yeah, I like to view them in the same vein as I see them in the animal kingdom. You can sit there and watch a female horse and see her sloping pvssy. To the male horse, she's just got a sloping pvssy that's it.
Then you view the lions, the tigers, and on and on. Because humans' imaginations (our extremely worked out organ, the brain) run rampant all the time, they make so much more of than what's before them. Women Hate that I don't bow down and worship them. Many May think I'm gay, in which I'm absolutely not, but she can look down at her phone and text (her nervous copout) or chew a fingernail or be bewildered by my not lavishing praise on her. THIS is the MAIN problem. That we, as a society, tainted by the Christian religion (as this once was a Christian nation, we are all affected by it), PRAISE God. We PRAISE Hollywood actors, sports figures, and on and on heaping PRAISE everywhere. That IS Old Testament Religion, yet we are taught to PRAISE God. Jesus NEVER said Once in the Bible to PRAISE God. The last line of the Lord's Prayer was inserted there by some nefarious person, I believe, as the Rest of the prayer is asking for God's Help, not Praising him. He doesn't NEED our praise. Though beautiful, "For Thine Art the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory Forever, Amen..." Is the Praise line that doesn't Fit with the rest of the prayer.
Woman = Helper and nothing more. You go start Praising her, then you are going down a religious Old Testament pathway that Christ did away with. He boiled it all down to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto You" and that's why they KILLED him, because Now, they could not make Money off of an extremely Complicated (the Devil Wants Complexity) System that allow CAREERS for a lifetime of pay. "Theologian" was to not even be a word Used or found in the dictionary after Christ.
We, as a society, are Poisoned by all this PRAISING. If you equate Praising to "Encouragement," then God does not Need our encouragement.
The Praise industry = $$$
Woman = Helper and nothing more. I lioness helps the lion by putting food on the table.