You should be eating a minimum of 240g protein/day, that's 1.5g/lb of your bodyweight, but 320g would be optimal. Depending on your body type, you can fiddle with the rest of your diet. Preferably cut out all those refined carbs, (breads, pasta, cereal, fruit juices, candy) and the milk.
Good sources of protein:
meat (chicken, turkey, beef, some lamb)
some dairy if you tolerate it
Fish would be a great source of protein if it wasn't so contaminated.
Eat lots of fibrous vegetables and some whole fruits, (more veggies than fruit).
You can use one of the many nutritional calculator thingies online to calculate how much protein, calories etc. you're getting a day.
Basic supplements you should always take and when on a budget:
decent multivitamin
fish/cod liver oil
green/white tea (not really a supplement unless you use the extract)
I'd also add extra vitamin C, zinc and magnesium, which are all cheap.
Post workout you need fast digesting protein (whey) and carbs (maltodextrin, dextrose) like shaun said on the first page.
Oh and post up your workout routine.