Senior Don Juan
Basically we got in a fight month ago. She remained distant "giving us space", brushed of an attempt to see her, so I pulling WAY back and cut contact. She started coming around by sending blank texts (I ignored most), commenting on facebook, left a jealous sounding comment when I uploaded some bar pics with cute female friends, and finally texted last Sunday and we had a long conversation like normal. Monday she texts "have a good week" and pulls back. Does the same thing Thursday after a short exchange. She IM's me on facebook Friday, asking what's up, if I had plans, but I blew her off with one word answers. Of course, she sent a blank text the next day. Today she texts "Hope you have a nice spring, enjoy car season and good luck with your triathlons". I feel like shes desperately trying to get me to show interest because I won't chase and withdrew attention. What's the best reply in this situation? Balls in my court.. I want to make it work and the games to end, if that's possible. She's 27 !!