benefits of female friends


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Sure, sure, before I get flamed, I understand that this forum is for learning skills to pick up girls. That's great, I'm stoked on that too. But in this post, I'm talking about having girls as friends.

Probably 3/4's of my friends are girls. Completely platonic, what everyone here would call AFC. But the AFC bit is intended here. It's great, because you can have really open friendships that way. There's no sexual tension.

I know, "What the f**k is this guy talking about?" Hold on.

I've always had lots of female friends. I'm just getting into DJism. And I'm noticing a LOT of benefits to my evidently gender biased friend base. Having really pretty, smart female friends helps a lot.

-You learn to be really comfortable around hot women. Having Girl friends is a great way to become familiar with the way they think and go about things. They'll tell you lots of subtle things they know about girls.
-Really good social proofing. Hanging around lots of pretty girls is great for your perceived image. Even if your DJ skills aren't up to snuff, having lots of female friends gives the illusion in your learning period that you are in fact an accomplished DJ.
-Girls are often times more helpful than guys. As a generalization, they make better friends emotionally. You can talk about things that your tough guy friends won't bring up.
-They set you up with their friends. This one is great. You have social proofing and predetermined value long before you meet the friend you're being introduced to.

I really enjoy having lots of female friends. They're great people. And I don't have any inclination to be anything but friends with them. There are lots and lots of benefits. You don't have to act like some seductive DJ with EVERY girl out there; it helps a lot to have a group of girls that are just there as friends.

What's your guys' take on this? I'm definitely a proponent. Anyone have stories about how female friends have helped with their DJ lives, introduced you to HB's, helped with social proofing and that sort of thing?

If you don't have many girl friends in your life, consider keeping the next LJBF around... there are good things to be said for those types of friendships.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
i have a few friends that are females but i find them ****ed up emotion bags.

they always get emontional and expect you to talk them out.. its like every week theres something new and she got the sad face on

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score

The only girls I can be freinds with are usually like that or slutty,tomboyish women that are always trynna cause trouble in my relationships.

Most chics don't wanna be even freinds when you're a player though cuz when you're a player it shows.It's not really worth it most of the time.

It can and will get you social proof with other chics but it can also backfire.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Just be wary, most female friends will not be supportive or understanding of playerish behaviour. They're not going to wing for you or back you up if you're trying to sleep with lots of girls.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
THIS is why I love this site...

Man you've got to work on this topic, work it for all it's worth!

You could be the LJBF crusader, you will get mad props, and kudos from all, good karma flowing, you'll get some major puzzy!!!!

I'm working on my thread bump skills, I think they're coming along nicely don't you think?:)

You heard the top three arguments stubbornlights. Whats your take on being with a girl and getting advice on how to game girls?

I've got your argument right here....

"I am a sexual being"


"I am looking for a long term relationship"

I do it all the freaking time with girls. They get all puffed up and b!tchy about me gaming girls right in front of them. They get jealous and insecure when they want me and some other girl is doing a better job. The girls start to give me tips and try to ****block me. So many feminist arguments come up that I become privy to. These aspects help my game tremendously, they make me realize that if I keep acting "this way" they will tell me more than if I was being "nice".

Than everything turns around the next day, we suddenly start talking about subjectrs that would NEVER come up in public, we can go all "AFC" on eachother. Get emotional and start talking about our lives...

I am struggling with this in my life right now...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
QUOTE]Probably 3/4's of my friends are girls. Completely platonic, what everyone here would call AFC. [/QUOTE]

If you aren't her Boyfriend, you are her Girlfriend

-You learn to be really comfortable around hot women. Having Girl friends is a great way to become familiar with the way they think and go about things. They'll tell you lots of subtle things they know about girls.
Do you? Yeah... you learn to have a converstaion with hot women.. but hell, my 3 year old little brother can have a converstaion with Halle Barry right now and would think nothing of it, because he doesn't know any better not to.

Is that your sole purpose in life? To be able to have "converstaions" with hot women.. becuase the more "hot friends" you have, the more "converstaions" you will be having.. and not about other women either.. oh no.. it will be about how they are "sooo stressed out" and you are dumb enough to listen to them.


How does having "converstaions" with hot women accomplish this?

As a matter of fact, it probalby takes you father away from it, because not only are you becoming more androgous, you are wasting time you can be working on bettering yourself having "converstaions" with hot women.

-Really good social proofing. Hanging around lots of pretty girls is great for your perceived image. Even if your DJ skills aren't up to snuff, having lots of female friends gives the illusion in your learning period that you are in fact an accomplished DJ.

Ahhh.. I'll give you a little credit for that.. I'll give you m ore than a little. I'll give you SOME credit, because that's a very valid point.

However, it only holds so much water..

Because say you go in a club, and you are with this "hot woman" you've been having "converstaions with"... It's not like she is going to be all on you when she is out and about among all of these hot dudes, she is going to be getting apprached, and the only thing you wil be good for is fending off the deadbeats...

So tell me, how does that qualify as social proof.

Social proof only works if the girl you are with is into you, at least some.

I had a oneitis that was BADDDDD as hell.. she was so fine, that when i was young, I felt special becuase she actually knew me (damn I was a dumbass)

however not one girl ever got jealous of her and hit on me, because it was ovbious to everyone, including me, that she wasn't into me.. and we went out alot.

ON the contary, I've taken girls.. better yet, let's make that singular, a particualr girl, who is cute but pretty average looking out with me, and she was so into me, she was gone, to the bathroom and to dance with a guy she knew from work, all in all maybe 10 mintues, and I got two phone numbers in thoose 10 mintues, and I wasn't even trying.

Another example.. My old oneitis had a ****load of female friends.. all of them, well not all but most, pretty good looking. And I"m not ugly by any means.. not once did she every try to hook me up with anyone of them. not only would she not date me, she wouldn't even let me kick it with her friends..s he wanted all of my attention to her and her only! Selfish ****

-Girls are often times more helpful than guys. As a generalization, they make better friends emotionally. You can talk about things that your tough guy friends won't bring up.
-They set you up with their friends. This one is great. You have social proofing and predetermined value long before you meet the friend you're being introduced to.

You my friend, are a whimp... First of all, i have REAL Friends.. real GUY friends. I can tell them that I cried over my EX for such and such reason, and I didn't but it's the fact of the matter, and as manily as we are, they wouldn't think any diffrent of me, because we are all mature enough to know sometimes things hurt and you have to let it out

I don't need a woman for that.

I got a girl pregant and she was married.. first people I told? They knew within 10 mintues... we had a mini tribunal at my house, because they had to know all the details and they made me feel alot better about the situtation (she got an abortion)

When I was 17, it was the same day as I think our Basketball State Semi Final Game.. my GF of 9 months not only broke up with me, I found out she cheated on me the night before.. not only that, she lost her virgnity to another guy.. I was out of it. I cared about her alot.

I came to school, because I had to play basketball, it was the semi finals.. And i broke down and started crying in the middle of my frist period class..

What did my two best friends do? Laugh? And mind you, we are all class clowns, but we are best friends?

All they said was "let's go" and we all skipped the rest of the day in the coaches office, watching TV, eatting pizza and playign video games, to help me get my mind off of what was going on (how you can skip 4 class periods and play in the basketball game thatn ight is beyond me, but hey, we did it)

Id idn't even have to tell them what happened. they knew for the most part..

That's the only time I have really gotten that emotional about anything, it just came as a shock and it did hurt.

I don't need a woman for that.. plus, if you do that around a woman you can forget getting in her pants.. ever

I really enjoy having lots of female friends. They're great people. And I don't have any inclination to be anything but friends with them. There are lots and lots of benefits. You don't have to act like some seductive DJ with EVERY girl out there; it helps a lot to have a group of girls that are just there as friends.
you are only lying to yourself.. it that was the case, they wouldn't all be attractive, you would have some worthogs as friends, just as well as you would some nice looking women.

somewhere down the line, or early in the beginnig, you tried to get with them or they shot you down, or even worse, you never had the nerve to talk to them and you are trying to justify your inaction by saying it was the smart thing to do

If your hot friends, came over your house, asked to use your bathroom, and came out butt ass naked, and said "take me right now and nutt in my face" would you say " no, i value your friends hip to much?"

I actually ask myself that with every girl I meet, and you'd be suprised, I have an EX that is fine, very fine, but if she walked out irght now but naked, I wouldn't take her, I'm not feeling her like that anymore

however, I'd rather **** a hot woman than talk about chemistry with a hot woman.. I don't know about you


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box

What brings you to this site?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I've been here since the site was just built.. well, not that long, but damn close.. I was here when the first page was black, which was in 2002ish

If people like me weren't here, you would have the blind leading the blind.> i was once blind, but now I see the mistake of my past and have long long improved my game.

If it weren't people like me 4-5 years ago, I would still be a chump.. just returning the favor

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Thing is for me i'm a real player type,Backbreaker.

I can't be around non-game-having males too long.They annoy the **** outta me.

No i'm not a whimp that's afraid of other males.I just don't like having lowerstatus males around me unless they're related or related to my real circle.

Why?Cuz there's too much hatred and jealousy from them & they talk way too much.Not that I ignore them but I don't lt them in my circle unless they really prove themselves to me.

On top of all that i'm a macc.Why would I be around men instead of women i intend on taking?

If you're a real mac you would be around women most of the time regardless of what you do anyways.They would come to you.

Now like you said...they should be women you ****.Not women you just talk to.

But alas sometimes women who only like to front will sneak in there and you'll be caught up in scenarios like that club incident you mentioned.

It's part of the so-called- game.Your gonna deal with *****es wheter you like it or not.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
Thing is for me i'm a real player type,Backbreaker.

I can't be around non-game-having males too long.They annoy the **** outta me.

No i'm not a whimp that's afraid of other males.I just don't like having lowerstatus males around me unless they're related or related to my real circle.

Why?Cuz there's too much hatred and jealousy from them & they talk way too much.Not that I ignore them but I don't lt them in my circle unless they really prove themselves to me.

On top of all that i'm a macc.Why would I be around men instead of women i intend on taking?

If you're a real mac you would be around women most of the time regardless of what you do anyways.They would come to you.

Now like you said...they should be women you ****.Not women you just talk to.

But alas sometimes women who only like to front will sneak in there and you'll be caught up in scenarios like that club incident you mentioned.

It's part of the so-called- game.Your gonna deal with *****es wheter you like it or not.
okay little man, let me try to help you out, but I doubt that is possible because you have soooo much game.

I'm going to give you a taste of how good i am.. I can tell you everything about yourself just by reading that post

First of all, your not a player.

Yes sound like you might have a little game, but a player is a person that doesn't get his heart attached with every woamn they deal with.

And you my friend, are all emotion.

I'm willing to bet money I wouldn't talk to any of the women you are "playing".

Also, your entire life revolves around the ability to get women.. your friends are or are not your friends if they "have game" or not

You are still an AFC, just a different breed.

Most AFC's, at least here are total loosers when it comes to women..

You don't have a necessarly have too much of a problem talking to women, however, they control your emotions and how you feel on a day to day basis.. i.e if you get rejcted, you are down, if you are on your "game" you feel good.

That's just as bad as being an AFC, because your feelings are totally dependant on "women"

That's what you want to get away from.

And trust me, I'm not calling you out, I'm really not, but I'm just shooting it to you straight, because someone needs to, becuase you are just lying to yourself

I can also tell you that you were pretty hurt by women or a woman in the past, maybe a GF? that made you take on this "Player" presade..

I am currently seeing 3 women, and one off and on whenever I feel like, usually once every 2-3 months.. all are very good looking, execpt the one that's off and on, she's average looking but I love her personality and we click... but I would never say I am a player, nor woudl I brag to the entire world that I was seeing a bunch of woman (rather I am or not is moot) because there are m ore important things to my life than ****ing women.

I mean, when it's all said and done, do you want to look back on your life and say "I climbed mountains, dove the oceans, went though the deserts of the world and seen life for what it was" or say " well, I ****ed susan when I was 20.."

Your friends only talk about what you let them know about.. My two best friends in the entire world don't know half of the **** I do when they are not there.. the girls I talk to, the girls i sleep with, becuase IT'S NOT THEIR BUSINESS..I'M A GROWN ASS MAN, I don't have to run off to them and tell them everytime I got some tail like I was in high school.. really the only time they see a girl I am with is if she is over and one of them pops up and even then it's no big deal

On top of all that i'm a macc.Why would I be around men instead of women i intend on taking?
you just proved my point with that one sentence

a real "player" doesn't have to be friends and "intend on taking" a woman.. a real "player" has enough game to get a woman's ***** wet the first time they talk to them.

A real player has enough women that if you aren't down with what I am presenting you (****ing), get the **** out of my way so I can find someone who is.

They don't have to sneak their way into a woman's heart or legs.

The only reason I bring this up this way is the only way you can become the person you want to be, is by realzing who you are NOW and working on that.

We've all been there.. nothing to be ashamed up.. I told someone the other day, society expects us to come out of the womb with 10 inch cvcks and game out the ass.. it doesn't work like that.

I am lucky to be good looking.. In HS I didn't need (nor did I have) game, I sold myself. I had a car, a little money, I could dress and I hung with popular people, I never wanted for female companionship.

but when I found the one girl I REALLY wanted and I couldn't get, it made me realize how much "game" i didn't have.

It also made me realize that all of these "women" i was getting were little girls, immature and they weren't really satisfiying me.. if I ever wanted to wake up and get a real woman, I would have to better myself and make something out of myself


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Backbreaker, dude, that's sortof jacked.
I could methodically go through your objections to my initial post, but that's simply too arduous and a waste of effort. But I'll make some points.

I didn't say I don't have guy friends too. But not every interaction with women has to be sexual. You say you have 'REAL friends'... so in order to have a real friend, they have to be a guy? Don't buy it.
I have some pretty girl friends, who, if they walked out buck naked, I would not pounce on them. I wouldn't give up friendships that have lasted for such a long time.

PLUS, I have a bunch of girl friends out there who are stoked to get me laid. How is that a bad thing? How is that a bad thing? Not all girls whine and piss and moan about their emotions all the time. That's bull****. I know girls more emotionally well-grounded and stable than some alpha male tough dude friends of mine. They're unstoppable!

Also, if I'm already dating pretty women, and by learning DJism the numbers are increasing, why not have a few female friends too? I like female company, both sexually, and platonically.

And no, female friends aren't always the product of a failed pick up. I have girl friends that I met 6+ years ago... Sometimes, you just don't feel that romantic/sexual connection. That's fine. I'm not attracted to EVERY HB 8.0+ out there. I can't explain it, but sometimes people just make better friends than f**k buddies.

Blind leading the blind? Sure, I know I'm a rAFC. BUT I didn't start this thread as some objective truth. I concluded it with an open request for discussion. I noted some of the benefits I've had from female friendship, and asked everyone out there to give their opinion.

I can see how some guys out there have sh*tty experiences with this sort of thing; AW's would be a prime example. C*ckblocking, selfish, all that stuff. But hey, I don't like those characteristics in my guy friends, so they're not present in my female friends either.

I don't want to f**k every hot girl I meet. I'd sooner want a decent LTR. DJism helps to meet that goal.
But if there are kind, neat girls out there that I don't want to eff, I don't see why I shouldn't be really happy to have their friendship?

Is there anything wrong with that?
Why don't you extrapolate your logical ruminations to their most succinct form:
Backbreaker says "Friendship with girls is worthless."

I don't agree.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
To sum up what you said, friendships with girls are pretty much worthless.. not always.. I mean, Jerry Sienfield and Elaine seemed to have a pretty good, non-sexual relationship thing going there.. wait, they ****ed..nevermind

I want you to read something

This prowess not only translated into physical attributes, but also into psycho-biological traits - intelligence, attitude, agression, drive, confidence and any number of other psychological models that benefited not only his survival, but the survival of his progeny as well. These attributes have been associated and generalized for millenia by females as desirous qualities for procreation and in combination have been termed as masculine.

These models have been ingrained in women's psyches for centuries to the point that they are autonomous responses. They can't explain why they become aroused when certain qualities are exhibited in combination by a specific male, but identifying the behavioral responses to them isn't difficult.

The 'nice guy' dynamic attempts to circumvent this masculine arousal in an effort pass on genetic material since this is the male imperative. The 'nice guy' does so by attempting to identify with the target female. He trys to emphasize the similarities (whether imagined or actual) between himself and his potential mate in a bargaining arrangement for her sexual attention. Understand that this is a coping strategy for procreation that has been around for a long time, not some recent 20th century phenomenon that society has come up with. We classify these 2 approaches today as 'Jerk' vs. 'Nice', but they really can be defined as agressive vs. passive.

The problem with the passive approach is that it requires negotiation on the part of the 'Nice' male. He needs a psychological contract with the potential female and himself that implies he can make up for his inadiquacies by providing what he hopes she thinks she isn't getting from the masculine male - identification and/or affirmation. He therefore modifies his own personality to cater to this dynamic. The better he believes it, the better he hopes she will believe it.

In theory, for the 'Nice' guy to be successful he must emphasize the similarities between himself and her. But he's up against an enormous wall considering that for the last 7-8,000 years it's been the differences in each sex that have accounted for the attraction. Opposites have attracted for thousands of years, and the resultant, innate, psycho-biological models that have become autonomous in the women of our time aren't accounted for in the 'Nice' approach. The paradox of this is that the 'Nice' approach is culturally reinforced, while the respondent behavior of masculine attributes is what consistently stimulates the target response (i.e. sexual contact).
That is from Rollo Tomassi here on the board.. he has a better way with words than I do.

What that says in a nuthshell, is that you are so different, that you are trying to go against thousands of years of biological responses, because you are just that different.

No your not, your are just packaging the problem up in a new package.

Let me show you what i mean.. first of all, if these women were reallllly just your friends, not one thought of possibly getting with one of them in the future, you a) wouldn' thave said they were hot, there would be no need to because it doesn' tmatter, you aren't into them and b)you wouldn't have made this post in the first place, becuase they are your friends.

That's like me asking should I date one of my guy friends.. no, they are my guy friends.

Also, I didn't say women are bad.. I KNOW ALOT OF WOMEN.. I hang around with some, but we aren't friends. I can honestly say that out of all my girl "aquantiences", which is...humm...2, both of them I meet with them telling me they liked me and me not being interested. One of them isn't half bad looking either, just not my type.


you may not have told HER you wanted to date her, but it doesn't change the fact that at one point in time, either she liked you or you liked her enough to approach them

something else I want you to read by Rollo
Bear in mind, LJBF still equals rejection. Only, LJBF puts the responsibility of that rejection on the guy who initiated the intimacy (or the 'approach' if you like that term better). By defering to the LJBF response the guy has 2 options; he can either accept her terms of rejection and engage in pseudo-friendship as an obligation for his not wanting to appear 'shallow', or he can simply refuse any notion of future friendship and put the rejection responsibility back on her where it belongs in the first place - with her. Unsuprisingly, I'd reccommend the latter and there are very tactful ways of doing this that leaves you in a position of power and you walk away with your self-respect..

When a woman falls back on LJBF it serves 3 purposes for her. First, she is absolved of any liability for feeling bad about the rejection, if this even comes in to her thinking (she "tried to be nice to you"). Secondly she avoids coming across as a b!tch, both to herself and to her peers ("I tried to be nice to him"). Lastly, it puts the burden of the rejection on the man who initiated the approach by putting him into the difficult position of choosing whether to comply, and allow her to be aquitted of the rejection's implications, or to - unlikely - turn her offer of 'friendship' down and become himself a 'Jerk' for not allowing her the escape that LJBF implies.

At the time it seems a pretty simple solution to what amounts to a confrontation, but if you pick it apart a bit the complexities show LJBF to be a very useful and practiced tool for women. Half the reason so many guys become AFCs is due to this self-imposed expectation of an actual friendship (as if one could truly exist) when all an LJBF amounted to for her was a convenient 'out' of a confrontation. The guy deserves a real rejection, but far too many women are cowards in this regard. Not surprisingly many men assume her LJBF rejection is a "not now, but maybe later" equation and waste countless (and potentially productive) months, and many times, years in pursuit of an unattainable female who didn't posess the courage to give the guy a proper rejection and send him off to greener pastures.

Now, this is a little more of your problem.. I don't think you actually like the women you are "friends with".. I honestly don't.. I got that from your first post..

I think, I may be wrong, shoot me, but I think that you are trying to justify all the time you have spent with these "friends", seeing that you are new here and you realize now for the most part, what's going on.

I remember the feeling when I found out my old oneitis didn't give a **** about me if I wasn't helping her out, or if it wasn't about her...

The day I finally accecpted the fact that this woman has wasted years of my life, in one way or another, was the day I felt like a building had been lifted from my back.

And I have nothing aginst her.. it was my nieveness at that age that got me in the situtation

What I am saying is that... of cousre, I am sure there is some possible situtatoin where a man and a woman could end up being bets of friends.. but telling that you felt that you had to write a post trying to get vindified for it, and even worse, trying to flame me when I am just speaking the truth, from literarly thousands of guys that have been there done that, much more experienced than you, that this isn't one of thoose situtations


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sorry, I'm not flaming you. What's going on here is what's called 'sensible discourse'. I'm not attacking you as a person, just engaging intellectually.

Why would I write this if I was friends with the girls already? Simple. I haven't read anything here that deals with this subject. I think that it's a good idea to cover all ends of the spectrum, otherwise you'd be confined to an ideology that has no room for adaptation. Why did I mention these girls were hot? Simple. Because I'm friends with them DESPITE their looks; it's not just because they're some warpig that I detest and would never hook up with.

You can't construct an argument on human behavior based solely on biological impulse. It doesn't work; there are cracks, endless permutations and exceptions. And you can't do it with sitcoms, either. Human interaction can no longer be reduced to such simple things.

I think it's absurd to refute the possibility of friendships with women. Of course it's possible to engage on an intellectual and platonic level.

I'm not the only one who feels this way. My social group would laugh at your assertions and call them heresy; we're a random amalgamation of both guys and girls, good lookers and the not so hot.

I think that your argument itself plays to a regessive perception of the human identity, denying the possibility for connection beyond primitive sexual drives. It's limiting and denigrating.

Justifying my time spent? NOPE. That's a harsh judgment. I've blown off a couple of girls I was supposed to go out on a date with to hang out with female friends. And also, most of them I've known for a long time... there's a big history there. When we're children, we can have friends that are girls. I say that adulthood is no different.

A friend is a friend is a friend, despite their gender.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
see.. you misread what I said..

note the last line of my last post.. I didn't say it wasn't possible.. hell anything's possible

I can contruct a situtation in my head like I meet one of my guys girls and we all kick it, and over time we become good friends, even when they break up.. something like that

But as hard as you try, you won't convince me nor anyone else here, that you actually go out to clubs/malls/parks/etc, looking for WOMEN FRIENDS

Now the situtation on your current women, I don't know.. I don't know you that well... you could very well be good friends

However, observing the rationality of the post, I just don't think that's the case. That's what I am saying.

It all boils down to men and women were made to be attracted to each other. Not to be friends with.. just like every other different sexed animals in the world.

Anyone who lies to themselves and says they really do "seek female companionship, not for sex/lust, but for friends" is uncessfully circumventing the problem, or better yet, the goal at hand.

Chris Rock said it best.. "Men, don't have female friends.. we just have women we haven't ****ed YET"

And that even goes for me...I mean, I don't get rejected often, but when I do, I don't stick around to let it grow on me like this has on you (at least not any more), I made that mistake one time (but she was sooo damn hot and soooo damn convincing)

Now for the most part, yeah that's true, if you have a female friend, it's are you want them and haven't gotten the chance for one reason or another.. yes, there are execptions to the norm, just like there are execptions to every other norm

Oh last thing... there are literarly hundreds of posts like this from the past, try using the search fuction of the site.. what I am telling you now was told to me 4-5 years ago when I was brought to this site, verbatium


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
95% of my friends are female. I'm not attracted to many of them, and I've dated or had flings with many of the ones who are. But unless I'm dating them at that time they're all platonic friends to me and I enjoy their company and friendship. I don't listen to their problems or play councellor so I certainly don't consider anything AFC about it. In fact, we flirt, kino, tickle and playfight all the time, which is excellent practice and helps develop comfort and confidence with women. It has also helped me develop ****y + funny, neghitting, flattery and rapport building as part of my everyday personality to the point where I don't even think about it.

I hear a lot of guys on this site talk about being intimidated by females, but that really is a foreign concept to me, probably due to my female friends.

There's nothing AFC about having female friends. What is AFC is being friends with females and in the hope of romance or sex.

It's also a great way to network and meet more women, and this is actually how I've met most of my girlfriends, including my current one.

There is also the social proof, but that can be a bad thing. A lot of good women are cautious of me to begin with because they think I'm a player or think I'm surely dating/fvcking at least one of these women. The ones that are attracted to me can also get very jealous and posessive and scare away competition. Yet it does increase your social value and shows women they can't take you for granted.

Besides, once you're a decent DJ and your game and mentality is on form, most of your female friends will be into you and you can seduce them whenever it suits you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I have many female friends, but I don't hang out with them or talk about emotional stuff or anything with them. I use them for socialproof, fun&games and to get introduced to other women. It's alot more fun to hang out with my guy friends. ALL my female friends are hot babes. If they weren't I wouldn't bother to get to know them on any level other than superficial. Unless they were really cool and kinda like a dude-friend.

Without female friends every party would be a huge sausage-fest :p When we throw a party, we invite the girls we are trying to get with AND our female friends for socialproof and extra fun. We "ignore" the ones we invite and let them watch us having a GREAT time with our hot friends. Then they want a part of the action and BAM. Works every time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Why the hell are people talking about the "benefits" of having friends? I mean, has the world really come to this?

I have friends because they're fun to hang out with, whether they're male or female or trannies. I don't whip out a PDA to work out whether they're going to be beneficial or not.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
diplomatic lights has it right.
I've started one hell of a ridiculous post.

I wanted to write something that would make DJ's look at some girls as not just potential f-closes. I guess I failed and created a cesspool of trivial thought where there really shouldn't be any.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by stubbornlights

I wanted to write something that would make DJ's look at some girls as not just potential f-closes.
If shes your "friend" theres no potential f-close, as for her friends? your dreaming especially at your age, no chicks of equal or higher status (looks) would dream of jeopordizing her social position with a guy which her friend already friend zoned.

I dont look at chicks as anything BUT potential f-closes, I dont want to either, whats the point? What am I gaining by chick friends? What can she offer me as a man?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
02-11-2006 02:12 AM

Man this fool posted that long ass novel on a friday at 2 in the morning.And he's trying school me.
