Beginning to an end??

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I have a question maybe some of you can help me with. I have been in a 4 year relationship, however, it has finally reached a rocky point in my book. Due to medical school, I have moved away about 5 hrs. away from my gf. Now, I am currently trying to do the long distance thing, however, I don't know how I should feel about it. Now considering I pretty much hang out with the med school buds and nurses, I really don't talk much with my gf. Also, she has a full-time job so our schedules are pretty busy. Nonetheless, here is the part I am confussed about. Now, ever since I left the attention and the spark has pretty much decreased. I sort of feel like she is not as thoughtful and even sexy as when we first started dating. I was just speaking to a friend of mine, and she has this dinner planned and even went out and bought new lingerie for her bf who is coming home to visit. As oppose to her, my gf doesn't do all that stuff anymore. We pretty much just go out to eat (which I plan) and watch movies. Now, is it normal after dating for that long for her to be less romantic, or is it that the relationship is finally turning off? Now in the past, I have done my fair share of romantic gestures, but I stopped the minute I noticed she stopped. The intimacy isin't even exciting anymore! What do you all think? Is it normal after a 4-5 year relationship for the romanticism and the intimacy to reach a low point? I appreciate your feedback.

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I also forgot to add that we decided to break up when I left but we after some time we eventually got back together.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, passion does die with many relationships. You can either try and rekindle it or move on. Sounds like you've thought this through.

Major props on med school by the way, if she's an appreciative woman, she should be dying to keep you. Doctors don't grow on trees and med school is darn tough.

If you feel you can't rekindle the passion, move on. Or you could just date others for awhile and see how it goes and then get back together later if you don't feel you connect with someone ... I'm not usually an advocate of that, but in this situation (long distance, med school, etc.) it might be a solid option. Sounds like you two need some time off.

Good luck.