I also used to get cute all the time until I well, just mastered and became more confident with being cute and sexy. Now I am far more sexy but not in a slutty way. Confidence, is the key honey. I can't just can't express this enough nor can I explain it! You'll know when you finally feel good, and content in your own skin and that is more powerful than any boob job, or maxim babe on the planet....
ANd hey, guys cute is better than butt ugly, dork or loser.... and well your post has too many grey areas. But hell, no matter if you are cute, even boyish, got your game on and know some DJ moves, in my book you're dangerous!!! Very.
Just don't wear madris pants, look like archie and have a hair do like Alfalfa's. Work with what you have but don't obsess on those things you don't have rather concentrate on those terrific traits God gave you. We are all different and no one person on the planet is the same. I think that is very cool. AMazing actually. So think about that, seriously.
And be a man! A real man. Not a jerk but a confident, sexy, smart and I know what I want, I am gonna get it sort of man. And nothing will stop me. OKay, also not a rapist or wacko
I mean be strong but not crazy.. Or stalker for heaven's sake.
In my book if you are a man with a plan, no matter how boyish your face is you WILL score. A man with a plan who isn't afraid to go after what he wants, bust a move and well, say what he wants like he expects to get it is golden.
Just act the act and talk the walk and you'll convince woman that you ain't just another pretty boy face. ANd in doing that you will also work on convincing yourself. Just pretend if you have to. It sinks in especially, after being hurt one too many times. I mean you get to the point where you either die in misery or get it together and everyone on here can get it together. I mean we have this site and eachother and you have you. NOt to sound sappy but really. Quite complaining. Boysigh faces, pleazzzze. You should have so many problems. Rolling my eyes, and they are big and blue!
But again, pretty or boyish is better than butt ugly any day so be grateful and chances are as you age you will get better looking with a good foundation. Hell, even ugly guys can be DJ's.
How many times does it have to be said on this friggen site. It's not just looks but attitude and personality. If you got that down you will score. Not matter what!
Enough already.