Being the Prize.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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wjh said:
But overall, false bravado trumps being shy any day of the week. I suppose if it's a binary decision, one over the other, sure "faking" works better.
Absolutely. If you think you're worthless and are afraid to make a move, you're pretty much assured nothing will happen. If you fake some confidence and do something, at least there's a chance.

One problem with this whole concept is so many guys don't really know what their value is. They don't know if women are likely to find them attractive or not. This can cause an identify crisis where you're not sure of who you are. And despite the whole "fake it 'til you make it" approach, it's difficult to have a sense of what you're worth without some external validation.

And none of this takes chemistry into account. You could be a 9 to one girl and a 2 to another. Which is why you have to keep going until you find someone who gets you.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2009
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^ That post takes the cake. At times, I am afraid to make a move and have the whole identity crisis thing. Help?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Australia, ?
For one take the term 'HB' out your vocabulary.

Coming from someone calling themselves 'LinkinParkROX' I can see how you might miss the irony in trying to be the prize on a date with a hot babe.

"get her to try to impress me & stuff."
Just out of curiosity how old are you?

I'm getting the feeling that the HS forum would be more beneficial if only it weren't for the other special kids there.


Sep 8, 2009
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Thinking about it more, I new york asian escorts realized this isn't the first time I've done this. Can anyone help? How do I be the prize, get her to try to impress me & stuff.
It sounds vague but i think new york asian escort that to 'be the prize' completely it is important to work on inner game. Iv realized that iv new york escorts done a lot of new york escort improvement in inner game and it shows now as i can truely be the prize both in my mind and with girls. Do all of the things that Effort listed and u will develop it naturally.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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LinkinParkROX said:
^At times, I am afraid to make a move and have the whole identity crisis thing. Help?
There was a recent thread that really made an impression on me. It stated that confidence was a state of mind, an attitude. See, I've always had successes and failures with women, and they say on here failure is a good thing because you learn from it. They say when you learn you will fail a lot but at least you'll get rid of the anxiety. But I could never see how those failures could not affect your confidence. Because I always thought confidence came from your successes, but I see this is not so, because if that's the case doubt comes from your failures. Confidence is an attitude, a state of mind that you CHOOSE to have, not something you learn from your experiences. Because if you go by your experiences, your failures will bring in doubt (even if the failures are good for you to learn from). So believe in yourself, as a choice.

What has spurred me to action in the past when I was afraid to make a move was realizing that I feared what would happen if I did not make a move even more. I didn't want to go home and face myself knowing that I had wussied out again.

Not sure if any of that helps, but it's something that has worked for me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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ok, please, seriously. ppl who basically write "you're the prize, act like it" or those kind of ONE LINER advice, really... give some better advice. sure if you are good at chicks, then that one liner is understandable to you, but to others, that is like telling a hamster that learning is important and expect hamster to learn math and what not.

i really like how EFFORT puts it. he did not put one liner comment, he actually put some useful advices. well here is my idea. instead of "you're the prize, and if you act like it she will know" type of useless one liner advice, i want to re-emphasize EFFORT's words.

you can't be a fvcking prize for christ sake unless you really feel like you're a prize. so please away with the one liner bull sh!t.

how can you feel like a prize? like EFFORT said, go work out, dress well, and BE A MAN. go to Brian Kim's self improvement blog and read all the articles about being a man. you will kind of get what it means to be a man. study and become familiar with many concepts and ideas. i even practice singing and speech lately to increase my qualities to become the prize, not to "feel like a prize". i am tired of one liner bs, so i will give best effort to help others as well