To all: Freedom of Speech eliminated from SOSUAVE.Also, the biggest way to screw up your professional life, is posting hateful things on the internet that can be linked to who you really are. Be smart and protect your identity if you are going to continue with the posting style you've exhibited during your time on this forum. Part of the reason people dont put all their personal info on a website like this is because its rather to easy for certain people to come after you if they dislike what you say. There's actually a tumblr blog dedicated to getting people fired who've posted racist stuff online...and its worked too. - Jaylan (The troll who was 'coincidentally' never banned)
I would seriously consider the next thing you post on this forum. Especially since the SJW crowd and trolls have never been banned, but long time posters have. Steer clear of engaging JAYLAN or anyone pro-homo/LGBT. If you see his name on your thread, delete your posts.
Sounds like WILDFIRE came back here with a vengeance.