Being used by a woman


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
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Robert28 said:
he's right, i forgot that she's now living in your neighborhood. ok, here's what i would do if i were in your situation. think back to your first post and what she did to you years ago. now, the balls in your court, it's your turn to be the sketchy one who changes his mind this time and gives her the treatment she gave you of "you're not my type, leave me alone". this would be sweeter in my opinion. she knows how she treated you back then, she remembers, believe me. she might feel guilty about it after seeing you recently and now she wants to makeup for it. you're no charity case, you don't need that. she might have moved next door but karma followed her:D have fun with this! you finally get your chance to do the nexting:up:
^This. I can't recommend a pump n' dump if she's living in your neighborhood. Women are wily, and she could try to turn the neighborhood against you if you use her. If I were you, I'd be a perfect gentleman around her (the type of guy single moms wish they had) but NEVER do anything with her sexually, or even romantically. Show her respect, but never show interest. The short-term glee of a pump n' dump is nothing; she'll simply think of you as "just another jerk who just wants her for sex" and will forget about you. The best (read: long-term) revenge comes from looking like the "perfect husband" type who is no longer interested in her b/c she's old and has someone else's kid. She could have had you once upon a time, but she blew it, and now she's not good enough for you, even though she finally realizes she should have picked you all along.

Ideally, you should find some younger, prettier girl to invite to neighborhood gatherings. That'll be some really coarse salt in the wound.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Once again, the answers in this thread sounds like a choose your own adventure book written for bitter AFC's.

OP... you are now in your 30's or 40's. You are not a college boy any longer. Are you REALLY letting disappointments from over a decade ago influence your decisions and judgment today?

It's one thing to decide things about this woman TODAY, from events that are happening TODAY. But it is pretty immature to let grudges from when you were a teenager drive your life. If you don't want to talk to her because she has a kid, or is divorced, that is all fine and dandy and your choice. But otherwise, I say use your OLDER and WISER judgment today guide your decisions about today. It doesn't sound to me like she did anything terrible back in the day, just decided to flake on plans because she was unsure. I personally don't think any minor grudges from 1998 should be your ultimate deciding factor in 2010.

You can't shake hands with a closed fist.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
Yes....follow iqqi's advice....

Give this chick a new fresh chance........


Let's see....what are her selling points again.....hmmmmm.....

She's +30 divorced with a kid by the guy she rejected you for.......

And now (because she's figured out that she's hit her Wyle E. Coyote moment) you are suddenly attractive to her....... this.... hook up with her and....let her hook you up to pull the cart filled with her life's accumulated baggage........

You'll be another AFC pack mule.......

Maybe she can nag/shame you into marrying her.........

She can pop out a new kid for you so that she's guarenteed an income for at least 18 more years...or ...

Untill she divorces you for whatever reason and walks with half plus child support.......

But you will get something from the deal .......

All the credit debt she ran up during the fleecing....I mean the marriage......


Bitter AFCs are made by dumb choices involving single moms........

But...c'mon give her a chance...... dont want to be shamed by iqqi again do ya?????

Over and Out.

EDIT: Preemtive response to replies----Yes, I'm sooo ashamed to be this old and this bitter.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.....I'm soooooo ashamed !!!!!!!!hahahahahahaha.....

With men its bitterness with women its life's journey.....

Hows about I'm smart enough to learn from what I've seen happen over and know...pattern recognition and all that stuff.........bitter....hahahahahahahahahahaha
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
C'mon iqqi :crackup:
Again the shaming stuff and the personal arguments instead of logic ones?

Boomerick said it the best way possible ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds to me like you can get the perfect revenge on this chick. Fvck her, leave in a rude manner, and ignore her calls/texts from then on.

Sweet justice, you 2 are equal after that


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Once again, the answers in this thread sounds like a choose your own adventure book written for bitter AFC's.

OP... you are now in your 30's or 40's. You are not a college boy any longer. Are you REALLY letting disappointments from over a decade ago influence your decisions and judgment today?

It's one thing to decide things about this woman TODAY, from events that are happening TODAY. But it is pretty immature to let grudges from when you were a teenager drive your life. If you don't want to talk to her because she has a kid, or is divorced, that is all fine and dandy and your choice. But otherwise, I say use your OLDER and WISER judgment today guide your decisions about today. It doesn't sound to me like she did anything terrible back in the day, just decided to flake on plans because she was unsure. I personally don't think any minor grudges from 1998 should be your ultimate deciding factor in 2010.

You can't shake hands with a closed fist.
I think you are very naive and you have No clue how this game plays out. I totally disagree with you and I will surely will NOT take you up as my chief adviser when making a serious decision. Your choices in life are bound for straight failure in life. Therefore, get a life. You are a BIG LOOSER!!!! I bet you women reject left and right...Remember...nice guys come last!!!


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
boomerick said:
Yes....follow iqqi's advice....

Give this chick a new fresh chance........


Let's see....what are her selling points again.....hmmmmm.....

She's +30 divorced with a kid by the guy she rejected you for.......

And now (because she's figured out that she's hit her Wyle E. Coyote moment) you are suddenly attractive to her....... this.... hook up with her and....let her hook you up to pull the cart filled with her life's accumulated baggage........

You'll be another AFC pack mule.......

Maybe she can nag/shame you into marrying her.........

She can pop out a new kid for you so that she's guarenteed an income for at least 18 more years...or ...

Untill she divorces you for whatever reason and walks with half plus child support.......

But you will get something from the deal .......

All the credit debt she ran up during the fleecing....I mean the marriage......


Bitter AFCs are made by dumb choices involving single moms........

But...c'mon give her a chance...... dont want to be shamed by iqqi again do ya?????

Over and Out.

EDIT: Preemtive response to replies----Yes, I'm sooo ashamed to be this old and this bitter.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.....I'm soooooo ashamed !!!!!!!!hahahahahahaha.....

With men its bitterness with women its life's journey.....

Hows about I'm smart enough to learn from what I've seen happen over and know...pattern recognition and all that stuff.........bitter....hahahahahahahahahahaha
I agree buddy with you 100%... Iqqi surely has his/her head up his/her ass. Totally naive in life. Jesus!!! Follow his/her advise that will be the day!!! Always remember, nice guys come last!!! Boomerick you said it the best way possible.

Boomerick!! You Rock and I love are the best..

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'll have to agree entirely with iqqi (and I couldn't have said it better myself).

I think some of you misunderstood what exactly he was trying to say.


iqqi said:
If you don't want to talk to her because she has a kid, or is divorced, that is all fine and dandy and your choice.
boomerick said:
Give this chick a new fresh chance........


Let's see....what are her selling points again.....hmmmmm.....

She's +30 divorced with a kid by the guy she rejected you for.......
I'm sure everybody means well but I seriously suggest you re-examine iqqi's point of view. That being said, if you really do hold such a lasting grudge and think it would permanently, negatively effect any relationship with this woman, then that is reason enough not to do it.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Cali
sounds like she wants to see if she can still "lure" didnt work out last time so why would it work now? I get the sense your gonna be the rebound guy


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Giussippi said:
Guys!!! Is she’s the right choice after she rejected me over for this guy who she went on to get married and divorced him??? Am I being use??? And am I getting involved with baggage?? Because I am convinced that she’s faking it with me!!!
No need for you guys to get upset and hissy.

Lets look at this situation calmly. Is it wise to hold a grudge or harbor anger towards her - NO it isn't, BUT that does not mean that you have to forget her rejection and pretend it did not happen. What she did told you a lot about her character. There is no obligation on you to act towards her as if it did not happen and give her a fresh start.
IN my experience the vast majority of women NEVER change the way that they behave .
IF she was willing to toss you away so rudely back then ,she would do it again in the present time if it suited her.

Seeking revenge on her is questionable behavior. It surely may be tempting to hump and dump her when the opportunity presented itself, but that diminishes you as a person.

IF I were in your situation, I would take a few moments to consciously understand what she wants now from you so that you understand why she is approaching you.
Secondly, here is the #1 question. Where and how does a divorced 30+ single mother fit into your life ? Especially one who has shown that she will discard you on a whim .

IF you feel the need to 'get even', then just cooly decline her approaches.
You owe her no long explanations just "No thanks ."

( BTW, the reason that women never change their behaviors is because they have no perceived internal need to do so. They are convinced that they are perfect and are never wrong, and therefore personal change and improvement feels like a meaningless idea .)


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Killer_Demo said:
sounds like she wants to see if she can still "lure" didnt work out last time so why would it work now? I get the sense your gonna be the rebound guy
I totally agree 100% with you!!! The guy above is so naive!!! Remember..nice guy come last..


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
No need for you guys to get upset and hissy.

Lets look at this situation calmly. Is it wise to hold a grudge or harbor anger towards her - NO it isn't, BUT that does not mean that you have to forget her rejection and pretend it did not happen. What she did told you a lot about her character. There is no obligation on you to act towards her as if it did not happen and give her a fresh start.
IN my experience the vast majority of women NEVER change the way that they behave .
IF she was willing to toss you away so rudely back then ,she would do it again in the present time if it suited her.

Seeking revenge on her is questionable behavior. It surely may be tempting to hump and dump her when the opportunity presented itself, but that diminishes you as a person.

IF I were in your situation, I would take a few moments to consciously understand what she wants now from you so that you understand why she is approaching you.
Secondly, here is the #1 question. Where and how does a divorced 30+ single mother fit into your life ? Especially one who has shown that she will discard you on a whim .

IF you feel the need to 'get even', then just cooly decline her approaches.
You owe her no long explanations just "No thanks ."

( BTW, the reason that women never change their behaviors is because they have no perceived internal need to do so. They are convinced that they are perfect and are never wrong, and therefore personal change and improvement feels like a meaningless idea .)
You must be a women or a re-reactionary feminist that will expect that every guy out there should put up with your Bull ****... Not for me baby..absolutely NOT.

I had a friend who put his entire trust on this women who told him that she loved him and what do you know: she was sleeping with other guys while his back was turned around. Then she had the gull to say to him at the end: " were not good enough for me in bed as you are a big looser".. Come-on get real...

God can wait for the GOP to sweep the Congress in November!!!


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
No need for you guys to get upset and hissy.

Lets look at this situation calmly. Is it wise to hold a grudge or harbor anger towards her - NO it isn't, BUT that does not mean that you have to forget her rejection and pretend it did not happen. What she did told you a lot about her character. There is no obligation on you to act towards her as if it did not happen and give her a fresh start.
IN my experience the vast majority of women NEVER change the way that they behave .
IF she was willing to toss you away so rudely back then ,she would do it again in the present time if it suited her.

Seeking revenge on her is questionable behavior. It surely may be tempting to hump and dump her when the opportunity presented itself, but that diminishes you as a person.

IF I were in your situation, I would take a few moments to consciously understand what she wants now from you so that you understand why she is approaching you.
Secondly, here is the #1 question. Where and how does a divorced 30+ single mother fit into your life ? Especially one who has shown that she will discard you on a whim .

IF you feel the need to 'get even', then just cooly decline her approaches.
You owe her no long explanations just "No thanks ."

( BTW, the reason that women never change their behaviors is because they have no perceived internal need to do so. They are convinced that they are perfect and are never wrong, and therefore personal change and improvement feels like a meaningless idea .)
Hey!!! You know what, I've been reading your remarks, and I don't agree with you at all. If you read my story, then you will realise that you shouldn't make these comments. Here's my story of what happened to me (I've even posted this story 3 days ago):

I've been involved for the last 2 years in an on-and-off relationship with this woman in her early 40's. Our relationship has always been on shaky grounds as a result that the woman came out from a bitter divorce from her ex as of 6 years ago. She was married for nearly 13 years, and has a kid from this matrimony. I always felt that the woman was using me as rebound, but what kept me from going back to her was the great sex. Even though this started as sex only, the more we slept together, the more I got passionate for her, thus finally falling in love with her.

However, the story goes beyond the imagination. When we 1st met, she told me that her ex was this horrendous adulterous who had multiple partners. She went on to say to me that she has always been this ideal loyal wife who did the cooking and took care of the kids. All throughout this conversation she displayed a deep hatred for the man, as if she really wanted to kill him. As result of his cheating, they decided to split up with a divorce.

This is what she said to me 2 years ago. However, very recently I discovered that the woman has lied to me. While having a drink with her in a comfy restaurant, she finally unveiled the real story, and this story gets very ugly to bare. In an open confession, she finally confessed to me that her husband was NOT the cheater, and that in fact the cheating started with her. This is what she finally told me in the open confession: "I had an affair with the next door neighbor who lived across from my house...I went across the street and had sex with the neighbor...His penis was so huge that my husband couldn't match this one..."

From that day on, it was NOT worth it to have sex with my husband anymore, as she explained to me through the confession. The neighbor's penis, who I had sex with, was so great that my husband couldn't match what he had. As a result of this betrayal, the husband decided to cheat on her in order to get even with the wife.

Now it appears that the woman has now ditched me for another guy. I have to admit that this women is pretty messed-up. She is extremely bitter and mad at the world since the day she split up from the ex. She refuses to admit guilt that she's responsible for the split of her marriage. Always blames the ex for all her problems.

So what on earth are you talking about, Please get your a$$ of your head.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Giussippi said:
Guys!!! Is she’s the right choice after she rejected me over for this guy who she went on to get married and divorced him??? Am I being use??? And am I getting involved with baggage?? Because I am convinced that she’s faking it with me!!!
You ask some totally rookie questions here and then in the last sentence you say that you are convinced that she is faking it !
SO do you want some advice about what to do with a fake woman ?


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
You ask some totally rookie questions here and then in the last sentence you say that you are convinced that she is faking it !
SO do you want some advice about what to do with a fake woman ?
Listen here you fukcing radical reactionary feminist...nobody needs your advice. You obviously talk like you haven't got laid in years douchebag.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Please that is enough!!! First of all!!! Let's have a civil conversation. Further, I don't need to be patronize on who ever you are jophil28..If you don't like the tone from what the others have been contributing then don't join... The last thing I am going to having the opinion of a radical feminist who is bias and wants men to accept their bull ****..

As for Luie!! easy there Tiger with the tone even though I do share your pain what you went through with that girl friend...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Giussippi said:
Please that is enough!!! First of all!!! Let's have a civil conversation...
OK, you asked for help .I gave you some advice and you reacted angrily because I did not feed your need for sympathy ..

The answer to your dilemma is simple. DO not call her or date her.

IT is not compulsory for any of you guys to agree with the advice offered here.
Your near hysterical reactions are unmanly.

If you do not like forum advice - ignore it.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
OK, you asked for help .I gave you some advice and you reacted angrily because I did not feed your need for sympathy ..

The answer to your dilemma is simple. DO not call her or date her.

IT is not compulsory for any of you guys to agree with the advice offered here.
Your near hysterical reactions are unmanly.

If you do not like forum advice - ignore it.
The fact that you have to continuously have to reply to me is because you are obsessive, control freak, and you don't have an interesting things to do with your life... You obviously come across the type that likes nagging others. Why is it that the others who have posted something in this chat have only giving me one reply and moved on. In your case you continuously have to be reminding me of something as if you are trying to be in my face about something. You are obviously obsess about something and you surely don't have a life about this!!! It seems that I had an impact in your pathetic state of mind that you cannot move on and have to be repeating yourself like "Grand oldy".

You r boring!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Once again, the answers in this thread sounds like a choose your own adventure book written for bitter AFC's.

OP... you are now in your 30's or 40's. You are not a college boy any longer. Are you REALLY letting disappointments from over a decade ago influence your decisions and judgment today?

It's one thing to decide things about this woman TODAY, from events that are happening TODAY. But it is pretty immature to let grudges from when you were a teenager drive your life. If you don't want to talk to her because she has a kid, or is divorced, that is all fine and dandy and your choice. But otherwise, I say use your OLDER and WISER judgment today guide your decisions about today. It doesn't sound to me like she did anything terrible back in the day, just decided to flake on plans because she was unsure. I personally don't think any minor grudges from 1998 should be your ultimate deciding factor in 2010.

You can't shake hands with a closed fist.

OP you better listen otherwise you'll be shamed into compliance:

How many do we have:
1. 'bitter AFC's'
2. OP... you are now in your 30's or 40's - i.e be more mature.
3. 'You are not a college boy any longer' - Man up.
4. 'pretty immature'
5. 'teenager drive your life' - i.e be mature.
6. OLDER and WISER - bolded use of 'older and wiser' i.e be more mature.
7. You can't shake hands with a closed fist - some deep meaningful insight that portrays you to be angry and possibly bitter too.