bipolar and adhd girl


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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This girl I've been messing around with is bipolar and has adhd, takes meds for them, clinically diagnosed as bipolar and has adhd.

How effective are meds? They seem to have killed her sex drive...She said she is mildly bipolar or whatever and that her pill is only .25 mg...who knows

This girl is hot and cold. Heavy interest around me and then takes 24 hours or so to text back, flakey. I think it is her mental condition more so than anything I might be doing wrong. When I saw the inside of her car, it looked like a huge dump, clothes and garbage everywhere.

Any experiences with bipolar girls or ones with adhd?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Women are already difficult to deal with in good mental health. Now add real mental issues to that state of already being out there and you have a completely dysfunctional person. That girl doesn't even know why she feels tired when it gets dark outside, walk away man save yourself.


Jan 8, 2015
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I once dated a girl who had really bad mood swings. She would scream and yell over nothing and get really angry. Later she would calm down and it would be forgotten like she didn't remember doing it. She then would accuse me of being the bad guy when she instigated the fights. she played the victim really well and looked for excuses to blame me. I had no idea she was seeing a therapist until she told me. She was a big liar and lied to everybody talking behind everybody's back. I think she was lying to the therapist because she told me the therapist said it was my fault she was acting out. I think she was lying to me about that because her story wasn't right. she was looking for ways to make me the bad guy. Like it was all my fault she was that way. I still encouraged her to get the help and wanted her to have peace of mind. Her mom had mood swings problems herself and took it out on the dad until she got on medication and calmed down. I guess that can run in the family.

At times she was really great and we had so much fun but when she was mad and angry it was bad. She would look for ways to start fights and had a lot of anger. She got mad at me for not knowing how to use GPS and got lost when it didn't work. She said that was my fault and ruined the day and yelled at me in public later. I got mad and dumped her right there in line. She cried and made the scene and I left to grab a cab. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt because of her problem but I could not take any more. She tried hard to get me back calling and texting saying she would kill herself. if I didn't. She blew smoke so I didn't know if she was telling truth or not. I just said we could work on it so in case she tried to harm herself. She got angry at me for not answering my phone screaming like crazy in voicemails. It was very bizzare how her angry her voice changed screaming at the top of her lungs. so I just blocked her out on everything and that was the end of that. I didn't care any more and tried my best but it was enough for me. I'm not sure why she wasn't on medication too since she needed it.

Don't don't it man, even with medications they can go off on you. Her mother did even when she had pills and I don't think she was taking it lots of the time. Pills wear off and mood swings still occur. Just because they take pills does not mean they don't get angry still. Too much drama to go through. Keep them at distance as plates but for a relationship it will be a nightmare with girls like that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Girls like this are plate material only. If you want to keep her around for that purpose the key is to not AFC under any circumstances, it's hard because when they rage it can trigger AFC tendencies. What you do is ignore them until the mood swings back and you can fvck her again.

Don't get attached, she's just for fun.


Feb 5, 2015
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Elevate your taste in trolls, man

applegoo said:
This girl I've been messing around with is bipolar and has adhd, takes meds for them, clinically diagnosed as bipolar and has adhd.

How effective are meds? They seem to have killed her sex drive...She said she is mildly bipolar or whatever and that her pill is only .25 mg...who knows

This girl is hot and cold. Heavy interest around me and then takes 24 hours or so to text back, flakey. I think it is her mental condition more so than anything I might be doing wrong. When I saw the inside of her car, it looked like a huge dump, clothes and garbage everywhere.

Any experiences with bipolar girls or ones with adhd?
Hola Applegoo,

Let's see,

Clinically diagnosed as bipolar
Has adhd
On mediacation
No sex drive ***************** :cheer:
Hot and cold
Car is a filthy mess (low self esteem? lack of personal hygiene? What else is a filthy mess?)

Why bother? I would throw that fishy back to whence she came and fish in a different pond.

"Be willing to let go of what you have, so you can get what you want" RG NMMNG

What is it that they say? NEXT!


Jan 8, 2015
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mel said:
I had an ADHD girl once. IT's messy. it really is, even with medication. You see these people cannot have discussions. Their entire life's they have been told they are weird/diffrent/they do things wrong.

For some reason as soon as she does something you do not like/appriciate, when you tell them, EVEN IN A CALM MATTER. They will explode, yell from the top of her lungs(even over small things). During her RAGE break out she will turn everything around and make you the BAD guy. I've tried going RAGE back at. I Tried letting her gettin it all out. and than talk when shes calmed down. The thing is it none of it worked for me.

When you would RAGE at her, she will go victim mode on you.

If you let her yell and everything, she will convince herself(and you in the long run) that you are the person at fault, and you will start apolegising for **** you dident even do. (you start going AFC, have emotional outbursts because you keep all the negative **** inside you, and at some point you pour it all out). And the worst part is, WHEN FOR ONCE THEY REALISE THEY WERE THE PERSON AT FAULT. They will simpely go: I have ADHD. They will blame it all on their "condition". They will make an excuse, they wont take responsibilty. NOR will they apolegise. Which will make you feel anoyed to serious extent.

She will only listen selectivly, and you will feel as if you are not even HEARD when talking /texting her. She will only respond to selective things, ussualy turning the tables against you, once again.

The problem is with these girls, they are often very attractive, and very interesting. And very fun to just be around with. They will also pull out all the white-knights in you. Because they are a danger to them selfs, they have issues concentrating, so for example when walking down the street and crossing it, you feel as if you're protecting her the entire way. Holding her back, puling her back if she randomly crosses when a car comes along, making you feel like a HERO. Also once they are in "normal" mode. They are extreemly fun. They are also very impulsive, which leads to fun situations and spontanious events. It can also mind **** you, They might grab you, kiss you, put their nails in you etc, get you all worked up to the point that you have no more blood in your brains because its all down in your penis, and then they will have a moodswing, leaving you dry and without sex. it's these moments that are like torture.

ADHD people, ussualy display BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER behaviour. They are prone to depression, and they LOVE(cant stress this enough) THEY LOVE drama more than "normal" girls. They will actually create scenarios, or do things so that people "react" in a certain way so that they can get their dosis of DRAMA. Something in their brain just goos orgasm mode on drama, and they cannot get enough of it.

I got all this information, after it did not work out with her. Because i did really enjoy the time i had with her(all the up's and downs), and should i run into a ADHD again i will know how to "act" accordingly. Mine was also very inteligent, 2 master degrees, beautifull, and her father was a milionair. So I was kinda bumd out afterwards, should have known all this before getting involved :p.

Apprently there are alot of ways and techniques to "handle" a girl with ADHD. For example on a ADHD forum for married couples. Things like sit down once a week(plan this) and talk about her responsibilties in calm fashion BEFORE you get an outburst so that your partner doesnt go into DRAMA-mode. ALSO WHEN THEY PSM. they will PSM the **** out of you believe me.

So as a DJ, my advise is this: If you are really into this girl. And you know 100% sure that you want her. Study up on ADHD. KNOW what you're getting into. Because a DJ goos for what he wants, and he goos in prepared. So if you want this WOMEN. Go for it. They can be great fun. They are LOYAL(most people who have ADHD and are aware of this, will block out all other plates/temptations because they know they cant resist so they take precautions) Beautifull, Inteligent. and you won't get "bored"of her. You will how ever, have to deal with mood swings, extreem drama(with her GF's/parents/at home), as they will have something to cry about weekly.

Your call.

Really good post here and it's too much to take being in a relationship with these kinds of girls. Some days are good and other days are bad. Sometimes one hour is good and the next is bad. You need heavy patience and believe me it is really not worth it when you can have an mood swing anger free girl to enjoy better. If you like walking on egg shells be prepared to be crapped on by bi polar girls. Ignoring them is the best to do and don't let them get you. A who gves a sh1t attitude is what you need. Once they see that they can rattle your cage getting to you it's all over. You will be a weak man like putty in their hands where they can mold you into their little beta man. Be strong and mostly aloof to their anger like water off a duck's back. My advice is to stay away but if you decide to go forward take what I said to heart.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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mel said:
I had an ADHD girl once. IT's messy. it really is, even with medication. You see these people cannot have discussions. Their entire life's they have been told they are weird/diffrent/they do things wrong.

For some reason as soon as she does something you do not like/appriciate, when you tell them, EVEN IN A CALM MATTER. They will explode, yell from the top of her lungs(even over small things). During her RAGE break out she will turn everything around and make you the BAD guy. I've tried going RAGE back at. I Tried letting her gettin it all out. and than talk when shes calmed down. The thing is it none of it worked for me.

When you would RAGE at her, she will go victim mode on you.

If you let her yell and everything, she will convince herself(and you in the long run) that you are the person at fault, and you will start apolegising for **** you dident even do. (you start going AFC, have emotional outbursts because you keep all the negative **** inside you, and at some point you pour it all out). And the worst part is, WHEN FOR ONCE THEY REALISE THEY WERE THE PERSON AT FAULT. They will simpely go: I have ADHD. They will blame it all on their "condition". They will make an excuse, they wont take responsibilty. NOR will they apolegise. Which will make you feel anoyed to serious extent.

She will only listen selectivly, and you will feel as if you are not even HEARD when talking /texting her. She will only respond to selective things, ussualy turning the tables against you, once again.

The problem is with these girls, they are often very attractive, and very interesting. And very fun to just be around with. They will also pull out all the white-knights in you. Because they are a danger to them selfs, they have issues concentrating, so for example when walking down the street and crossing it, you feel as if you're protecting her the entire way. Holding her back, puling her back if she randomly crosses when a car comes along, making you feel like a HERO. Also once they are in "normal" mode. They are extreemly fun. They are also very impulsive, which leads to fun situations and spontanious events. It can also mind **** you, They might grab you, kiss you, put their nails in you etc, get you all worked up to the point that you have no more blood in your brains because its all down in your penis, and then they will have a moodswing, leaving you dry and without sex. it's these moments that are like torture.

ADHD people, ussualy display BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER behaviour. They are prone to depression, and they LOVE(cant stress this enough) THEY LOVE drama more than "normal" girls. They will actually create scenarios, or do things so that people "react" in a certain way so that they can get their dosis of DRAMA. Something in their brain just goos orgasm mode on drama, and they cannot get enough of it.

I got all this information, after it did not work out with her. Because i did really enjoy the time i had with her(all the up's and downs), and should i run into a ADHD again i will know how to "act" accordingly. Mine was also very inteligent, 2 master degrees, beautifull, and her father was a milionair. So I was kinda bumd out afterwards, should have known all this before getting involved :p.

Apprently there are alot of ways and techniques to "handle" a girl with ADHD. For example on a ADHD forum for married couples. Things like sit down once a week(plan this) and talk about her responsibilties in calm fashion BEFORE you get an outburst so that your partner doesnt go into DRAMA-mode. ALSO WHEN THEY PSM. they will PSM the **** out of you believe me.

So as a DJ, my advise is this: If you are really into this girl. And you know 100% sure that you want her. Study up on ADHD. KNOW what you're getting into. Because a DJ goos for what he wants, and he goos in prepared. So if you want this WOMEN. Go for it. They can be great fun. They are LOYAL(most people who have ADHD and are aware of this, will block out all other plates/temptations because they know they cant resist so they take precautions) Beautifull, Inteligent. and you won't get "bored"of her. You will how ever, have to deal with mood swings, extreem drama(with her GF's/parents/at home), as they will have something to cry about weekly.

Your call.
Thanks for all the info...I don't want her in a relationship...I'm not going to put up with all her issues. She's just more fun and interesting to be around than the average girl and I enjoy her company. I even told her I don't want a romantic, exclusive relationship with her but it's like she doesn't believe me.

The thing is i exploded on her again because she started acting like I was dangerous just because I tried explaining to her how tough it is to get through to her and communicate with her. She called me crazy. Started gaslighting me, etc etc. So I exploded told her to take her meds and that I never considered her a potential mate. She told me to never contact her again and that she is disgusted with me on so many levels that she can't even be in the same room as me.

Gonna give her some time to cool down and call her or something.

But yeah, I totally understand the bringing out the white knight in you. One time i ordered food and she did not even know how to open the containers. I had to open them for her and put for her on the table like she was a baby.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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mel said:
Yeah they play the youre "dangerous" card alot if you dont do things their way. Best way to deal with her ignoring you and being bast**** crazy rage mode: leave it. for like 5/6 days. Than talk to her as if it never happend. DO NOT APOLEGISE IF YOU THINK YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. If you do apolegise she will justify her own behaviour and your gonna get a guilt trip everytime to talk to her. Remmeber what i said: they are totaly selective in what they remmember/hear/read.

Yeah. I'll see...she's also pissed cause I tried asking out her best friend on a date to to annoy her since she had flaked. Got her friend's number off

The thing is she thinks she's the normal one and I'm the crazy one...

What I noticed with her is she responds to my texts in which I insult her. When I'm nice, she ignores...

Weird girl...i'm not even trying to game her or anything...don't care if she thinks i'm an AFC or Beta...just trying to figure her out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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anyone else have any other experience with bipolar/adhd girls? Lots here on BPD, an ex was BPD, curious more about this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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applegoo said:
This girl I've been messing around with is bipolar and has adhd, takes meds for them, clinically diagnosed as bipolar and has adhd.
This was all I needed to read. Mel explained this really well, what more do you need to know?

Adhd typically is perscribed adderall, which is basically "speed". In my past I've dated some with depression, daily happy pill needed. This KILLS their sex drive, dries them up. This is a mild case compared to your bipolar & adhd here. I find it doubtful she only takes 1 pill for "mild" bi-polar.

Their brain wiring is all messed up, being treated the sh*t gets them off. As you mentioned this earlier, she responds to insults. I won't even deal with mild depression anymore, no f*king way. As soon as I hear or find out they are on any meds I'm out. This is a no brainer, run don't walk. You want a chick with = to less baggage, not more.

My mantra: Don't stick your d*ck in crazy.


Feb 5, 2015
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applegoo said:
Yeah. I'll see...she's also pissed cause I tried asking out her best friend on a date to to annoy her since she had flaked. Got her friend's number off

The thing is she thinks she's the normal one and I'm the crazy one...

What I noticed with her is she responds to my texts in which I insult her. When I'm nice, she ignores...

Weird girl...i'm not even trying to game her or anything...don't care if she thinks i'm an AFC or Beta...just trying to figure her out.
Sounds like a lot of fun!!!! :kick:

If your reality is a physical manifestation of your inner beliefs and self esteem.....where's your self esteem? Don't you believe that you deserve better? Are you settling for this? A DJ goes for what he wants someone said....but I believe a DJ demands the this the best you can do son?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Eljuego said:
Sounds like a lot of fun!!!! :kick:

If your reality is a physical manifestation of your inner beliefs and self esteem.....where's your self esteem? Don't you believe that you deserve better? Are you settling for this? A DJ goes for what he wants someone said....but I believe a DJ demands the this the best you can do son?
Agreed. Only a very desperate man would deal with a bipolar girl.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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I am more curious as to the effect on meds on bipolar disorder. I'm guessing they don't fully work and they can still be very moody and display BPD traits such as black/white thinking


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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These kind of threads about bipolar/adhd girls (if they are even real cases lol) about some quote from a the movie fight club.

Tyler Durden : A woman would cut off your penis while your are sleeping and toss it out the window from a moving car.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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applegoo said:
I am more curious as to the effect on meds on bipolar disorder. I'm guessing they don't fully work and they can still be very moody and display BPD traits such as black/white thinking
If you're writing a paper on the subject or taking notes for your own personal research, that's what Google is for. If you're hoping bi-polar or ADD in combination with the right meds will spell out "normal girl" (or a facsimile there of), I have to ask: why not just go out and find ...a normal girl, sans mental defectiveness?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Between_The_Lines said:
If you're writing a paper on the subject or taking notes for your own personal research, that's what Google is for. If you're hoping bi-polar or ADD in combination with the right meds will spell out "normal girl" (or a facsimile there of), I have to ask: why not just go out and find ...a normal girl, sans mental defectiveness?
nope, she's not someone i'd seriously date...just wondering how to handle their **** tests