I see it all the time. There's beta in us all, but some guys are just super-omega, bottom of the pile, betas.
You know the type.
Bad haircut. Bad voice. Terrible feminine body language. Ugly girlfriend.
Doesn't go to the gym. Is proud to be nerdy. Beta friends, just like him. Thinks his ugly girlfriend will leave if he doesn't treat her nice. Would not believe you if you told him otherwise.
He is too easy to talk to. Too friendly and accepting to anyone. Likeable, but boring. He is a weesh. Smiles too much.
I shared a table at a bar with some of these pitiful souls recently. I smiled and nodded and listened to them talk about their insignificant lives. Betatude is a terrible thing. I didn't want to participate in conversation too much, worried that someone might see me and assume i was on their level of betatude.
You know the type.
Bad haircut. Bad voice. Terrible feminine body language. Ugly girlfriend.
Doesn't go to the gym. Is proud to be nerdy. Beta friends, just like him. Thinks his ugly girlfriend will leave if he doesn't treat her nice. Would not believe you if you told him otherwise.
He is too easy to talk to. Too friendly and accepting to anyone. Likeable, but boring. He is a weesh. Smiles too much.
I shared a table at a bar with some of these pitiful souls recently. I smiled and nodded and listened to them talk about their insignificant lives. Betatude is a terrible thing. I didn't want to participate in conversation too much, worried that someone might see me and assume i was on their level of betatude.