Before the Hs Forum Falls To Ashes: Some Things I've Learned


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I think the problem is some ppl just don't try to learn. A problem comes up and they run here to ask for help. They don't try to solve the problem on they're own. They get so used to asking the same questions over and over and over that they don't learn from they're mistakes. They get used to having the answers handed to them. If they actually tried to solve the problem on their own every now and then they'll start to get better.

I've learned this over the past months.

The thing is if we ask big questions then cool. But now I think ppl just asks too many questions that you already have the answer to just by simply thinking it out.

But I think we do need to take the next step and start fiquring out most of our situations on our own.

I'm with the learn or leave policy.