I was going to say what Nightwing said but in different terms, but he beat me to it and I can't improve on it.
Anyway, being "in touch with your feelings" is a source of strength for a guy. But "acting like a woman" based on that is not. Better stated: acting feminine based on that is not a source of strength. Don't confuse the two---that is, don't confuse being feminine with being in touch with your feelings.
A lot of guys act feminine while exploring their feelings (that is, "getting in touch" with their feelings) and resent how society slaps them down, calls them "fags" while they do this. Worse than society doing this, women do this to them when they expect to "connect" and hopefully "score" while being feminine!
If you've been here more than 3 hours, you know better.
Get in touch with what you want. Stand by it. Just don't mistake being feminine with being in touch with your feelings. Some of the stongest guys you'll ever meet know their feelings. They don't apologize for them. They DO express their feelings differently, though--and women do respond to that.