I laugh sometimes about owning a house...maintaining a house is like a second job, only instead of getting paid for doing the work, you're PAYING to do the work.
I keep looking at moving further from the city...supposedly I can get much more house for the same money. If I'm paying much more money, I want to make SURE it's somewhere I'm going to want to live for the rest of my natural life. Only then would I ever consider taking on that kind of debt.
I wouldn't even call myself that "financially savvy". At 30, I probably spend much more money than other people. But I spend it because I CAN.
I look at life differently...I don't want to retire at age 70, being only a handful of years from death and not fit to enjoy my money. I save what I feel comfortable saving and have been thinking for a while about opening an IRA, but if my buddy wants to take a trip to Green Bay to watch a football game, or I decide I want to buy a bike and ride, I'm not going to wait until I'm 65 years old and retired to enjoy those things.
Money itself is worthless when you're dead...all it's worth is what you get out of it. You have to think about the "opportunity cost" of saving that money, all the time you're not living, and whether when you're 50 or 60 whether you can have as much fun with all of your invested cash as you could when you were 30 or 40. I talk to my friends all the time about the "silver bullet retirement plan"...meaning if I run out of money in my old age, a bullet to the head solves all problems. I'm half-joking about it, but I'm half-serious.
I don't spend a lot of money on stupid crap. I bought a townhouse just before the housing boom, so I still have potential equity here. I don't do a lot in terms of "housekeeping". I have little furniture or decoration. I fix things when they break functionally, to the bare minimum to preserve the property value and remain comfortable here, until I figure out where I want to live.
I've tried the whole E-Trade manual investing stuff...I was never good at it. I didn't have the patience to follow shareholder meetings or to evaluate stocks, nor did I have the financial savvy. I have one of those ****ety 401k-style retirement plans through my job...the only reason I put money there is because they match it up to 5%, so it's an instant 100% return. The most I ever see myself doing is opening an IRA. One of those money-market accounts sounds like it might be a good idea as well...I'll have to check around.
But if I feel like going out and having a GOOD steak, or buy some new climbing gear and get a gym membership...why am I going to pinch now? Time is the only finite resource we have. I can't sit on my thumbs now in favor of an imaginary "retirement" in a future that isn't even certain. I could die in my sleep tonight. I could (very unlikely but possible) lose my job.
The only way I ever see myself getting "wealthy" would be lottery or coming up with some product or service that I can turn into a business. I think sometimes about writing...I just don't know what to write about that anyone wants to hear. I'm knowledgeable about everything but an expert in nothing.
As a man with a logical, rational mind, I suppose I am somewhat lacking in creativity.