Big Mouthed Women


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
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Anyone had experience with Women who have big mouths? And tell people things they shouldn't?

I went with a Girl @ work about 2 months ago....then recently I got ridiculously drunk at a party and she looked after me...I woke up in her bed and couldn't remember a thing....

Neeless to say that everyone else I work with knew I had tried ot have sex with her and kept her up by slapping her ass etc........which I didn't even remember

I didn't confront her I just told the lads what she was like in bed (boring) and stuff...

Is this wrong doing tit for tat? Or just punishment for her telling details of private things?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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You could have just titled this thread "women", and asked if any of us have experienced women.

They all do that. Gossip is their drug.

Don't get in a back and forth battle between who did or didn't do what. Just shrug it off. Chances are, shes probably right, anyway. If you were that drunk, and in her bed, I don't know what straight guy wouldn't do what she said.


New Member
Jun 4, 2011
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I wouldn't have reacted. And I definitely wouldn't have said anything about her to any other guys. It was just your ego getting in the way because it felt bruised, it's natural - most guys would react in a similar way...

Don't be most guys ; )


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
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On a higher level
neilward2 said:
I wouldn't have reacted. And I definitely wouldn't have said anything about her to any other guys. It was just your ego getting in the way because it felt bruised, it's natural - most guys would react in a similar way...

Don't be most guys ; )
I agree with this. You shouldn't have retaliated. Seeing as you could not remember what happened your best bet would have been to just brush off the whole thing like it never even happy.



Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
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why were you slapping her ass at work? not a smart move

there are a lot of fat obnoxious women around

they got a big mouth and like to be bossy

those chicks are large and want to be in charge

they pick the weak little men to boss around
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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GameTime76 said:
Better to be talked about than ignored.
Better to be silent with a job than homeless with a sexual harassment charge on your record.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Just change the subject if it comes up, or better yet walk away and go back to work. By talking about it, you are adding more fuel to the gossip fire.

Women in the workplace LOVE gossip. 99 percent of them can't keep a secret to save their lives. (If she's fat, mutiply the gossip/big mouth factor by AT LEAST 10. I don't know why that is, but trust me on this.) Even with that rare female friend that can keep a secret, you are taking a big risk discussing sex in the workplace because someone you don't trust can overhear it and report it. People easedrop in the workplace big time to secure more gossip fuel.

Honestly, I wouldn't trust guys in the workplace much more. With today's feminized men, a lot of them gossip too. If you must discuss your hookups, tell a best guy friend that you don't work with.

But to answer your original question, yes I do have experience telling women things I shouldn't. So I'm speaking from experience here.

While I strongly discourage any future hookups with coworkers, there is also something attractive about the guy who is gossiped about AND he doesn't kiss and tell. As a practical matter, you are lowering your value/attractiveness by discussing it.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
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Zodiac said:
Better to be silent with a job than homeless with a sexual harassment charge on your record.
You obviously dont understand the point I made..

Second, there was no a$$ slapping at work. What happend was OUTSIDE of work. Him and a co-worker were at a party. He got drunk and she let him stay the night with her. Him being drunk was trying to get some action. Then she goes off gossiping about that night like all girls do.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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GameTime76 said:
You obviously dont understand the point I made..

Second, there was no a$$ slapping at work. What happend was OUTSIDE of work. Him and a co-worker were at a party. He got drunk and she let him stay the night with her. Him being drunk was trying to get some action. Then she goes off gossiping about that night like all girls do.
I got what was said and you don't realize because it never happened to you that even actions that happen outside of work can be considered sexual harassment and have reactions inside of work. Just ask the guys that get fired for dating co-workers when the girl states after a night of partying such and such event happened when in reality it didn't.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Why do you even talk to this girl? If anyone (not just a woman) went around spreading negative stuff about me at work or anywhere that's something that I don't forgive.

The moment you let a woman disrespect you is the moment her respect for you is likely gone forever. You should have put her in her place then cut off all contact with her. Delete her from your phone, no more hanging out. She is no longer a friend she is deleted from your life.

It's shocking the amount of disrespect men in this site put up with women. It's a sign of low self value. Your image, your integrity, your pride, those are things that you need to protect with your life. But now a days men just let any woman walk all over them and spit on their face.

If any woman disrespects you either openly to your face or behind your back you need to check her IMMEDIATELY! Don't think this is exagerating in fact women love this! This is another form of a sh|t test to see how far they can push the envelope to see if you will put them in their place. To see if you're a real man or wussy. Women subconsciously love it when a man puts them in their place.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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f283000 said:
Why do you even talk to this girl? If anyone (not just a woman) went around spreading negative stuff about me at work or anywhere that's something that I don't forgive.

The moment you let a woman disrespect you is the moment her respect for you is likely gone forever. You should have put her in her place then cut off all contact with her. Delete her from your phone, no more hanging out. She is no longer a friend she is deleted from your life.

It's shocking the amount of disrespect men in this site put up with women. It's a sign of low self value. Your image, your integrity, your pride, those are things that you need to protect with your life. But now a days men just let any woman walk all over them and spit on their face.

If any woman disrespects you either openly to your face or behind your back you need to check her IMMEDIATELY! Don't think this is exagerating in fact women love this! This is another form of a sh|t test to see how far they can push the envelope to see if you will put them in their place. To see if you're a real man or wussy. Women subconsciously love it when a man puts them in their place.
First of all I totally agree with everything you said in this post, the only way to educate bullies is bully them.
Anyway what would have you done exactly being you in his place?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
In my experience it's actually guys who seem to be worse for passing gossip on, but I can spot a mile off the girls who will spread things and those who won't. Anyway, yeah, people are terrible for it ESPECIALLY in the work place, and I imagine it's because there's nothing else to talk about in the workplace because you're thrown together with people you may not usually hang out with (unless you become good friends with some of them). The only people you all know are fellow coworkers, so naturally people talk about them because your coworkers are a thing in common.
You've got to be very careful what and who you talk about and to, equally I would suggest never spreading gossip yourself, like you have done. The less you gossip the more you're told by other people and in the workplace this is helpful, this whole forum is about being socially apt and the more you know about someone the more socially apt you can be towards that individual. Also it's very good to develop a trustworthy and reliable reputation, and gossip (or lack of spreading) can really add to that (and equally take away).