I do think it can work well when I'm dealing with a girl with high interest like my ex-wife; however, I think there's a big opportunity for me to create interest with girls using better technique.
I'm your quintessential nice guy who isn't bold nor good at escalating. I want to see what you guys do so I can try to up my game without being seen as a creep.
Drop the nice guy stuff. Unless you enjoy being the gay best friend.
Here's what you do.
1) Focus on you. What is your purpose in life? How are you maintaining gains in your body and mind? I.E. exercise regimen, eating / cooking right, reading books to exercise those convulsions in your brain.
2) Reach out to many women. You want to cast a wide net. Many will pass, but focus on the ones who are open to you.
3) If you are using online dating, first
message is the intro with a short comment or question on something in here profile. If you hear back, move on to what she likes to do or more info on her last answer. Third message, say something in regard to let's meet for drinks. I find online messaging doesn't work for getting to know someone.
4) If you get her number,
CALL, not text. Speak for 15 - 20 mins., then say I have to go clean up dinner, walk the dog, or hit the books (college or something).
5) Text her the place and address/time you will meet. After that,
NO MORE CHATTING UNLESS SHE REACHES OUT TO YOU. Keep it short and say you have to get back to work but you look forward in seeing her soon. Shows you are putting yourself over her. You are more important than she is. You are not chasing her like all the other men. This makes you stand out.
6) At the date, big warm hug, and you sit and talk. Remember things she said to you in the message and on her profile and expand. Where did you take that pic. What did you do at work today. Really, so you are a teacher? Why did you become a chemistry teacher? Each answer, just builds on more questions. Smile and laugh. This is supposed to flow naturally and not look like a job interview. If she says she has some pics on her phone, or you have on yours to show her, that can engage some light touching. When you are done, walk her to her car, go for the hug, then kiss deeply and passionately. Tell her we'll speak soon and good night.
7) DO NOT TEXT HER YOU HAD A GREAT/NICE TIME. She should be doing this to you. If/when she does, you say, I had a nice time too.
8) If this was a Friday or Saturday, wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to call and reach out to schedule another date. The next date should be an activity date which would include talking and touching. Some examples, rock climbing, darts, pool/billiards, mini-golf, trivia night, drawing, painting, etc. Something where you can do something and learn more about each other. You pick her up. Tell her it's easier and on the way. If she wants to be with you, she will agree without trepidation.
9) Get a bit to eat, talk about the event.
10) Drive her home, kiss for a bit, then say, would you be up for a movie or something? I'd hate for the night so soon when we're having so much fun. This is where she
MAY invite you up to her apt. After that, watch some tv/movie, and start to caress her body. If her head moves to yours, she's down for making out. How far is up to her, do not push. You can backup, wait a bit, and try again, but watch the boundaries.
11) Next date, you call her four or five days later and then invite her to your place to cook a meal together. The rest is pretty straight forward. Never ask them what they want to do. You are the man. You make the decisions. Women really want to submit and follow, not attack and lead. That is in their nature.