Senior Don Juan
After reading a lot of the posts I see on this site, I see somewhat of a common thread. It’s also a huge mistake which loses the girl for you every time. That mistake is not physically escalating kino on the girl. It’s a huge problem for some because you think you’ve done everything right to that point. And quite possible true, but the girl loses interest and you don’t even know why. Kino escalation is a HUGE and integral part of the game! It is a step that CANNOT be skipped or omitted! This what leads to sex, and I’m sure that’s what we all ultimately want right?
There are 3 things that commonly happen to most guys, and becomes a sticking point. I know it was huge for me too. They both end up with the girl being not interested. The first problem is the guy that never initiates any physical touch at all. You approach the girl and you are having a good conversation. She’s laughing, having a good time, and seems to be genuinely enjoying your company. She may even be showing you some IOI’s, touching her hair, smiling at you, body language pointed towards you, and so on. Things are going well, but you have not touched her at all. After a conversation of about 45 minutes to 1 hour, the girl begins to think, I like this guy, but why hasn’t he made a move on me? He must not be very confident with himself. He must not have a lot of experience with women. I guess I’m not really interested in him, I need a man who’s more alpha. This lead you right into the nice guy friend zone.
The next guy does the exact same thing, except after 30-45 minutes of conversation he goes in for the kiss and gets shot down. Not only did this guy wait too long to make a move, but he also did not escalate properly. The girl thinks this way, she’s already lost interest because you didn’t make a move on her earlier, now you’re making a move on her and she feels creeped out. Now you are the weird creepy stalker guy that’s just trying to make out with her.
The third guy is the one that’s the most common. You are the guy that upon starting the conversation with her, use some friendly, non-threatening touching. You give her high 5’s, touch her arm, touch her knee, put your arm around her, and even give her a friendly hug. Maybe if you’re lucky you get a kiss on the cheek. You probably got her phone # and even set up a time to meet up again. Everything to this point has been pretty good, and you’re feeling pretty high right now. You meet up for your date with her and the touching never goes past the hand holding and hugging. You want to kiss her, but you feel there’s never the right time or opportunity. You try to set up another date with her but she starts flaking on you, and you never get another opportunity again. She did like you and she was attracted to you, but she lost interest because you were not man enough to make a move on her. She wanted you to kiss her and seduce her.
To win this part of the game you must escalate and do it properly, and here is how you do it. Upon your approach you must start touching her immediately. Start with non-invasive, friendly, non-threatening, playful touches. I like to start with high 5’s. It’s easy and almost certain to get compliance every time. She must be comfortable with your touch before she will let you touch her most intimate places. Your conversation with her is actually the distraction you use to escalate up the ladder. Always make a move on each high note. This will get you more compliance. An easy sign to look for is when she laughs, or smiles really big. Once you see the sign, make another move. Keep climbing up the ladder each time. You can do this fairly quickly and even land the make out within the first 15-30 minutes of conversation, but only if you’ve escalated properly, and received no resistance from her. If she resists, show no reaction, and continue the conversation. Take two steps backwards on your escalation and try again a few minutes later. If she’s having a good time and you are making her laugh, most times she won’t even notice that you are escalating on her because she’s comfortable with your touch. Once you get to the point where she does notice it, she’s usually ok with it, and wants you to continue. This is usually the point where you are making out with hands all over each other.
Here is a basic ladder for you to follow: handshakes & high 5’s, hand on shoulders & arms, hand on elbows, hand on knees, hand on upper back, arm around her side hug, hand on small of back, touching each other’s hands & hand holding, hand on thigh, both hands on waist, full frontal hugging, hair, face, light kissing, hand on ass, hand on inner thigh, kissing with tongue, grabbing ass, hand on side of breasts, kissing neck, grabbing breasts, kissing breasts, hand on vag, finger in vag, sex!
The woman wants to be seduced by the man she’s attracted to. If she is attracted to you, she will allow you to escalate. She WANTS you to. Good conversation alone will not get you laid. When you escalate properly the woman sees you as a confident man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. That makes you even more attractive in her eyes.
There are 3 things that commonly happen to most guys, and becomes a sticking point. I know it was huge for me too. They both end up with the girl being not interested. The first problem is the guy that never initiates any physical touch at all. You approach the girl and you are having a good conversation. She’s laughing, having a good time, and seems to be genuinely enjoying your company. She may even be showing you some IOI’s, touching her hair, smiling at you, body language pointed towards you, and so on. Things are going well, but you have not touched her at all. After a conversation of about 45 minutes to 1 hour, the girl begins to think, I like this guy, but why hasn’t he made a move on me? He must not be very confident with himself. He must not have a lot of experience with women. I guess I’m not really interested in him, I need a man who’s more alpha. This lead you right into the nice guy friend zone.
The next guy does the exact same thing, except after 30-45 minutes of conversation he goes in for the kiss and gets shot down. Not only did this guy wait too long to make a move, but he also did not escalate properly. The girl thinks this way, she’s already lost interest because you didn’t make a move on her earlier, now you’re making a move on her and she feels creeped out. Now you are the weird creepy stalker guy that’s just trying to make out with her.
The third guy is the one that’s the most common. You are the guy that upon starting the conversation with her, use some friendly, non-threatening touching. You give her high 5’s, touch her arm, touch her knee, put your arm around her, and even give her a friendly hug. Maybe if you’re lucky you get a kiss on the cheek. You probably got her phone # and even set up a time to meet up again. Everything to this point has been pretty good, and you’re feeling pretty high right now. You meet up for your date with her and the touching never goes past the hand holding and hugging. You want to kiss her, but you feel there’s never the right time or opportunity. You try to set up another date with her but she starts flaking on you, and you never get another opportunity again. She did like you and she was attracted to you, but she lost interest because you were not man enough to make a move on her. She wanted you to kiss her and seduce her.
To win this part of the game you must escalate and do it properly, and here is how you do it. Upon your approach you must start touching her immediately. Start with non-invasive, friendly, non-threatening, playful touches. I like to start with high 5’s. It’s easy and almost certain to get compliance every time. She must be comfortable with your touch before she will let you touch her most intimate places. Your conversation with her is actually the distraction you use to escalate up the ladder. Always make a move on each high note. This will get you more compliance. An easy sign to look for is when she laughs, or smiles really big. Once you see the sign, make another move. Keep climbing up the ladder each time. You can do this fairly quickly and even land the make out within the first 15-30 minutes of conversation, but only if you’ve escalated properly, and received no resistance from her. If she resists, show no reaction, and continue the conversation. Take two steps backwards on your escalation and try again a few minutes later. If she’s having a good time and you are making her laugh, most times she won’t even notice that you are escalating on her because she’s comfortable with your touch. Once you get to the point where she does notice it, she’s usually ok with it, and wants you to continue. This is usually the point where you are making out with hands all over each other.
Here is a basic ladder for you to follow: handshakes & high 5’s, hand on shoulders & arms, hand on elbows, hand on knees, hand on upper back, arm around her side hug, hand on small of back, touching each other’s hands & hand holding, hand on thigh, both hands on waist, full frontal hugging, hair, face, light kissing, hand on ass, hand on inner thigh, kissing with tongue, grabbing ass, hand on side of breasts, kissing neck, grabbing breasts, kissing breasts, hand on vag, finger in vag, sex!
The woman wants to be seduced by the man she’s attracted to. If she is attracted to you, she will allow you to escalate. She WANTS you to. Good conversation alone will not get you laid. When you escalate properly the woman sees you as a confident man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. That makes you even more attractive in her eyes.