 y/o
160 lbs
6' tall
Bodyfat % I don't know how to calculate accurately but I have high definition in my arms and my legs. I have a barely visible six pack which you can see if I flex hard.

For diet scrutiny one example of what I eat in a day:
2 tins of tuna: 140 calories 26g protein mixed in with mayo
Footlong subway sandwich which is 640+ calories with 46g protein according the subways site
A slice or two of pizza
Cheese toast with fruits.
I looked at some vault sources it seems this is too little to eat. Do most bodybuilders eat three big meals a day or very small meals but every two hours to get their required caloric intake? I don't understand diet yet so I could use some help with that.

My plan is to put on some mass over the summer or at least build a beastly core to make weight lifting easier when I do transition into it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Bizarro said:
I don't have access to weights during the summer so I've been getting into working out with calisthentics (bodyweight exercises) and minimal equipment. What I do now is:

Standing military press using a chair which surprising gets me very sore the next day with high reps 2 x 25 1 x 50. I guess I can use a coffee table or something heavier once I increase reps a lot.

One legged squats or pistols which are somewhat hard. I also run twice a week, 6 miles each time I run which destroys my legs.

The beach is one street away from me. Any swimmers know good exercises or strokes that help build muscle?

I have a pull up bar.

Some relevant info:
19 y/o
160 lbs
6' tall
Bodyfat % I don't know how to calculate accurately but I have high definition in my arms and my legs. I have a barely visible six pack which you can see if I flex hard.

For diet scrutiny one example of what I eat in a day:
2 tins of tuna: 140 calories 26g protein mixed in with mayo
Footlong subway sandwich which is 640+ calories with 46g protein according the subways site
A slice or two of pizza
Cheese toast with fruits.
I looked at some vault sources it seems this is too little to eat. Do most bodybuilders eat three big meals a day or very small meals but every two hours to get their required caloric intake? I don't understand diet yet so I could use some help with that.

My plan is to put on some mass over the summer or at least build a beastly core to make weight lifting easier when I do transition into it.
I'd suggest going and reading through the vault, since I think most of the info is there. But, I'll put down a few points:

Training regime: muscles respond to intensity and progression, so if you can't get to the weights for the time being, focus on either increasing the weight and/or the number of reps.

But if you want to gain muscle, you need to get to the weights, since I'm not sure how you can increase the intensity much by lifting a coffee table :)

Running regime: may be better to try shorter and intense sessions more times per week, rather than a couple of long ones. Unless you're training for distance, any more than 6 miles is too much.

For swimming, the most "intense" strokes are freestyle and butterfly. But I'd recommend simply going with freestyle.

Pull up bar will come in handy. Wide-grip overhand chin-ups may be best. Once you can do quite a few reps, try also lifting additional weight as well (attach the coffee table to your legs and lift it with you, if you have to).

Diet: Does not look to be enough, and you should ditch the pizza. You need to increase the calories, and the quality will determine what kind of weight you put on. Whey protein supplementation is a good way to fill in between meals, and I'd recommend no more than 3 hours between meals.

Good luck!


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Yes, reduce the amount of weight, and carry on with the exercise as you would. It is more important to finish your reps than not. Also by lowering the weight you reduce the risk of injury. Next time try and do a few more reps with the heavier weight and build up.