FairShake said:
Nah, he's guilty in the court of my opinion because of a long history of douchiness that is at the very center of his character.
I've known A LOT of dudes like him. Characteristics like being a bully, loudmouth, white, arrogant, know-it-all, and a liar. There have been a lot of red flags for this assflap for a long time. Only the blind can't see.
So being an arrogant a.sshole means you are guilty of this type of accusation? I mean my goodness, I'm an arrogant a.sshole at times, so if a chick says I tombstone piledrived her a.ss, by your logic I MUST have done it because I'm an arrogant a.sshole?
This is why I'm so paranoid with these laws and this gynocentric society. I mean damn, literally ANY guy's life on this Forum can be destroyed the moment a woman accuses him of beating her, rape, sexual harassment, etc.
And of course we will be GUILTY until proven innocent, because we are all arrogant a.ssholes!