Truth is....... in one out of say seven possible relationships( in the relatively less probable cases) a babe would pick a near-beta over a near-alpha.....
this happens as a result of lots of issues....she's heard bout his exploits(djs here cant tell me they've not had this happen to them) and she's guards up with you, she has just had a bad boy do her some bad or maybe she's the exception that values gifts and attention more than the usual.... whatever, you get my point.
funny thing is, ive seen babes both bang the alpha dude and the beta dude simultaneously/consecutively (for reasons best known to them).
as much as we have lotsss of betas, a lot of dudes aren't clear betas. they arent just schooled in the game but are still skilled enough to get a good lay every now and then eg. i was gettin pvssy before i started don-juanism.
this is not enough reason to even give "betaism'' a chance in your life! the odds favour an alpha male greatly. plus in the case of jack, he was not a total beta.... just for the fact he didnt let her higher status weigh him down and he got his interaction flowing! if it were real life, i'd bet that looks also had a role to play.
if a beta dude was just capable of being a little sexual and INITIATING a convo with 5 random babes everyday nonstop , he sooner or later would become a selector of ladies.
Stay alpha though, the difference is clear