Big Vagina's FR - 09/04/05

Aug 22, 2005
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Went out to another club tonight, it was amazing!!!

I was in the line up waiting for my friends and I exchanged words with these 2 girls behind me. Eventually, I fluff talked with them. Biggest irony, my friend's friends were friends with those 2 chicks and were meeting up there.

Got into the club, I went for the bar (Open bar was closing in like 5min). I tried to be a little more bold and asked for a drink for free when the bartender told me the open bar was closed. IT worked, yeah! :D

The night was somewhat slow at the beginning. I noticed these 2 girls that seemed interested, but I didn't do anything. Next thing you know, my friend starts dancing with her and his friend dances with the other girl ... leaving me dancing with nobody. A few minutes later, my friend started making out with the blonde I had my eyes on. :mad:

later on that night, I saw one of the 2 girls that was in the line up at the beginning. I said hey, and started grinding with her. Yeah! :D

Things were great, we danced well and I started to run my hands over her body. Her stomach, her thighs, then I started rubbing her ass. Yeah!!! :D I never did that to a girl. Her ass wasn't that great, but it was still nice to do that. I started rubbing her outside of her jeans but she stopped me so I stopped and didn't try again.

I couldn't kiss her though. I tried keeping my mouth close to hers, and my nose close to hers but she didn't go in. What should I have done? Besides going in? Is there anything else I could of done?

after a while, I wasn't feeling it anymore so I said brb, and I left. Didn't see her again for the rest of the night. My friend's friend told me that the chick was completely in love with me. hehehe :D

I tried dancing with like 2-3 other girls for the rest of the night ... but it was unsuccessfull. The would grab my hand but take it away after a few seconds. If I put my hands on their thighs, they pull away. :confused: What could I have done differently?

I spotted this hooooooooot girl by the bar. I showed to my friend's friend. He said let's go. He went and talked to her. I pussed out and stayed at the back dancing. A little later, my friend joins him. then they come to me and said that I have to dance for her. :confused: and she will grade me on a scale of 10.

So I went up to her and asked her what the hell was going on. She said that I had to dance for her. I started dancing a few, looking at her, trying not to break eye contact and not to feel self concious. Eventually, I didn't feel like I was in my top dancing shape so I grabbed her hand and said, I dont dance alone. She said that's not the deal. I said. I'm not a stripper and tried again. She was smiling but pulled away. So a stepped back and danced for a bit and said screw this and left.

She was by far the hottest girl in the club that night. I feel that I could of had a shot but didn't know what to do and how to do it.

What should of I have done?

all in all, this night was great. I got to grind with a girl for a while, something I haven't done in a looooooooong time. I didn't even grab her ass, I fukking rubbed it multiple times. Something I have NEVER done.

Aug 22, 2005
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96 views and no replies???
Aug 22, 2005
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Well first congrats on grabbin some ass. There’s a first time for everything. ;)

Now my question is why didn't you grab any numbers? Especially the chick you were playing grab ass with?

I spotted this hooooooooot girl by the bar. I showed to my friend's friend. He said let's go. He went and talked to her. I pussed out and stayed at the back dancing. A little later, my friend joins him. then they come to me and said that I have to dance for her. and she will grade me on a scale of 10.

I can't believe you actually danced for her. Who was the prize you or she? Evidently that night it was she. Even though she was a so-called 10, don't give her any special treatment or do things you wouldn't normally do for chicks that are below a 10. When she said you have to dance for me you should of said something C&F. And whatever you do don't dance for her. Just think about it for a second. She just played you like a trained monkey. "Dance for me Booboo! Dance!!" And you did. You did it all for the Bananas. And she probably will tell all her little friends how she got some dude to do a qualifying dance for her.

Hey but you live and learn. Next time don't take that shyt and what I like to say, "Man up!"

But hey as long as you had fun I guess that’s what counts.


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
seems like a pretty good night man.

i'd say the reason your posts don't get read is because of your awful user name...what the heck is up with that? i'd suggest changing it to something a bit more normal. also, it doesn't help that the first few times you came on here you were talking about seriously considering raping a girl. oh well, atleast you're working on improving...that's good

as for dancing and stuff...i've only been clubbing a few times, so take this with a grain of salt...but here's what i would suggest:

approach girls off the dance floor. most girls on the dance floor may just be looking to dance and have fun ...not hook-up. so, approach the girls betweent the bar and the dance floor. start some chit chat and kino...just playing around, then pull them to the dance floor. increase the touching, and grind really close.

i don't usually grab their asses, but just move my hands along their thighs, and lightly from shoulders to finger tips. hold their hands while dancing too. just keep that kino going. dance for a bit, and if they try moving your hands away, go for it again...don't be afraid of them rejecting's usually just a sh*t test. whisper in their ears while you're dancing too. then pull them off the floor and isolate somewhere. continue with the kino, and light conversation, and just go for the should come pretty naturally.

have fun with it. good luck.

and change that stupid user id.