becoming more than friends


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
i like my (best) friend, but she doesnt have the same feelings for me. would i have a better chance if i just stopped talking to her and stopped being her friend, and then just gave her a call in a couple months/years if i was still interested, or if i continued to be her friend??

please dont say to just move on and go out with other girls, im trying and i know, im looking for other advice.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lucky13, i was in a similar situtation about exactly a year ago, i was head over heals for her, i considered her on of my best friends. and i told her i how i felt, it turned into alot of drama, and she lead me on, she made it seem like i had a chance, but the more time went by i realized it wasnt gonna happen. I would say that its possible to stay friends and wait it out, but you "should" try to move on and find other girls, There are many "fish in the sea" and you cant get caught up on 1 girl, i did the same thing tho and i regret it. Its hard and i can say that first hand. Starting off will seem really hard but once you realize that its not really worth waiting around, you will be happier. I hope this helped if you have any other questions just ask


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lucky13, i was in a similar situtation about exactly a year ago, i was head over heals for her, i considered her on of my best friends. and i told her i how i felt, it turned into alot of drama, and she lead me on, she made it seem like i had a chance, but the more time went by i realized it wasnt gonna happen. I would say that its possible to stay friends and wait it out, but you "should" try to move on and find other girls, There are many "fish in the sea" and you cant get caught up on 1 girl, i did the same thing tho and i regret it. Its hard and i can say that first hand. Starting off will seem really hard but once you realize that its not really worth waiting around, you will be happier. I hope this helped if you have any other questions just ask


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
oki listen to me , i had a huge crush on my friend , i know i was a total afc chump with her. I thought she was special one of a kind , she was almost perfect and very nice and very good girl. But trust me every girl has alot of hidden **** in their closet , and once i got a glimse of what her real self was like , i understood my feelings were dilluded by the simple fact that i thought she was nearly perfect , i wanted to see what i wanted to see instead of seeing what was right infront of me. before i saw her like that , i thoguht no other girl would be good enough , i always thought about her , and thoguht i would never get over her and never stop liking her.

But you know what
Life goes on , you meet new people you get over old ones , especially the ones that you twist into being more then what they are. trust me , just stay her friend and move on , if she said no to you then move on dont waste your time and life following a road wich will only give her more power more confidence , while you only get more isolated and angry at reality.

if by any chance you two should like each other again at the same time later on in life , then decide what to do , dont try to go after her to make her like you or waste your life waiting for her to change her mind .

live your life man , you only get one.