Being used by a woman


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
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Hey Guys,

I need your help in the following situation that I am involved.

Going back 12 years ago ( 1998) I had a crush on this girl that I went to college with during my senior year. We use to meet on many occasions at the Campus gym whereby she and I use to work-out. I must admit I was very attractive to her as she was very hot and surely had the looks. One day at the gym, I took the bold step to break-out a conversation with her and she came across very friendly with me as I discovered that she was single. Few days later, I asked her if she wanted to go for a coffee with me and she replied YES. But few hours later she got cold feet and made-up her mind and said NO. In other words, I got the hint that she wanted me to stop bothering her because I was not her type. Therefore, I got the hint and moved-on

A year later, I discovered that she did meet another guy at the same campus gym who she started dating him. From there, she went-on to married this guy and bared a kid with him in 2002.

Today ( years later), I have finally was able to reconnect with this girl again as she has moved into my neighborhood ( about a small world). She is now officially divorced from this guy who she married and had child with. Ask me why, I don't know.

Now that she is divorced, she all of sudden has started showing interest for me again after she had rejected me going back since 1998. Let us not forget she has indeed rejected me in the rudest manner. She has now started courting me by sending me e-mails through Facebook or trying to break a conversation with me on the street. She went far of asking me out on a date. I must admit that I am very bewildered by her attention.

Guys!!! Is she’s the right choice after she rejected me over for this guy who she went on to get married and divorced him??? Am I being use??? And am I getting involved with baggage?? Because I am convinced that she’s faking it with me!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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fvck and dump. Single mothers are a no no unless they are widowed. Fvck and dump. Don't catch feelings.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
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Northern Cali
12 years ago, she was higher status than you, knew it, and rejected you on a gamble she could get someone better.

Now, she's an older woman with a kid and a failed marriage. Those are all VERY low-status things for a woman to have/be. Sexing her should be an absolute piece of cake. But watch out for the clingy nightmare she'll become the second you give her a taste of your jello sword.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
She may want to see if "she's still got it",does he still want me now? It may just be ego gratification,not serious interest. Or she thinks you'll be a good "baby daddy" and raise a kid you didn't create. As far as I'm concerned, she had her chance.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Giussippi said:
I must admit that I am very bewildered by her attention.

Guys!!! Is she’s the right choice after she rejected me over for this guy who she went on to get married and divorced him??? Am I being use??? And am I getting involved with baggage?? Because I am convinced that she’s faking it with me!!!
TO her you are an available consolation prize. Her #1 guy ( good genes) has made his deposit and has moved on.
I can bet that she believes that you will comply with her attempts to get together because attractive women have massive egos .
She cannot conceive of the possibility that you will reject her.
I bet she is all sweetness, fluffy and nice .

However if you had any confidence that this deal is a good idea, you would by soiling her loins by now instead of posting here about your concerns.

Personally I agree with the others. She had her chance back in 1998.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
She went after the badboy and married him spawning a child and since badboys rarley make good long term husbands/providers things ended up sour for her.

Now she is carrying baggage around (her kid) and in her 30's and subconsciously knows that because of her age and the kid she cannot afford hooking up with a badboy (who will use her fo the short term and dump her in favour of a younger woman) or a high status male (who probably prefers to hook up with younger females with no kid around). Therefore she is clinging up to you now and hoping that you will become the AFC provider/saviour for her future and her kid.

Its a trap.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score

Hook up with her and ride the pony a few times then dump her...Beware she has lots of excess baggage...


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
If it wasn't for the kid involved,i would suggest you to fvck and dump in the worst way possible,she had no problem to screw you personally in 90s now you could make her taste her own medicine.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score

Im agreeing fully with the guys above. Shes using you as a safe, dependable take home to mum safety blanket after the sexual adventures of her youth...

Get in there a few times whilst shes interested, but maintain your distance and FFS use protection....The pregnancy trap card will be her number one weapon to ensnare you either for life, or until somebody richer comes along...

In regards to her child, ask yourself...Why give up your freedom, happiness and goals because she was dumb enough to let her badass husband have his way with her? Secondly in regards to her being divorced, chances are she has debts, and shes seeing your infatuation with her, and subsequent maleability as a way of paying them off...

Do NOT let your emotions or groin rule the way with this one, because she is most definately out to get you. However if you do purse, make it on your terms and by your rules. Otherwise 6 months from now you will be the one babysitting her kid on a saturday night whilst shes out clubbing with her friends....and I gaurantee the sex will have very much dried up by thatpoint...

Ive been in this situation Myself, and from My experience you have to stay in CONTROL. Your rules, Your Way!

Feel free to message Me if you wanna ask anything

Good luck with it anyways buddy ;p)


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
whenever a girl rejects me or does what she did to you, i'm no longer attracted/interested in her anymore. i don't care if she comes back the next day, 5 years, or 20 years later and is all of a sudden "interested". they have ONE shot with me, there are no mulligans with Robert. i want to be someones first choice, not their second or fall back guy. you're better then that. if you can get sex without much effort, go for it and then tell her "i'm sorry but i got over you a long time ago after you REJECTED me. i wasn't good enough for you then and you aren't good enough for me now. here's a towel, wipe the c*m off your face, i gotta go, i'm late for a date."


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
+1 on hit and run, and run fast.

No sympathy for the b1tch that did you wrong in the past. Have fun and don't get attached no matter how great she appeared to be now.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Robert28 said:
whenever a girl rejects me or does what she did to you, i'm no longer attracted/interested in her anymore. i don't care if she comes back the next day, 5 years, or 20 years later and is all of a sudden "interested". they have ONE shot with me, there are no mulligans with Robert. i want to be someones first choice, not their second or fall back guy. you're better then that. if you can get sex without much effort, go for it and then tell her "i'm sorry but i got over you a long time ago after you REJECTED me. i wasn't good enough for you then and you aren't good enough for me now. here's a towel, wipe the c*m off your face, i gotta go, i'm late for a date."
Rob, you are the BEST. I loved your advice buddy. You are absolutely right...we should get together for a beer one day. Thank buddy!! To all of you guys!! My deepest thanks for all of your advices...I am very moved and happy with your pointers...once again!! thank-you to all of you..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
She made you feel bad long ago...

Now she's back at a lower status .....

You seem to want permission to use her.....OR....

Will you be looked at as weak if you take her up on her "interest" in you....Or .......

Is she chick-gaming you now because she's looking for a payday....

Do you really want to waste your time with this chick???...

With all the red flags flying so high......


Will it really change things???....

Is it worth possibly being used..???...

If you're in it to try and make yourself feel better or to see how the tables have turned and how many hoops she will now jump through for you by pumping her and dumping her why not go the full monty???........

See how much BS stuff you can con her into doing for you in addition to the revenge sex....make her humiliation full...

See if you can get her to mow your grass, grocery shop, clean your house/apt, walk your dog, clean out your gutters, loan you money....hell, make up your own list of humiliations....and...I'll give you a dollar if you can get her to also wash your car for you with a toothbrush.....

She will be degraded and you will be the master!!!......


She's a single mom.....her value is dropping like a rock while yours should be steadily climbing.......

That could be time beating you to the punch......

My advice, for what it's worth, skip this chick and find better younger childless chicks that you have no history with....for what it's worth.....

Over and Out.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
She went after the badboy and married him spawning a child and since badboys rarley make good long term husbands/providers things ended up sour for her.

Now she is carrying baggage around (her kid) and in her 30's and subconsciously knows that because of her age and the kid she cannot afford hooking up with a badboy (who will use her fo the short term and dump her in favour of a younger woman) or a high status male (who probably prefers to hook up with younger females with no kid around). Therefore she is clinging up to you now and hoping that you will become the AFC provider/saviour for her future and her kid.

Its a trap.
Thanks!!! I agree


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
boomerick said:
She made you feel bad long ago...

Now she's back at a lower status .....

You seem to want permission to use her.....OR....

Will you be looked at as weak if you take her up on her "interest" in you....Or .......

Is she chick-gaming you now because she's looking for a payday....

Do you really want to waste your time with this chick???...

With all the red flags flying so high......


Will it really change things???....

Is it worth possibly being used..???...

If you're in it to try and make yourself feel better or to see how the tables have turned and how many hoops she will now jump through for you by pumping her and dumping her why not go the full monty???........

See how much BS stuff you can con her into doing for you in addition to the revenge sex....make her humiliation full...

See if you can get her to mow your grass, grocery shop, clean your house/apt, walk your dog, clean out your gutters, loan you money....hell, make up your own list of humiliations....and...I'll give you a dollar if you can get her to also wash your car for you with a toothbrush.....

She will be degraded and you will be the master!!!......


She's a single mom.....her value is dropping like a rock while yours should be steadily climbing.......

That could be time beating you to the punch......

My advice, for what it's worth, skip this chick and find better younger childless chicks that you have no history with....for what it's worth.....

Over and Out.
An old saying that I have learned and that is: Divorce + Ex Husband + Children = Get the hell-out NOW!!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
This is a rather risky proposition considering she moved in to your neighborhood!

If she wasn't in your neighborhood you could use her for easy sex and move on which is the only thing single moms are good for. But when she lives so close to you that gives her a reason to try to get into your life and that's when it becomes too dangerous.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
f283000 said:
This is a rather risky proposition considering she moved in to your neighborhood!

If she wasn't in your neighborhood you could use her for easy sex and move on which is the only thing single moms are good for. But when she lives so close to you that gives her a reason to try to get into your life and that's when it becomes too dangerous.

he's right, i forgot that she's now living in your neighborhood. ok, here's what i would do if i were in your situation. think back to your first post and what she did to you years ago. now, the balls in your court, it's your turn to be the sketchy one who changes his mind this time and gives her the treatment she gave you of "you're not my type, leave me alone". this would be sweeter in my opinion. she knows how she treated you back then, she remembers, believe me. she might feel guilty about it after seeing you recently and now she wants to makeup for it. you're no charity case, you don't need that. she might have moved next door but karma followed her:D have fun with this! you finally get your chance to do the nexting:up: