Big Ass Fight

Big Poppa

Don Juan
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
Alright, just got home, its about three where I'm at.

Anyways, I thought this would be a fun story for you guys to read and laugh about.

Mi amigo's girlfriend threw some huge party at her house. She lives up in roseville. In granite bay I think. So nice neighborhood and nice big houses with pools.

Anyways, I'm doing my thing, practicing talking and starting conversations with everyone i see, just trying to get more social y'know?

Anyways, my friend Carlos rushes up to me in mid conversation about MMA, grabs my arm and starts yelling in spanish, basically telling me that one of my friends who brought me is getting into a fight outside.

The stuff parties are made of.

So I rush outside and there's the classic ring of people staring at two wrestling combatants who are just slamming each other into the driveway concrete and punching wildly.

The thing you should know about my friend is that he's a small guy, muy pequeno. Skinny, quick but not exactly on the strength side. So obviously, against a puffed up prep with inflated muscles, he's losing.

I know against the man code, or so I'm told, but I have to step in. My friend is getting wailed on and I'm pretty sure we're the only two minorities at the party besides Carlos. I may have I limp but I can still throw a solid muy thai knee.

So I limp in and before the prep's friends can grab me, I land a harsh blow to the side of the guys head. Spasms ensure when i connect with his temple. He topples over and my friend scrambles out from him, yells "duck!" and I'm taken down in a flash of green polo and calvin klein jeans.

I get the **** kicked outta me before they pull them off and everyone goes back to party. We teenagers have the shortest attention spans EVER.

Everyone, apparently, thinks I'm the biggest ***** for stepping in, and so far, only my two friends are with me.

So, was I wrong in getting involved in the fight, or should I have stayed the hell out?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I understand your dichotomy, let your friend get pummelled or step in...

You made your choice at the spurr of the moment, maybe you could have waited until your friend was a bit worse for wear and then step in....but when is the best time to do so?

I think you did the right thing, what else can ya do?


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
you should of stopped it

or joined in its up too you as long as no ones hurt then no biggy


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
For me stepping in is taking your friend out of the fight, not joining it. You can do your best to break it up before you start throwing punches.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2009
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and another thing for all the people who goes to clubs alone should realise this is the only thing imo you should worry about not if you will look like a creep(who cares) its if it kicks off will any one have your back to step in or brawl for you.

thats the only reason i wouldnt go alone


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2009
Reaction score
Let your buddy take his lumps, and then once the fight is clearly won or lost, you can step in to make sure nothing serious happens. You don't jump the other guy, you grab your buddy and tell him it's game over.

It's the unwritten rule for a consensual fight. Same as when you see a trainer "throw in the towel" at a boxing match once his fighter has been beat to **** but is still standing.

If, on the other hand, you see your pal get jumped for no reason, you run in and kick ass as best you can.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
**** that, you fight my friend, you fight us all... I expect no less from my friends, because they know I'd do it for them in a heartbeat... outnumbered 10 to 1..... You did what you did... **** em... if their buddy was gettin the **** stomped out of him they would have did the same to you...Besides... if these bullies know you're down to scrap they will stop the bull****.

I Am Lost 18

Don Juan
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Well, your intentions were right, but not your actions.

Instead of joining in with a punch, you should have pulled one of them back and away, and try to stop the whole crap.

And then show action if needed to, but jumping in and landing punches only spells "Let's make this a bigger mess".


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I think it depends on if its a consensual fight. I they both wanted to fight, and its one on one, you should stay out of it, until it gets to the point where it needs to be broken up. If someone came up and started clobbering your boy, out of the blue, or if your boy didnt want to fight, then I'd say jump on in. I dont consider that a fair fight. Or, if there is more than one on one, its time to step in.

Of course, you didnt know what the fight was about, or who started it, so you just had your boys back, and I guess thats cool too. I think stopping it would have been better. If you watched the whole thing go down, and it was a fair fight, and you come in swinging, instead of breaking it up, thats kind of pvssy.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Your heart was in the right place. Personally, I would never let a friend get kicked down. If my friend's in a fight, and I'm present, I will intervene. That doesn't mean I'll jump the other kid, that's just classless. Unless he came out of nowhere, and jumps my friend, it's just not ok to run over and hit a guy who's not expecting it. Instead, I'd step in and push him back. In this situation, he can either except the fight is over - and I'm ending it. Or he can decide the fight is with me now, either way it gets my friend out of heat.

Note: I'm not a fighter. I probably wouldn't win, but most of the time it doesn't come down to fighting. I can yell loudly and look tough, and that typically deters the other person from continuing a fight.