my starting point is:
brown ground beef in cast iron skillet, with a bit of salt, and garlic or onion (powder if none fresh available).
put 2 Tbsp of butter, olive oil or whatever else you have in the bottom of a 2+ quart saucepan. crank the heat to high. drop in as much of a bag of frozen veggies as you can fit, break 'em up as much as possible (veggies stuck together take much longer to thaw), add a bit of salt, drop on the lid. let 'em steam, still on high, the fat on the bottom will keep it from burning. stir with a spoon after five minutes, replace the lid. the melting ice will steam the veggies nicely, just keep an eye on things the first few times you do this.
when the beef is sufficiently brown and veggies sufficiently hot, use a slotted spoon to drop veggies onto beef into a bowl, add black pepper (freshly ground if you can), taste to see if it needs a bit more salt. add any sauces or oils you like (i'm partial to a bit of sesame oil). you're done.
all those words make it sound hard. it's easier than pb&j and not much more cleanup. you can make it a bit more complicated and interesting by adding beans and/or a starch, if you're not avoiding carbs.
my default veggies for this are any sort of bagged mixed veggies. if you're using fresh, you'll have to adjust the cooking technique--with frozen, the directions usually call to add water, but this just leaches away nutrition. there's plenty of water in the bag itself, you just have to keep the veggies from burning while the ice melts, which is what the fat in the bottom of the pan is for.