Believe in myself


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
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I am 26 years old and I have only had one seriously relationship (4 years). I had little confidence growing up and still struggle due to a messed up child hood. I hardly dated in high school, but now I am being told by people that I am very good looking, hot, etc. I have a hard time letting that motivate me to go approach girls that I would consider 10's or 9's. I feel like I lost alot of time though not asking girls out back in the day because obviously they would have gone with me lol.

I went on a date with this girl yesterday that I met online (4th time we have hung out) and she basically tells me she is quite nervous around me because I am so hot. I think she feels like I am too good for her (she's a 6.5 or a 7). She goes on to say that when she first saw me she thought I would be ****y because I am "Very attractive", but I'm actually a really cool guy. Then goes on to say that I could get away with being ****y if I wanted to. Then said that she bets I have a bunch of girls trying to get with me.

Since I just find this girl mdoerately attractive but she and others (as I have been told) think I'm very there a good c hance t hat the girls I REALLY WANT to go out with will think the same? Do I need to always go for the girls that I find to be EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE or just settle? I think in a way I kind of just settled with my ex and she said things like, "You can find someone you are more attracted to." THe girl I went on the date with yesterday also said that I am unapproachable because I am so hot and if she saw me she would probably just look away or act uninterested. I know I should feel better about myself because of all this information but I feel so inexperienced with asking girls out, going on dates, that I feel inadequate or something. Even though in the back of my mind I think I could get with some HB's. What to do?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
I may be rude and I'm sorry. Get the **** off this forum with this crazy ass thread. Do you have a ****? How about a pair of balls? Do you have any male friends? Make some now. You have low self-esteem from growing up. You been around too many females or maybe not, but you havent been around any dudes. You are on some ***** **** and you may be gay. Or you just don't know how to act. What you wanna do is call all this advice seeking, low self esteem having ***** **** some bull ****. Cause seriously, unless your gay you have no reason to have low self esteem. Use this as an excuse for now, you didn't want to grow up so quickly so your staying a boy. Yep, your a 26 yr old boy.

Gay males think like girls. Girls thinking has alot of low self esteem in it.
Don't panic though, just grow up. You will be alright. BTW, your a spoiled ass brat... Fix that as well


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I agree with the jist, although not the delivery.

Basically, if you're good looking to the point where its an issue for women and people repeatedly tell you this, you're dumb to think otherwise. I think in your case your looks never have been issues on your potential game.

I wouldn't let your looks factor into your outlook on this. I also wouldnt call it settling if you have not gotten girls in the past and you actually like the hb 7 you mentioned. If its really a concern, keep seeing HB 7 and try spitting game elsewhere.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
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It's really just my issues with social anxiety that are my problem. I have this problem where I really think about th ings before they even happen. I think I might even approach people with the mindset that I am against them and likewise. I need to stop that lol. No, honestly HB7 is looking for a relationship and she isn't the kind of girl that I want that from. I don't think she will even f*ck until she knows shes got me. We have fooled aro und though. I know there are other girls out there that I would rather date...not sure if I want to keep her as back up or something lol.

There's actually this really cute girl that I saw working a drive thru today. My co worker drove us (she's a girl). So I was tellin her, "dang that girl is cute" but my friend/co-worker disagreed with me. I asked if she thought I could get with her and sh e said YES. So I want to go back up there when I'm driving. Just wondering how to go about asking if she wants to hang out.

I thought maybe I could just pull up, order my food and then when she gives it to me...hand her a piece of paper with my name and number and tell her, "Call me sometime." SOund good? SHould I do this without asking her name or for her phone number?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
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Rhino you just need an mindset adjustment. I suggest lifting weights if you aren't already.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
You should post pictures, Rhino, I want to see this insanely good looking person you make yourself out to be.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
TizZle said:
Rhino you just need an mindset adjustment. I suggest lifting weights if you aren't already.

So lifting weights will help with that? Anything else?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Jhcl4000 said:
You should post pictures, Rhino, I want to see this insanely good looking person you make yourself out to be.

There you go.
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