Best response to a rejection txt?


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
So this chick whom I went out a few dates with and phucked started getting cold..I went NC and forgot about it. today I randomly get a text saying something on the lines of hey, sorry been kinda distant lately but figuring things out.basically some ex of hers is back in the picture.

What pisses me off is that I had no intentions of going exclusive with her..she wasnt all that. I was trying to make her an fb. Obviously she thought I wanted more. So its more of an ego bruise than anything.

Anyway what would be a good response here? Basically to show that I dont give a phuck. I thought of saying something like 'hahah cool'.



Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Just delete her and forget all about her because she's forgotten about you weeks ago. Don't respond. There's no need. The message is clear. Your princess is in another castle.

Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
There seems to be 3 types of response to this.

1. NC (the main one recommended by people on SS, the main one I've used, it leaves a vacuum in them, but I think they mostly read NC as "awwww he's upset and that's why he's ignoring me")
2. Beg, bargain, emotional outpouring (beta, omega sad cvnt, never works)
3. Reply upbeat like you couldn't give a flying fvck. (I actually think in many ways this is the most Alpha and most psychologically damaging, as it confuses the sh1t out of them. Why?... because they want validation that they matter to you, it's wondrous for their ego. Counter that and they are forlorn and crushed.).

# 3. is rarely suggested or used on this forum, however I've used it and it is probably one of my crowning moments? Described below.. Just some fat to chew over.


Some hot girlfriend I really liked once told me it was over, you know my reply?.... The complete opposite to what my mind wanted to do and what she expected - at the time I'd just read an article by a psychologist talking about such approaches.

What I said....
"Hey, yes you're right and I fully understand, I can see you're suffering the same thing as me in that my attraction to you has waned. So it's definitely the right thing and I think in the long run we'll both be much happy." I kissed her, hugged her, smiled and walked away wishing her good luck with a wink.

After 2 days she started chasing... continuously for weeks, professing undying love and she'd made a HUGE mistake, trying everything and anything including sending me sexy pics of herself and such like. Why? Because I Alpha'd the fvck out of her silly emotional mind with my response, and that was what was missing from our relationship, that turned her on and gave me massive value boost in her perception of me. I showed ultimate value and ultimate couldn't give a sh1t - which left her confused and probably imagining me with a harem of potential women to bang in the near future.

I banged her a few times on my terms and really pushed the kink boat out because she wanted to please me at all costs. Then I pretty much said it was pointless continuing, that she was right in the first place, and then ended it for good much to her sobbing tears.



Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I tend to agree that a simple reply is better than none because No Contact implies you care. After a breakup text I will text back immediately "Np", acting as if it were my idea all along. Then go NC.

If you can pull off a ONS with her and then go NC that is the best cure, but it's easier said than done.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
i agree with everyone, these texts dont have a spec of substance, all shes doing is trying to get a reaction from you


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
georgie24 said:
i agree with everyone, these texts dont have a spec of substance, all shes doing is trying to get a reaction from you

something along "wtf are you texting with my boyfriend????" might be fun. guess she wouldnt see that one coming. but then again what is the point?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Skalioppe said:
There seems to be 3 types of response to this.

1. NC (the main one recommended by people on SS, the main one I've used, it leaves a vacuum in them, but I think they mostly read NC as "awwww he's upset and that's why he's ignoring me")
2. Beg, bargain, emotional outpouring (beta, omega sad cvnt, never works)
3. Reply upbeat like you couldn't give a flying fvck. (I actually think in many ways this is the most Alpha and most psychologically damaging, as it confuses the sh1t out of them. Why?... because they want validation that they matter to you, it's wondrous for their ego. Counter that and they are forlorn and crushed.).

# 3. is rarely suggested or used on this forum, however I've used it and it is probably one of my crowning moments? Described below.. Just some fat to chew over.


Some hot girlfriend I really liked once told me it was over, you know my reply?.... The complete opposite to what my mind wanted to do and what she expected - at the time I'd just read an article by a psychologist talking about such approaches.

What I said....
"Hey, yes you're right and I fully understand, I can see you're suffering the same thing as me in that my attraction to you has waned. So it's definitely the right thing and I think in the long run we'll both be much happy." I kissed her, hugged her, smiled and walked away wishing her good luck with a wink.

After 2 days she started chasing... continuously for weeks, professing undying love and she'd made a HUGE mistake, trying everything and anything including sending me sexy pics of herself and such like. Why? Because I Alpha'd the fvck out of her silly emotional mind with my response, and that was what was missing from our relationship, that turned her on and gave me massive value boost in her perception of me. I showed ultimate value and ultimate couldn't give a sh1t - which left her confused and probably imagining me with a harem of potential women to bang in the near future.

I banged her a few times on my terms and really pushed the kink boat out because she wanted to please me at all costs. Then I pretty much said it was pointless continuing, that she was right in the first place, and then ended it for good much to her sobbing tears.

A very successful hamster nuking if I do say so myself.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
No contact! there is no stronger way to show a lack of interest!

If your just looking to rustle her jimmies follow along the lines of skalioppi's option 3, more or less agree with everything she says and say you didnt want to be the one to break it to her then ignore the *****


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hexagram said:
today I randomly get a text saying something on the lines of hey, sorry been kinda distant lately but figuring things out.

Anyway what would be a good response here? Basically to show that I dont give a phuck. I thought of saying something like 'hahah cool'.
While you are figuring things out, how about a drink at my place?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
This is why so many people who are coming up in the game get utterly confused and do dumb shiat when they are starting out with girls; due to bad advice.

All of you who said NC etc etc are just flat out wrong.


Because he flat out said he only wanted her as a phuck buddy at best.

Having a phuck buddy implies no emotional attachment.

It also implies that both of you are likely to be seeing and phuckin' other people.

If you go NC on a phuck buddy if she becomes distant for a week or hell even a few week(s) then that as Big Neil and Skalioppe and a few others have pointed out shows that you DO care; which is why your not replying. Your like a butt hurt honey badger.

Hexagram's biggest mistake was taking a girl who he supposedly only wanted a phuck buddy relationship with out on dates.

Big no-no.

If all you want is shexx; then all you do with them is phuck 'em.

No dates, no constant communication, nothing that implies any sort of relationship outside the bedroom.

That was your mistake and that is why she's running away.

Text her back and show her your not effected by her words, because after all the first thing everyone should learn here is its a girl's actions that you should be watching more closely anyways.



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
Because he flat out said he only wanted her as a phuck buddy at best.

good point, if you want a potential fck buddy then i suppose your response should somehow covertly express that.

getting emotional is NOT how you do that.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
All over the place
Pimp-sicle said:
This is why so many people who are coming up in the game get utterly confused and do dumb shiat when they are starting out with girls; due to bad advice.

All of you who said NC etc etc are just flat out wrong.


Because he flat out said he only wanted her as a phuck buddy at best.

Having a phuck buddy implies no emotional attachment.

It also implies that both of you are likely to be seeing and phuckin' other people.

If you go NC on a phuck buddy if she becomes distant for a week or hell even a few week(s) then that as Big Neil and Skalioppe and a few others have pointed out shows that you DO care; which is why your not replying. Your like a butt hurt honey badger.

Hexagram's biggest mistake was taking a girl who he supposedly only wanted a phuck buddy relationship with out on dates.

Big no-no.

If all you want is shexx; then all you do with them is phuck 'em.

No dates, no constant communication, nothing that implies any sort of relationship outside the bedroom.

That was your mistake and that is why she's running away.

Text her back and show her your not effected by her words, because after all the first thing everyone should learn here is its a girl's actions that you should be watching more closely anyways.

How? Because you don't care to spend the time to reply & chase her snapper?

Besides, it's really about the OP's state of mind, he is already emotional about it (note: pissed). He will get attached. I don't see OP benefiting from maintaining a relationship with her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Martinez, California
This helps confirm the common theory that when a girl goes from being super interested in you to being completely distant on a dime it's because an ex is back in the picture. I mean really guys. Has it ever been any other reason? Seriously let us know if it has.

You were right to go no contact straight away so props to you there. It is interesting that she decided to contact you and rub it in your face later. Low class move on her part, she shoulda left you alone. Shows that she's a bit twisted/f'd up than the average hen imo. Still I personally appreciate the fact that you shared that fact with us.

I see no point in responding to her at all as most people here have said. It's a complete waste of time and she doesn't even deserve a fraction of your attention. We talk about her here for learning purposes only. If you were going to do the whole alpha "I agree with you completely!" thing you should have done it when you went NC in the first place. But that's a little advanced imo. Props to the guys who smell the distance and lay that on ahead of time. True balls and smarts. This girl is garbage and you've already tossed her out. Best to move on especially since you didn't like her to begin with.