JohnyTheArrow said:
If I would rule the world I would make sure there is never ending stream of beta men.........Betas are pure gold......Beta fate is to be exploited until there is nothing more to exploit from him[/B]
Johny I agree wholeheartedly with this post. Excellent Macro Analysis over the market. The only issue I see going forward is that a lot of guys are going to be forced into the Beta role no matter if they want to or not.
I personally do not like the labels of Alpha and Beta, because I don't know how a guy can be 100% either/or. I'm an Alpha in my house yes, but I'm not an Alpha when I'm out on a Sales Call, I'm very much the Beta seeking to "service" the client who is the Alpha.
Gynocentrism and Feminism are forcing Men into "service" roles to Women on a wider scale. Everything from the Legal System, the Media, Movies, Corporations, Academia, and the Social Life related areas have ALL put Women in the "Alpha" position to be serviced by all of the Men (Betas).
As a Man today, you are very much a Customer Service Agent and Women are very much your Customer. She wants it "her way" and your job is to fix her damn Whopper with light Mayo, extra cheese, extra lettuce and extra tomatoes.
- If you do that, then you get the "prize" which is that BOX between her legs along with the various Social Proof related benefits that come from having a chick on your shoulder.
- If you refuse to do this, not only do you NOT get that BOX, but you most likely will be shamed by society, your sexuality will be questioned, and you will be labeled a sociopath/outkast as result.