strong like bull said:
its sad how such a great thread deteriorates into petty arguments.
Kind of like when the moralists get their feathers in a ruffle over the idea that a womans actions might be heavily influenced by her monkey brain....
the bottom line, is that his original info and concepts are sound and true. you can disagree in opinion, such as... "i dont think id be happy investing in real estate."
but to disagree in fact, such as... "its ridiculous to build wealth through real estate." is ignorance. it is PROVEN, even in TODAYS market to be one of the most powerful tools/skills you can have. building a real estate business has been and will always be one of the most profitable business on earth.
Just as the beta/AFC masses must defend their ego investments in the mating matrix, so must the "educated masses" defend their long lifelong belief that the only way to succeed is to go to college, get the best degree you can, and work until you are old.
It is even tougher for people to lose their ignorant beliefs about money than it is for them to lose their ignorant beliefs about women. It's easy to discount the idea that there might be a few shortcuts to building wealth when you have a steady job that brings you a paycheck, and all of your friends and family are doing the same thing, making ends meet.
It isn't like with women, where it might be an all or nothing proposition. You can be comfortably (or uncomfortably) middle class pretty easily. Unless you are hungry enough to seek out the knowledge, you will never find it.
the concept of buying property, then leveraging to acquire more property is as timeless and solid as you can get. it applies in any market, up down or sideways.
Of course the detractors will all point to the recent market conditions and say "There! See! I told you were WRONG!". They will totally gloss over the fact that I made it very clear that you only buy when you can get something that pays for itself, and if you were to have followed that advice, you wouldn't have anything to worry about in an up or a down economy.
They will shout "HA! I told you so! Look at the economy! You would have been a fool to have invested in anything in the past 5 years!", like they had some sort of crystal ball. Hindsight is 20/20. Let's all crawl into a cave and hide from the world.
We are in the middle of (hopefully soon coming out of) the worst recession of our lifetime. Businesses closed, jobs were lost (yes, even by those with college degrees), and it's pretty bad all around. I took a hit just like almost everyone I know. But you know what? It doesn't matter. Cause I take it in stride. I know that the whims of the economy mean little in the grand scheme of things.
And yes, the concepts that I outlined have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years in some form or another, and yes, they do work. Is there anything that is fool proof? Is it impossible to ever get caught in a downturn? Of course not. If you want guarantees you put your money into a savings account or buy bonds that barely keep up with inflation.
Fact is, a lot of these guys are scared. "OMG! What if I lose a thousand dollars?" If you are petrified to lose a thousand bucks (which most people are) then you sure as hell aren't going to have the stomach to lose more than what some people make in a lifetime.
So these folks can content themselves to earning a paycheck, believing their degree makes them immune to the ills of the economy, chucking away a few hundred bucks a month until they are "of retirement age". I'm not content with that. No one has to be.
second, the difference between an employee mindset and the business owner or investor mindset. this is something that every man deserves to at least KNOW about.
Absolutely. If you are AWARE of the world on the other side but choose not to partake it is one thing. But guys like this would rather deny its existence or its credibility than to open their mind beyond what their parents taught them.
synergy1 said:
str8, what a bag of wind. You didn't/ can't even answer my simple question without posting two pages of pure nonsensical mumbo jumbo. The truth is, you haven't earned crap. your true wealth ( assets less liabilities) is probably less than mine right now.
If I told you I am 2 million liquid you would call me a liar, and if I told you I am $1 in the hole you would call me an idiot, so even if I DID discuss these matters with anyone outside of my circle, it would be utterly pointless.
Honestly, its not my business but you are advocating to these kids to build credit in ways like this:
Care to back up your opinion with something other than "That's not the way it is supposed to be done"? How IS it "supposed to be done", Mr. Engineer? Who makes these rules?
My uncle the banker would tell me the same things you do, but I don't want to be like you or him, so I think I will go about things a bit differently.
Now you are working as a middle man peddling another product. You have no true talent and will continue to be a middle man until your later years.
I'm not sure which part of your posterior you pulled this from, but I can assure you that my latest business venture is far from being a "middle man" (like there is something
wrong with selling someone elses product- this shows your ignorance). I don't manufacture the product, but I worked with a lab to create it to my specifications, and they manufacture it for me. I built the brand, the entire concept from the ground up. On the information side of it I wrote the entire script of the video that I am working on. All two hours of it. Every single word. And as soon as it is finished, I have retail and wholesale customers ready to start buying it up.
So please, continue grasping for anything to try to belittle me, because in the end it doesn't serve to tear me down, it only serves to make yourself look like a fool.
Since you talk so much, you also seem to contradict yourself a lot.
You take a quote from the end of the 500 reply thread out of context to prove that I advocate "get rich quick" schemes. You are gonna have to try a little harder than that to discredit me.
I believe the purpose of this thread was to set the mental framework and it did that, I would like to see MORE threads like this and I would like Str8up to stick around to contribute.
Setting a mental framework was EXACTLY the purpose of this post.
And I would love to stick around and argue with a bunch of guys who have never tried anything and think they have all of the answers, but I have already made up my mind to GTFO of here when I hit 7000 posts, so someone else will have to write something up. Seems like synergy and duff have an opinion. Maybe they can lead some financial discussions for the benefit of the group.
Whaddya say fellas?
Here ya go....
synergy1 said:
Part of my long term plan is to build a portfolio of small rental homes near college campuses ( paid in full with cash of course), and than rent them out to generate a small income stream for my later years.
Maybe synergy can start out by making a thread detailing why it is better to save up and pay cash for these properties (because he thinks it is "safer"), how he intents to do that (by scrimping and saving money he has to work his ass off for), and how long he anticipates this taking (forever).
Anyone with a little disciple can pinch pennies their entire life and live comfortably when they turn 60. If that's what you strive for, by all means, listen to these guys.