Originally posted by Player_Supreme
So toocold ya called me out huh...and now that you've been made a fool of you ain't been seen in a few days.
Don't worry this site has a short attention span. I do hope you read my post at
what you get mad cause I didn't jump on the bandwaggon to join your little group? I'm not a follower kid. I woulda joined if I had kept up with your post, but it's way to far beneath my radar.
Now I don't want to start a flame war in the mature site so we will just let it go.
Let's keep the childish flaming over in the kiddy section and keep our section pure aight.
I'm glad that you now know that the realness and I are not the same person.
peace playa.
well, 1) mods closed the thread. 2) i actually work and don't have time to spend here, 24x7, as you seem to.
as to your responses, you are the one that made a fool of yourself, in the above post, and on the original one, and those in the know, know it...
1. P_S logs in. posts a short
message. logs out.
2. Tha Realnezz immediately logs in. posts a short message backing up P_S. logs out.
repeat five times, having convo with oneself. it's so obvious, it's embarassing. you're trying to save your rep, but you're ruining it.
i was not the first one, nor will i be the last, to call you out on this issue.
the only reason i called you out was because you were (are) calling out others for posting under a different username, when it's very obvious that you are doing the same. worse, you are actually talking to yourself, favorably, in some of these posts. i'm not the only one that thinks so. and as i said, i will not bother digging these posts up.
btw, the message you posted regarding the PM you got from the mods, stating to stop a flame war or 'we' would be banned, I DID NOT GET SUCH A MESSAGE, but you inserted my name, suggesting to others that I did get the PM as well. YOU were the only one that got that PM from the mods, kid. i wonder why?
further, you are so insecure that you have come to other threads (this one) and bring the issue up, but yet you don't want to start a flame war HERE? can't u just drop it? no, i guess not. u have to hunt down one of my posts, and pollute it. i wasn't doing any childish flaming, niether here nor elsewhere. i simply called you out, which is what you have been doing lately to others.
i did not get 'mad' that you chose not to join what some of us others are doing in this thread. so you're not a follower, huh kid? but you would have joined (e.g. followed) had you kept up with this post? makes a lot of sense, kid.
no, i don't appreciate you calling me kid.
this is the first and last time i will respond to this matter. please don't pollute this board, nor disparage TooCold's name.
thank you.