Best response in this situation?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
Basically we got in a fight month ago. She remained distant "giving us space", brushed of an attempt to see her, so I pulling WAY back and cut contact. She started coming around by sending blank texts (I ignored most), commenting on facebook, left a jealous sounding comment when I uploaded some bar pics with cute female friends, and finally texted last Sunday and we had a long conversation like normal. Monday she texts "have a good week" and pulls back. Does the same thing Thursday after a short exchange. She IM's me on facebook Friday, asking what's up, if I had plans, but I blew her off with one word answers. Of course, she sent a blank text the next day. Today she texts "Hope you have a nice spring, enjoy car season and good luck with your triathlons". I feel like shes desperately trying to get me to show interest because I won't chase and withdrew attention. What's the best reply in this situation? Balls in my court.. I want to make it work and the games to end, if that's possible. She's 27 !!


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Who the hell sends blank texts?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
She sounds irritating as hell. Don't know why you're bothering with it.

First of all don't reply to that message. it's obviously reaction seeking. It may sound like a friendly text, but the only reason she's sending it is because it implies she won't see you any time soon. don't reply to that or simply reply "thanks, you have a good break too"

Then ignore all further attention seeking texts until you get an emotional one to which you reply: "Look I'm not mad or anything, but I really don't feel like playing games. If you want us to be cool again and have fun, we can get together and hang out. If not, that's okay too."

This is a situation where you have to be direct and assertive and basically communicate to her to cut the bullsh!t or get lost, but without losing your cool or composure. Handle this sh!t like a man.