Originally posted by alboh
Oh great, now the American family has turned into a business venture?
Wake up kid. I don't know how it works in your country, but if you live in America and expect to live happily ever after off of social security you have a rude awakening ahead of you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the desire to acquire wealth. It's puds like you that perpetuate the false belief that getting rich should be accompanied with shame.
I don't believe in tax shelters either. Calling all poor people "deadbeats" is a convenient way for greedy people to alleviate their guilt but it does nothing to advance society.
Advance society? You're a punk.
What you're REALLY saying is that MY hard work should go to fund the escapades of beer swilling Joe trailer trash that doesn't see fit to get off his lazy ass and work for a living. How exactly is paying people to do nothing serving to "advance society"?
I live in Canada, with an even higher rate of taxation (my dad makes $130 000 and gets taxed for half of that!!!) and I'll still gladly pay my taxes. A strong social net is a critical part of any advanced society.
Pretty smart. Let the government take HALF of what you make to benefit others.
I have an idea! After you let the government take half why don't you take the other half and hand it out on the street corner. I'm sure everyone will appreciate your generosity for about a millisecond before they piss it away on hit of crack or whatever the hell else makes them feel good for a few minutes.
I'll build up some savings in case I lose my job,
See, that's the difference between people like you and people like me.
I don't have a job! I don't need savings. I have a postive net worth.
That's right. I'm a GREEDY s.o.b. that started a business and hired people to work for me so I don't have to. And I'm such an ******* for leaving for taking a trip in a couple of weeks while my employees are slaving away to make money for me, right?
I'm going to try and mortgage a small home to rent out downtown, then after property values downtown increase I'll sell it for a small profit and put that money into investments for retirement. Then I'll get a normal job and live life at my own pace, since my retirement is secure.
First of all, working your "normal job" won't allow you to live your life at your own pace. Been there, done that. Financial independence allows you to live life at your own pace.
Since I have begun to see a return on my hard work recently, I visited Key West in November, Vegas in January, Europe in a couple of weeks, and I will be vacationing in the mountains of Georgia the first week in May. And probably a cruise a few months later. THAT'S living life at your own pace. I wouldn't trade my situation for ANYTHING.
You will be punching a time clock forever and die poor with your attitude.
Also, one small house isn't going to be much of a retirement plan, I'm sorry to say.