...Where dudes screw up is they end up pursuing chicks that really are not interested in them. Ignore all the PUA bvllsh!t... you can not get any woman you want, you can only attract chicks that are interested in what you have to offer.
I can't seem to get round this obsession with caring whether a girl is interested in you or not, who cares? A man should assume every woman he is interested in, is interested in him even if she doesn't show it. Because: 1. Interest is
fleeting. In my younger days when I wasn't so good with women, many girls would show
interest in me because they liked how I looked...I didn't bang most of them though because I was poor at transitioning into getting physical, so they lost
Now days, I sometimes see the opposite happening. I approach girls who have showed me no interest (I approach many girls, even girls I don't find attractive and not necessarily for sex either), and sometimes they will start out cold...but after a while you can see their behaviour changing and they start to open up. I've banged girls this way...even when I wasn't necessarily trying to bang them.
Understand though, that I'm not saying you can bang any girl you want...and to be honest, wanting to bang every girl you find attractive is a child's mentality anyway because you shouldn't want to.
...Don;t waste time on low interest b!tches... they will only use you until another dude they are REALLY interested in comes along.
I don't see the point you're trying to make here. What you're essentially saying here is that there is potentially a man she will find more attractive than you, right? But this is
always the case, interest level has nothing to do with it. But also, just as I posted further up, I've had girls
become interested when they seemingly weren't before.
...I can't stand when guys give advice to sexlorn chaps in college. "Looks don't matter." Rubbish. Whether for a one night stand or something longer, being physically attractive to your partner is almost always a prerequisite...no chick is going to want you if you look like Urkel.
Everytime I see someone putting too much emphasis on how a man looks, they always seem to be saying essentially "physical attractiveness is binary". It's as if they believe a woman either wants to rip your clothes off or she finds you repulsive...as if there's nothing in between.
I'm not saying you're one of these people, but it may surprise some guys that many men fall in between, where she wouldn't mind fvcking you but she isn't necessarily enthused about it either.
And finally, in my experience what a woman finds physically attractive varies much more from woman to woman than it does for men...so even then your argument falls short.
Rather than improve your "game" the best thing a guy could do is improve your appearance. Cultivate a flattering look, diet and exercise, etc.
If you live in big city like I do, the average guy you're competing with is in shape and 'normal' looking. If a woman has to choose between two men and both of them rate the same in appearance she is going to use
another factor
to make her decision.
Obviously women wanting a fling will go for the most good looking guy available. If that is your case you are in the position of abundance fairly goodlooking women live in, finding somebody for sex is as easy as breathing, but a proper relationship (and someone worth it...) is hard for everyone.
BS. First of all physical attractiveness is in a scale, it's not as simple as being good looking or ugly. You're assuming good looking men don't need to do anything. Women can get away with being passive (even when it comes to sex), but a man almost always needs to be proactive. He has to find a way to transition from conversation to getting her to bed...women in my experience
almost always love it when it seems like sex 'just' happens (I have the firm belief women love the anticipation of sex
more than sex itself), some guys are better at this than others.