bf destroyers


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Hey guys,
Yesterday I was talking to this little pixie hb8 she gives me an erection even when were talking cos she has this sexy slutty look.
Anyways moving on to the problem, I am talking to her and I know she is into me and Im asking her some stuff about why she is rarely around. And she says " thats how it is when you have a BOYFRIEND" emphasising the boyfriend . Now normally I would have said well if your bf is uncomfortable with you meeting new people then maybe we shouldnt get to know each other. But she mentioned the bf in a more indirect way and the next day she even intros him to me and as they are leaving turns around to see how i react. I acted cool about it as always.

But do u guys have any bf destroyers that could help me out??
I mean in a more general sense how do you guys get chick to cheat on their bfs? Not just for this situation but more in general as this is not the first time and certainly aint the last time this has or will happen

Thanks djs.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Alright bro, here is the trick us "The uber DJ's" only know. I will share it with you becuase i think you have some promise. Get a pen and a paper.

Alright, go to a pool hall, get a nice wooden cue. It has to be wooden! Now, this is crucial. Buy KY sex gelly, and next time you see it bring the cue along.

Run this script.

"Hey Girl"
"Listen, i want to stop caring about your boyfriend and just **** me simply becuase i desire your sluttyness. Either dump him and have sex with me, or take his pool cue, rub KY on it and stick it up my ass"

There ya go, pleasure guranteed :up:


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by hypnotic4oru
Hey guys,
Yesterday I was talking to this little pixie hb8 she gives me an erection even when were talking cos she has this sexy slutty look.
Anyways moving on to the problem, I am talking to her and I know she is into me and Im asking her some stuff about why she is rarely around. And she says " thats how it is when you have a BOYFRIEND" emphasising the boyfriend . Now normally I would have said well if your bf is uncomfortable with you meeting new people then maybe we shouldnt get to know each other. But she mentioned the bf in a more indirect way and the next day she even intros him to me and as they are leaving turns around to see how i react. I acted cool about it as always.

But do u guys have any bf destroyers that could help me out??
I mean in a more general sense how do you guys get chick to cheat on their bfs? Not just for this situation but more in general as this is not the first time and certainly aint the last time this has or will happen

Thanks djs.

Quit fvcking around with girls who are already taken. It never ceases to amaze me how some of you guys want to step on someone else's toes. IF THE BYTCH WILL CHEAT ON HIM, SHE'LL CHEAT ON YOU TOO......


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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Re: Re: bf destroyers

Originally posted by jprjrjr
Maybe he doesn't mind that. I have a feeling he just wants to fvck this girl. I mean, if the chick can give you a boner just by you looking and talking to her, who wouldn't just want to fvck her?

In which case, don't bother with the bf. You don't even need to destroy him. You said it yourself hypnotic, you want her to cheat on her bf with you. And not pick you over him, right?


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Hey guys
I dont care if she cheats on me I wouldnt give a ****.
I mean id **** other chicks besides her so i wouldnt expect her to be faithful to me. I have absolutely no interest in chicks as gfs right now. I want to **** this hottie. But her boyfriend seems to be getting in the way.

Yor right i wanna get her and the others to cheat. but every time they get horny and i get touchy and feely :) they tend to bring up the bf.
What i want to know i how to get around this. Lemme give u an example
last time i was talking to this chick who i know has a bf anf i put my arm around her on her ass while talking to her but she doesnt give a **** cos she horny as ive kinoed her properly in the past.

But everytime its getting there they always bring up the bf.
How do i get around them?

thanks djs


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
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never never land
There is a bf destroyer in RJs ss ebook. Theres a couple of things you have to memorise but the jist of it is that you subconciously make her think that her bf is not good enough for her and that shed be better of with a guy like you!


Don Juan
May 3, 2005
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When i hear the 'bf' word, i act like i listened to every word out of her mouth. Spiritually, however, i picture myself standing there with my fingers in my ears chanting "la la la la la la la la " until she shuts up.

Just pretend like she does'nt have a bf. Seriously. It should'nt even be a consideration. If your game is up to scratch, she'll forget about her loser bf faster than you can get your pants off.

Happy hunting :cool:


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2006
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K-Town Canada
Go out swinging.

Just swing for the fence. What have you got to loose at this point.
Swing and strike out:NEXT

Swing and hit a home run::cool:

But use your judgement and above all; have fun and learn in the process.


Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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The hot one always have bf's and want to "be freinds first".

I just shrug it off and keep swinging like the poster above me said.:eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
First of all, please understand, that rather or not you hit on a girl that is already "taken" is purely up to eacn DJ.. it's not a rule, you are not wrong if you do, and you aren't stupid if you pass them up.

That is probably the one thing that errks me about this board more than anything.

If it's my belief that it's okay, than damnit it's okay.. just like if it was your belief in say, Buddahism, who am I to **** on what you believe in?

With that said now i can move on to providing a half ass decent answer to this post.

Okay, the idea of "BF Destroyers" is a silly concept at least to me..

Am I the only person this sounds silly to? A woman has a man she is perfectly happy with, but 1 or two memorized lines is going to make her drop her man to **** you?

You can't be serious?

Girl: "I have a BF.. he is good looking, can cook, makes 200k a year, and has a 10 inch ****"

Man: "BF Destroyer"

Girl: "you know what.. so what my BF has a **** the size of a footlong subway sanwitch, and do things to me in bed you couldn't dream of, and so what he makes 1/5th a million dollars a year, it's only money right? and so what he is great looking and can cook.. I think I will risk all of that to have a fling with you"

What are the odds of that happening?

Not very high.

People seem to forget that they are not gaming up machines that are going to give you a certain response when you do a certain action, they are gaming human beings...

With that said, women with BF's come in three different types basically..

a) 100% happy (or in the honeymoon stage of the relationship)

b) Happy, but knows or thinks she can do better.. wont' cheat on her BF with anyone but if a better opprotuntiy presents itself...

c) Can't wait for a guy to get her ***** wait and get set out, the more dramatic the better

Now... you have no chance with girls in the first catagory. None.

However, cat A is probably the less rarest of the three.. very very few women are very happy with their men, because well.. there aren't very many men out there.. there are Males.. lot's of them.. 49% of earth has males on it.. not very many MEN however.

Most women are in the Cat B. most have a guy that doesn't make them happy.. but "he will do" and He "isn't al that bad". Good enough to say 'i have a BF" when any jerk or unattractive guy that doesn't do it for you tries to game you up (i.e this situtation) but don't get it twisted.. if she can do better she will.

The mistake most guys make, is when they hear the word BF, they get flustered and go into some type of panic attack or damage control, trying all types of tricks and gagets to influence her to leave her man for you, or even worse, try to tell her her man isn't ****.. which she probably already knows.

Or EVEN Worse than that.. giving up.

I have said it at leat 20 times on this forum.. I have a BF and NO are two totally different things, not even in the same park.. hell, I"m MARRIED and NO are not the same thing.. If that were the case, I wouldn' thave a little brother now and I wouldn't have had a woman married for 5 years, taking it from 3 different guys while she was "out with the girls" one night

The human mind is too much to try to understand.. so don't.. all you can understand and know is yourself.

I will come back to this..

The woman in Cat C you actually want to stay away from, the ones that are with a man just because she doesn't like being single.. I don't even **** them. they don't even have enough respect for their man or themselves to be honest with their partner, enough to say I don't have any feelings for you at all.

I don't **** em because in my past experiences, they tend to be very very clingy after the fact.

Now back to my point.
The BEST way to handle it when a Girl says something about her BF, is to just ignore it.

What most guys don't get is they think they are fooling women when they meet a girl or woman in the mall and strike up a converstaion about say.. the weather... they know what your goal is.. it's usually the men or man or better yet, MALE, that ends up fooling himself.

He gets so far off of what he wants, he looses the battle.

It's okay to let a oman know you want her.. you'd be suprised how much smoother things flow from that standpoint.

I mean, don't gauck at them or make them feel umcomoftable, but at the same time, don't deny your intentions.

If you find her attractive, it's okay to let her know, not necessary by saying it, but let her see it in your eyes and with your body language...

anyway like I was saying, if a woman says she has a BF, that doesn't mean a damn thing. Nothing.

Now if she says she "loves" her BF, it's time to move on.. she has not only mentioned she loves her BF, she mentioned her feelings for him, which are love

Better said, because I don't like being technical.. a woman will let you know what to do, because it's natrual.. it's one of most natural things we as humans do.

Like I said I had a woman that was married for 5 years. Oh she told me she was married, but at the same time, I wasn't even trying to mess around with her, I was actually talking to one of her friends... she kept talking to me and going out of her way to talk to me, and I knew she liked me.. even then I never brought up her husband. Then one day she mentioned she was having some problems with her husband and she needed to start "getting out more".. i ****ed her that night.

Women aren't hard to understand, we over complicate things


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I've pulled several of my girlfriends (including the current one) out of their relationships, and know several other women who'd leave their boyfriends for me if I made myself available, so I guess this is my speciality.

Sure, I'm better looking than their boyfriends, but the real difference maker was the connection we shared. Flirt, touch, joke and have fun, but keep this subtle. Instead focus your attention on building rapport. Hold conversations that interest her, listen to her opinions and show interest in what she has to say. Ask questions about her, pick up on anything she says and show an interest in her. You don't have to agree with her on everything, but show that you respect her views.

Basically, you need to be the guy she feels that special connection with and who makes her feel appreciated...everything all women want in a boyfriend, but aren't getting.

You see, many girls have boyfriends they're not really that suited to, who don't give them enough mental/emotional stimulation (an important and yet commonly neglected area). The passion and physical attraction has probably worn off too and both sides have become bored and complacent.

Whatever you do, don't run down her boyfriend or try to encourage her to leave him and don't listen to her moan about him. In fact, I've always done the opposite and when she says something negative, I'll say "come on, give the guy a break" or defend him. She has to come to her own conclusion that you are worth leaving him for, maybe even that you could be her "soul mate".

Majority of women appear to believe in soul mates, and know they are one in a million. If you can convince a woman that you could be it, she'll drop anyone to pursue it.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by hypnotic4oru But do u guys have any bf destroyers that could help me out??
That's very uncool. Destroying two people's relationship because you want to **** her?

Tell you what. When you find a woman that you really, really dig, I'll come along **** her she'll dump you. And I'll do it for no reason other than my greedy self-centeredness. Then I'll dump her too, and you'll both be left with a really bad feeling inside every time you see each other.

How's that sound?

Not to good, eh?

You need to work on

1) You level of maturity

2) Your sense of ethics

3) Your skill so that you have enough choice that destroying other people's relationships doesn't even enter the equation.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
HI hypnotic4oru

I knew a guy his id is fash contact him , he may give you an wonderfull idea

he told me few things earlier like this , there is already a thread which explains few things about this issue.
