Beware the "Life Coach"

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Jun 23, 2014
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Reaching? I can't blame you.

Though, if a mentor (named in this thread) has advised the CEO's or higher execs of billion dollar corporations, than I think I'd err to the solicitations of this particular mentor than the guy who thinks 200K net worth is an accomplishment. ;)
Bahahah. :rofl:

So go ahead and show me the stats Guru of ALL the people aged 33 in America today, that have an over $200k net worth. Because seeing as though you said it's no accomplishment, then that must mean it's equivalent to the high school diploma and EVERYBODY would have it, right?

Matter of fact, let me spare you the time and post the research for you:


- So this research shows that the average guy my age (33) has a net worth of $13,000 and that my net worth (per the end of this quarter) actually puts me in the HIGH ACHIEVER category for my age.

- Hmmmm, so is being considered a HIGH ACHIEVER an accomplishment? Hmmmm....:whistle:


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Congrats, now pat yourself on the back for your superb $200,000, denigrate ALL billion-dollar coaches, and then go post another thread for the nth time in the main forum about how black women treat you like crap despite your $200,000, yet worship the thug.:D
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Wow, much slamming on life/wealth coaches in this thread. Yeah, some coaches aren't legit. Others are. Some of the coaches mentioned in this thread have consulted billionaires or CEOs of major publicly traded companies. How many of you, who have bashed ALL life/wealth coaches, have net-worths which exceed 1 MM today, whereas you unequivocally know that the way you understand life and wealth supersedes their knowledge?
Real talk. Barring a few exceptions this is pretty much a thread for the failures and the frustrated of SoSuave to circle jerk.

To be fair to Tenacity, his advice is solid for those who wish to achieve moderate success in life. But for the aggressively ambitious one must look further.


Jun 23, 2014
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Congrats, now pat yourself on the back for your superb $200,000, denigrate ALL billion-dollar coaches, and then go post another thread for the nth time in the main forum about how black women treat you like crap despite your $200,000, yet worship the thug.:D


Jun 23, 2014
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To be fair to Tenacity, his advice is solid for those who wish to achieve moderate success in life. But for the aggressively ambitious one must look further.
But bro, even you called out the majority of "life coaches" as a waste of time lol.

- Name any "Guru" (no pun intended) who is going to give you real, credible, legitimate, "advice/tips" on becoming significantly wealthy?

- I myself have looked at/read most of the material out there from a lot of the self-development related "Gurus" and 98% of the stuff is either Law Of Attraction shyt, pseudo Sales Training material, MLM scams, or exaggerated claims of how you can make money timing stocks or flipping real estate.

- Can you name any credible "Guru" that actually provides people legitimate "advice/tips"? The people I recommend are the Suze Ormans and Dave Ramseys of the world. The people who don't promote any type of magical thinking nor exaggerated get rich quick schemes, but instead, they focus people in on making SMART decisions with their time/money/career/investments over long periods of time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey, and the gurus of my particular industry I found indispensable.


Jun 23, 2014
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Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey, and the gurus of my particular industry I found indispensable.
Do the gurus in your industry preach the Law of Attraction?

The stuff is bullshyt Guru. Tell you what, let me "visualize" you emptying out your bank account and "gifting" me all of your money ;). Let's see if the "universe" makes that happen.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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From our previous exchanges, I gather you don’t quite understand how mental paradigms work in collaboration with greater financial success—NOT quite the “law of attraction” which practices visualization only. You focus strictly on application which is good, but your current paradigms don't allow to expand beyond your "limitations," so your application is narrow and circumscribed.

I’ve been quite busy and unfocused of late to delineate my thoughts (clearly) for practical use and objective reading, but I will be posting “Mental Paradigms” in BeTheChange’s thread soon.


Real talk. Barring a few exceptions this is pretty much a thread for the failures and the frustrated of SoSuave to circle jerk.
Nah. This thread was "real talk" at first, but was hijacked by the mentally unstable, anime avatar types living an alter ego on the internet.

To be fair to Tenacity, his advice is solid for those who wish to achieve moderate success in life. But for the aggressively ambitious one must look further.
Prove you're net worth is in excess of 200k, and show us pics of those 15 plates. Otherwise, you're just a clone of 250 pound Matt Forney talking about fitness.


Congrats, now pat yourself on the back for your superb $200,000, denigrate ALL billion-dollar coaches, and then go post another thread for the nth time in the main forum about how black women treat you like crap despite your $200,000, yet worship the thug.:D
Very true. 200k is nothing when you could just rob a bank for $10 million at gunpoint and instantly call yourself a multi-millionaire like you did.

Tenacity's example for you is perfect. You are literally Bernie Madoff giving financial advice. Oh the humanity. Can't make this stuff up.


Jun 23, 2014
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From our previous exchanges, I gather you don’t quite understand how mental paradigms work in collaboration with greater financial success
I look forward to seeing your mental paradigms examples, but my application of them is used mainly in research and brainstorming sessions for business. It would be based on understanding the problems, challenges, and issues of a particular market, levels of unmet demand, and then creatively coming up with solutions to resolve said issues.

That's as far as my mental "paradigms" are going to go. I'm not standing in front of a mirror repeating 100 times that I'm going to be a Millionaire, because that's NOT how you become a Millionaire. You become a Millionaire through a combination of:

- Having unique skills to fulfill certain levels of unmet demand, and charging a good premium for it

- Managing your expenses and living below your level of "means"

- Saving and investments using compound interest to your favor

From there, you have a good chance of getting to the Millionaire status, which is assets minus liabilities totaling over $1 million USD.

Do some get there much faster and seemingly "overnight"? Sure, there are some people who hit the lottery, get in on a particular stock before it BOOMS, some make it to the NBA, some make it to the NFL, some hit it big in the UFC, some main event Wrestlemania.........but those are the exceptions to the rule, not the rule.

The vast majority of Millionaires get there the "Tenacity Way", which is slow/steady, and making SMART decisions with their career/finances/investments over a long period of time.


Apr 21, 2015
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We should all strive to be like the cartoon character life coaches of SS where you can not only spend every day posting daily affirmations but you have unlimited money that just keeps growing to whatever amount you decide to type at the time and every 10+ unicorn on the planet is lined up at your revolving door just begging for their chance with you.


Apr 21, 2015
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SS S.O.S "life coaches" bethediaperchange and Ponzi need to morph into the "mental paradigm state" where the finally come to realize being a part of So Suave isn't considered "legitimate employment".

Ponzi's last "legitimate" employment was a loose meat lunch line employee at his local prison. The only times he wears his Armani Suits he obtained with ill gotten gains is when he has his criminal court appearances.

BeTheDiaperChange probaly faps furiously to Dragon Ball Z in slow mo mode because he finds real vaginas "too real", and if you touch his Transformer collection he wails like a prima donna.

Poor lil guy holds on to the pockets of Ponzi like they are reenacting a prison fvckboy scene from Oz.
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Apr 21, 2015
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Real talk. Barring a few exceptions this is pretty much a thread for the failures and the frustrated of SoSuave to circle jerk.

To be fair to Tenacity, his advice is solid for those who wish to achieve moderate success in life. But for the aggressively ambitious one must look further.

You must've not liked your previous place of employment and were looking to move on to bigger and better things like being "aggressively ambitious" when you beat your ex while hoping to get a scholarship sentence in the same prison as Ponzi.

The prison library is a great place to learn to practice future creative writing on forums filled with strangers once you are eligible for release back into society.
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You must've not liked your previous place of employment and were looking to move on to bigger and better things like being "aggressively ambitious" when you beat your ex while hoping to get a scholarship sentence in the same prison as Ponzi.

The prison library is a great place to learn to practice future creative writing on forums filled with strangers once you are eligible for release back into society.
Careful. As entertaining as that was, you've just ensured that @BeTheChange will spend the next year of his life following your posts.

Let me sum up the next 12 months: ad hominem attacks, humblebrags, not-so-humble brags, delusions of grandeur, all the while he'll be "above arguing with you" while arguing with you


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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You must've not liked your previous place of employment and were looking to move on to bigger and better things like being "aggressively ambitious" when you beat your ex while hoping to get a scholarship sentence in the same prison as Ponzi.

The prison library is a great place to learn to practice future creative writing on forums filled with strangers once you are eligible for release back into society.
Yeah I beat my ex into a pulp so much that the police dropped the charges and she came back to me apologising within a week. ;)

Try harder guys. I'm actually tempted to post a pic that would "prove" the validity of my posts. The humour alone might be worth it.

Of course then that would just create more calls for further proof.

"Oh it's just a chick. Where are the nudes??"

"The nudes could be fake. Could be anyone. Take one with you in the picture"

"How do we KNOW that's you"

And on and on we go. What exactly would constitute "sufficient" evidence just out of interest? Would a naked chick holding a sign saying "I love BlueAlpha1" with today's date be enough? :D

If you don't like the advice just ignore it. I don't take advice from @BlueAlpha1 because from what he has physically posted on this forum he's depressed, overweight, hates his job, can't get laid, doesn't make much money and STILL longs for his BPD ex of 2 years ago to come back just so he can have the last laugh. The spitefulness comes through in his posts. People who love their lives dont complain this much. Why would I take advice from someone like that?

The only evidence of someone's success I need is whether it's working for me. For example I've been incorporating financial advice from the likes of @guru1000, @BeExcellent and even @Tenacity, to an extent. It's worked for me and I've gone from strength to strength both financially and in terms of the mindset cultivated. So I keep at it. If it didn't I'd just move on. Simple.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Such brutality! Thanks, I got a good chuckle: Those who baldly denigrate others are projecting their own internal state, which gives us a deeper look into how they view themselves.

@BlueAlpha1 or @9Volt, both of you don’t register in my mind to any degree where I even feel the need to come at you. Ultimately, any words I serve upon you would pale in comparison with the torment already present in your lives which incite the need for your attempted disparage.

Though, in my own defense for those DJs who will read some of the posts that I will share, I state the following:
  • $0 of my present net worth was built by violating any federal, state, or local laws;
  • I began 7-8 years ago at a negative $500,000 net worth, and built an 8-figure grossing business and 7-figure net worth.

As to a claim for proving net worth: I don’t remember Tenacity ever evidencing his net worth so likewise a call for BeTheChange to evidence his is not merited. Correct me if I’m wrong, but @Tenacity’s net worth is not liquid but rather an estimation of his business book’s value, but BeTheChange’s net worth is actual liquidity or equity in R/E.

Although, BeTheChange is much younger than Tenacity, based on their assertions, I do believe BeTheChange is already in a much stronger financial position today. No bias.

Further, how does one go about to evidence a net worth which is invested in R/E? Show the deeds of R/E owned by LLCs? Who owns the LLC? How do we derive ownership interests of the LLC, by then showing the operating agreement? What if the operating agreement shows other LLCs owners, would we then need to show the operating agreement for those LLCs? What if the operating agreement for the second layer of LLCs were to show the members as trusts, would we then need to show the superseding trust documents? What about PV and current equity, do we need to order appraisals and show mortgage statements? And shall we expose all this info to some strangers (likely at the point of suicide) on a SoSuave internet forum for no financial gain?
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Such brutality! Thanks, I got a good chuckle: Those who baldly denigrate others are projecting their own internal state, which gives us a deeper look into how they view themselves.

@BlueAlpha1 or @9Volt, both of you don’t register in my mind to any degree where I even feel the need to come at you. Ultimately, any words I serve upon you would pale in comparison with the torment already present in your lives which incite the need for your attempted disparage.

Though, in my own defense for those DJs who will read some of the posts that I will share, I state the following:
  • $0 of my present net worth was built by violating any federal, state, or local laws;
  • I began 7-8 years ago at a negative $500,000 net worth, and built an 8-figure grossing business and 7-figure net worth.

As to a claim for proving net worth: I don’t remember Tenacity ever evidencing his net worth so likewise a call for BeTheChange to evidence his is not merited. Correct me if I’m wrong, but @Tenacity’s net worth is not liquid but rather an estimation of his business book’s value, but BeTheChange’s net worth is actual liquidity or equity in R/E.

Although, BeTheChange is much younger than Tenacity, based on their assertions, I do believe BeTheChange is already in a much stronger financial position today. No bias.

Further, how does one go about to evidence a net worth which is invested in R/E? Show the deeds of R/E owned by LLCs? Who owns the LLC? How do we derive ownership interests of the LLC, by then showing the operating agreement? What if the operating agreement shows other LLCs owners, would we then need to show the operating agreement for those LLCs? What if the operating agreement for the second layer of LLCs were to show the members as trusts, would we then need to show the superseding trust documents? What about PV and current equity, do we need to order appraisals and show mortgage statements? And shall we expose all this info to some strangers (likely at the point of suicide) on a SoSuave internet forum for no financial gain?
The bulk of mine is actual figures in an account, those figures alone put me over the $200k number. I'm also NOT comparing myself nor in competition with BeTheChange on who has the bigger net worth or the bigger dyck lol.

I'm a guy that came from being homeless and came from a fvcked up environment that taught himself about Finances. Quite frankly, I'm just happy to be here. Just happy to have a good career, a big cushion, and a big net worth for my age.

Whether or not Guru, Legend, BeTheChange, etc are "beating" me is completely irrelevant cause my only competition is the guy in the mirror.
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