Becoming Magnetic

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
W E A P O N S . O F . M A S S . S E D U C T I O N >> P A R T . 8 . O F . 1 5
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"Becoming Magnetic"

How do you attract someone? I mean there is obvious physical attraction, but we all know looks aren't everything. I have met some ugly dudes who are full-blown pimps with the ladies. I have also met some beautiful girls who, despite their gorgeousness, are decidedly unattractive or lacking in personality. So what REALLY makes a person attractive on a deep level? Simple really.

Attraction = The lure of Value

Women will either value your presence, or you are phased out in the shadow of someone who presents more value to them. So what constitutes this elusive value we strive for?

I think about the most attractive people I know and they possess the following characteristics:

Socially Adjusted >> Comfortable talking and relating to anyone. Make friends easily.
Confident >> Believe in themselves. Healthy self-esteem. (not to be confused with arrogance)
Genuine >> Completely sincere and direct
Playful >> Fun-loving and Flirtatious.
Creative >> Filled with imagination and great ideas
Talented >> Naturally blessed with impressive skills
Passionate >> Emotionally alive and uninhibited.
Intuitive >> Able to read situations and people with ease.
Ambitious >> Driven and hardworking in their pursuit of goals and dreams
Laidback >> Free from unnecessary stress and drama
Witty >> Able to provoke laughter and thought with their mental agility.
Positive >> Gives off good vibes. No complaints or negative gossiping.
Unpredictable >> Interesting, original & stimulating.

If I met a woman who was not all that great looking, but had just half of the above qualities, I would find her to be very attractive. She could probably seduce me very easily in fact. Up to a certain point of course. I am a guy after all and we do place a higher priority on the physical. For instance, I could meet a women who was passionate, intelligent, and all that jazz, but if she had a flat ass I would have to say "pass!"

This is not to say that women have no physical standards, of course they do. But these standards are a bit more flexible than ours because they are more aroused by personalities, characters and the EMOTIONS you can give them. Imagine what effect the above qualities has on them.

That's right. Wet panties.

As you can see, this requires some work on your part. You can say all the smoothest lines that you have ever copied and pasted from your browser, but the bottom line is that if you don't have an interesting personality to back them up, they will fall flat!

On the other hand, I know tons of interesting, witty, talented guys who are terrible with women!

So the real question is how do we CONVEY these magnetic characteristics? This is not a simple question so fasten your seatbelts, cuz this is one beast of a post!

Show her you are socially adept

So simple. Interact in a fun, positive fashion with people around her and once she sees others enjoying your company, she'll be thinkin..."Hmm, who is THIS?" Why? Because social proof is RARE. 90% of guys you will run into on your adventures are total AFC duds. Too scared to initiate convos with strangers, much less HBs. The fact that you confidently approach everybody sets you apart and creates an intrigue about you. It also disarms her a little when you speak to her. She can't immediately frame you as trying to pick her up because you are not giving her special treatment.

Show up on the scene and greet everyone you meet as if you are running the show. Work the room as soon as you step into the door. Walk around giving people high fives. Open up a group and get them to laugh and then do a TakeAway as you shift your attention to another group. Always leave them wanting more of you! Keep circulating around the room this way and soon people will approach YOU.

When dealing with groups, one important thing to remember is to make eye contact with everyone in the group as you speak. Keep shifting your gaze so that you don't subconsciously exclude anyone. Master this and in time you will be able to merge different groups together with your conversations. Introduce someone you just met to another new friend you just made. Realize that most people are bored senseless and are dying for someone interesting like you to show up and brighten their lives. Be the axis around which the scene revolves, the life of the party!

See that fly hottie over there? Uh-oh..she's with friends and two of them are guys! One of them is probably her boyfriend so maybe you should not approach. BULLSHYT!!! Go over there and chat up the guys, find out how everyone knows each other. This is how you discover who is dating who. Chat up everyone EXCEPT your target. Once you get a few laughs and you know they are digging you, go in for the kill and say, "I'm sorry I have been alienating your friend here, is it cool if I talk to her for a little while? Great!" (credit: Mystery) Take her hand and lead her someplace more isolated as you bust on her for having friends who would let her run off with a total stranger, then escalate the game.

Show other women a good time around her. In this way you capitalize on the competitive nature of da ladies. You can pickup chicks right in front of her, or if you are still a bit timid in this area, I would suggest the use of a pivot.

What's a pivot? Glad you asked

A pivot is a platonic female friend, preferably an attractive one who will roll with you to clubs/bars/etc and help you pick up chicks. Often times I actually prefer pivots to wing men. Showing up to a party with a couple of hot ladies on your arm always sets the right tone. This is why I don't get upset when I get LJBFed. These girls are the best and prove to be great fun if you don't take their rejection personally. I have even had a couple of my these "friends" start to catch feelings for me after they saw me hook up with a few hotties. A testament to the power of female jealousy!

Getting in touch with your inner child.

We covered the basic principles of kino in the Destroying Social Phobias post. By this point you should already be touching girls right from the start of your interactions. But let us not forget the power of PLAY. Tease her. Poke her. Throw paperclips at her head and when she looks your way, whistle like it wasn't you. Twirl her around and dip her ballroom dance style. Tickle her. Steal something from her and get her to wrestle you for it. Give her a piggy-back ride and run at full speed while humming the Jedi theme to Star Wars! HAVE FUN WITH HER! We always hear how women love to be swept off their feet, but few of us have the intuition to take this literally. It's okay to smile and be a goof sometimes!

Everyone wants what they can't have.

Show her the best time she's ever had and then VANISH. Don't sit there by the phone counting the days you should or should not call her back. Be busy and ambitious enough in your life that you don't have time to call her the next day. Have other prospects in your life. Even if you are looking for something long term, play the field so you get to pick from the best of the best. Weed out the ones that don't reciprocate your communication. Remember, she has to meet you halfway! Let her ass call YOU for a change!

My general rule is if I call a girl more than 2 or 3 times and she doesn't try to contact me once, it's a wrap! Why waste time on a flake? I got better things to do, finer girls to meet! The girls that do show interest go nuts when I finally do give them some attention because I make sure that:

1. I make them laugh and have a good time.
2. I end my interactions with them on a high note and leave them wanting more.
3. I am not readily available at all times so they actually get a chance to miss me.

A quote from Cialdini himself:
The joy is not in experiencing a scarce commodity but in possessing it.

Draw people to you by displaying talent, passion and ambition.

This is how rock stars get laid. They put on a great show and everyone in the room is feeling them. They display their talents and are instantly social proofed by a crowd of people. It's no surprise that these guys get mobbed by women. I know what you're thinking, and sure, it helps to be rich and famous. But I believe that $$$ has little to do with it. I see the same phenomenon happen in clubs all the time with DJs and their groupies. And these guys are not rich!

Do something great or entertaining in public and you generate instant value.

You don't have to be a virtuoso either. The key is to have the ability to do something impressive...anything! Can you sketch? Do bicycle stunts? Juggle? Tie cherry stems into knots with your tongue? Nothing? Damn son, it looks like you will just have to rely on your wits then! Which brings us to...

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
V. ****Y & FUNNY (C&F)
Playful, witty, unpredictable, confident, laidback and flirtatious. No wonder it works!

I think back to all the natural DonJuans I have known and they all did something that perplexed me in the beginning.

Every once in a while I'd catch these guys busting on girls, making fun of them as if they were bratty little kids. Sometimes they would almost cross the line of total rudeness and I would get embarrassed for them, but the girl would end up laughing. I would think to myself "What did I miss here?" I also noticed that people who are really close to each other participate in this ceremonial ball-busting. It was a curious thing to me.

I didn't figure it out until I got older, and found myself unconsciously doing the same thing. Why? Simple. Because its hilarious and adds spice to a relationship! After all, you will get bored of someone pretty fast if they didn't provide some sort of stimulation or challenge and always agreed with what you said.

Think of it this way. If you do women favors, ask them lots of questions and kiss their asses, then they don't have to earn the pleasure of your interaction. You are giving your attention away free of charge, and your attention becomes CHEAP! You are subliminally telling her that you don't value yourself enough to let your true personality shine, instead you have to manipulate her with your favors and ass kissing to win her good graces. This is repulsive behavior!

The truth of the matter is that women are not attracted to a man who tells them how great they are all the time, talks about his feelings for them and agrees with everything they say. In fact they are usually repelled by this behavior because it is SUBMISSIVE! They are attracted to a man who is the center of his reality and has the balls to speak his mind. He doesn't feed into her desires or emotional states. Instead he flips the game with humor and tension so that she feeds into his.

Ah-ha! now you are starting to see!

So many people get this technique all wrong. They end up insulting women and come off like asshøles. The key to C&F is to understand that it is meant to tease and entice, not insult! You must master the fine art of flirting if you want to be successful with this approach. The key is to actually be funny!

You tease her in a way that she has no choice but to laugh. The interesting thing about humor is that it often has a ring of truth to it, so there is an uncertainty on her part as to whether you are kidding or not. This is unpredictable behavior. Makes them anticipate what you are going to say next. They are all like "Why hasn't he told me I am beautiful yet? And where is my drink?"'s so much fun to make them wonder!

This is why C&F is an excellent tool of attraction. Your unpredictable wit is keeping this chick on her toes! The anticipation begins to get the best of her, and she will become aroused. At this point she will often start to shyt-test to you to see if there is a MAN behind this veil of confidence.

Dealing with the silly games women throw your way.

What is a Shyt Test?

When dealing with fine women who are accustomed to constant male attention, you have to realize that their screening process is different from yours. These chicks get hit on every day by tons of dudes. She has the power to be selective and she does not hesitate to use it. If a chick is attracted to you, often times she will run these little tests on you to see if you are worthy of her affections.

Here are some examples:

HER: Can you put this in the trash for me?

CHUMP: Oh, of course! Do you need anything else?
YOU: No! Haha just kidding. Sure I can, but what's in it for me?

HER: Could you do me a big favor?

CHUMP: Your wish is my command!
YOU: I dunno (pause and look her up and down) aint nothing for free in this world, honey. You gots to earn favors! Give me a massage first and I will think about it.

HER: Are you a player or something?

CHUMP: (nervous and sweating) Uhh..
YOU: Oh totally, all the ladies want a piece of me. Usually my pimp status is more obvious, but I left my fur coat and gold chains at home. You should come over to my place later on and I'll show them to you. (wink) So anyways like I was sayin.. (Keep talking as if she never interrupted you)

HER: OMG, you are such a jerk!

CHUMP: Why do you say that? (takes her personally)
YOU: So what is it about jerks that turn you on so much?

HER: I never have sex on the first night.

CHUMP: Oh. (feels like he was just shot down)
YOU: Me neither, I get so tired of these women who just want to use me and toss me aside like a sex toy.

HER: I have a boyfriend.

CHUMP: Really, sorry to bother you then. He is a lucky guy!
YOU: (said in a playful manner) I have a boyfriend too. And you know what he told me before I went out tonight? He said, "If you meet someone exciting, have a good time! I don't want to hold you back." I think it's wonderful that he is so open like that, don't you? (credit cooljoe for this gem)

HER: You only want sex.

CHUMP: That's not true!
YOU: You are the one who brought it up.

HER: Sex can really ruin a good friendship, you know?

CHUMP: Yeah, you are so right.
YOU: Wow, are you really that bad of a lover?(scandalous grin)

Notice how the chump fails her tests and lets her control his mindstate. See how she says these little things to seperate the chumps from the champs? She wants to see if she can throw you off your game. Often times she is also trying to disrupt the state you are putting her in because God forbid she should have such slutty feelings for a smooth fellow like you! The trick is to not let her fukk up your flow. Never take these questions seriously or answer them directly and you will pass with flying colors.

She'll ask for favors or tell you she is not interested in sex. But you don't play that game, you get her to do YOU favors and ultimately accuse her of trying to seduce you. Turn the tables on her and she will love you for it! Tease and flirt with her and you will notice her get turned on and touch you or hit you playfully. This is sexual communication my friends. It is the art of Verbal Foreplay!

It's funny how well I can read your mind right now. "Dammit, cram the #%^&@$ armchair philosophy Fingers, let's see some more examples!" Hehe ...... well, I can't help being a bit of a tease ;) but since you have taken the time to read my endless drivel, I guess you have earned this:

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Reminder: ****y is not enough! Be Funny and Playful!

(1) Sporadic Displays of Confidence
(2) Reality Check
(3) Role Reversal
(4) Role Playing
(5) Qualifying

"Damn I am good!"

This is where you demonstrate your self-worth in a playful and humorous way. These lines should be used VERY sparingly otherwise you will come off like an arrogant prick.

She compliments you
- "Thanks for the compliment, but I prefer food and gifts, or maybe a massage"
- "Yeah, I am pretty awesome!"
- "Hey, we're both adults here, you can just come right out and say that you love me"
- "Tell you what, if you can stop trying to flatter your way into my pants for 5 minutes, I might consider letting you take me out to dinner" (only use this one if you have big balls)

Note: Keep in mind that often times, a sincere "thank you" is the best way to return a compliment. It really depends on the nature of the compliment itself and the dynamic between you two. Develop that intuition through experience and you will see what I mean. In a pinch you can try this one, which has never failed me:

- "My, what excellent taste you have!" (Nice one that compliments both of us)

She tells you she loves/likes/misses you
- "Oh...I know!" (Said matter-of-factly with a smile)
- "*sigh* yeh can't say I blame you there!" (interlock your fingers behind your head like you are sooo content with yourself)
- "That's no surprise, I mean what's not to love/like/miss?" (As if it's the most obvious thing in the world)
- "Hey that's really sweet!'re not gonna start stalking me now are you? I'd hate to have to take out a restraining order just because you are obsessed with me."

A girl you don't know makes eye contact with you
- "Hey there, I just couldn't help noticing you (pause) STARING at me."
- "Do you always maintain such strong eye contact? Or only with guys like me that you can't help it with?"

"I refuse to worship your looks!"

Some might call these neg-hits. I call it leveling the playing field. You simply set yourself apart from all the drooling AFC's who shower this girl with endless attention and compliments. You are not insulting her, rather you disarm her by not falling under the power of her beauty. Save these for the HB 9's and 10's who are used to getting approached by hordes of men and as a result have their bytch shields set to "stun"

Cold Approach
"Hi I just wanted to talk to the prettiest girl in the room" (wait for her to look at you like you're just another fan, then say) "Yeah, she's right over there (point) but I'm too nervous to talk to her so I figured I would practice on you, first."

She talks for a long time without letting you speak
Close your eyes and start snoring as if you just passed out from boredom.

She tells you she is a model
"Really? that's pretty cool..(look at her hands) So how long have you been a hands model?"

You pay attention to her strange quirks of character then point them out to her
Say "You are a strange girl." She will ask why so be prepared to tell her the funny things you notice about her. Try to avoid commenting on physical traits. Make fun of her odd behavior, which isn't that hard because we are all odd in our own ways. If she tries to flip it and say that you are weird just say that you are secure enough to admit it and turn your neg into a compliment saying that normal people bore you and it's all good because you only hang out with freaks. As soon as she seems appeased, flip it again and say that she IS unusually freaky though. Damn, you are such a scoundrel!

You have good vibe going and you have already been teasing each other by the time you drop this
"You know I have psychic powers. (she says "really?") Yes, in fact I have an intuition about you (pause till she gets curious) I get the impression that you are a total BRAT! (she protests and maybe hits you) Wait wait, the picture is becoming clear now.(Rub your temple for effect) Yes I can see now that you weren't spanked enough as a child! We'll have to make up for lost time won't we ?" (sly grin) You'll know that your magic is working on her when she tries to hit you playfully. That's your cue to spank her ass!

"I'm not that easy!"

This one is gold. You turn the tables on her by making it seem like she is picking you up and coming on a little too strong. The key here is to be funny, but also act like you are offended by her advances. You are giving her the same runaround she is used to giving guys so she will usually appreciate your humor and attention to detail. It is great fun and sets a nice subliminal tone that will often get them to start chasing you.

Cold approach intros
- "Hey, you just grabbed my ass!"
- "Were you just staring at my butt?"

She suggests going to a bar
"Damn, the night is young and already you want to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me? Typical!"

You discuss the possibility of relocating to your/her place
-"Sure we can go back to your/my place, but don't get any ideas, missy. I'm not that easy! Sh!t, you gotta wine me and dine me before i put out!"
-"Let me just make it clear that we will NOT be having sex tonight. Are you okay with that?"

She says she never has sex on the first date
- "Whoa girl, you are moving wayyyy too fast! I'm still trying to decide if I will let you hold my hand!"
- "Hey, was thinking only the purest of thoughts...Are you trying to corrupt my innocence here?"
- "Sex?! I don't even know if you are a good kisser yet."

You accuse her of treating you like a sex toy
-"You know, I am getting sick and tired of all these women who only want to use me for sex." (Look disgusted)
-"I'm not just a piece of meat. I have feelings too you know!" (Look hurt and vulnerable)
-"Women, they all see me as some sort of boytoy made for their pleasure, if only they would get to know the real me.."

She touches you
- This is a silent C&F trick. Look at her hand and make it obvious that you notice her touch. When she catches this, look right into her eyes, raise an eyebrow, then let a wide grin spread on your face and nod as if to say, "Aha..I get it, you WANT me!" If she is a SuperDuperHB you can say "Hands off the merchandise!"

She asks what your plans are for the night/weekend/whatever
- "Why are you being so shy? Just come right out and ask me out"
- "Why can't you just admit that you long to bask in the warm glow of my presence?"
- "I dunno yet ... Does this pickup line usually work for you?"
- "Are you hitting on me?"

(4) ROLE PLAYING - "You are my new girlfriend"
Ahh fantasies, the key to a woman's heart! Marry her when she does something nice, divorce her when she doesn't get with the program. You disarm her because one second you are all over her and the next you are rejecting her. Push & Pull Baby! I use this approach quite often because it works so well on so many levels.

PUSH LINE - "Wow you are new girlfriend! (turn to others) Don't we make a great couple?"
PULL LINE - "You know, I've been doing some thinking.. I can tell this will never work, it's over between you and me."
PUSH LINE - "You are the best! We are totally getting married now!"
PULL LINE - "Wow, that is so not cool, that does it, we are getting a divorce"
PUSH LINE - "You are just too good to be true, lets run off to Vegas and get one of those drive-thru weddings!"
PULL LINE - "I hope you are rich so when I ditch you, I can take half your money."

If you are dealing with a girl you just met and approached, then keep this playful vibe going and wait for her to show she is interested. They usually do this by asking questions about you, whats your name, where do you work etc etc. Feel free to make some funny shyt up. I love to make girls guess my name/age and when they ask about my job I tell them I'm a stripper/pornstar. I do it in a way that shows I am not serious so I dont outright lie to them. Whatever you say, just remember that these chicks are used to guys trying to get all personal about their lives in the most boring ways "Well, I attended XYZ University and majored in Political Science and I currently work at XYZ Corp. and reside in ....*YAWN!* For crying out loud, this is not a freakin interview! If you remember just one thing out of this entire post, hammer the following phrase into your head:


Get her laughing and wondering about you and once you have her hooked you can start...

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Combine Push/Pull and Role-playing quite nicely in this phase.

- Are you rich? Cuz I am looking for a wealthy woman to support my career choice as a stay-at-home husband. Yes it has always been my dream to watch cable all day DO have cable right?"

- "Can you cook?" "No? That's it, I am breaking up with you" "Yes? Cool, so when do you want to get married? (put your arm around her) I was thinking mid-september cuz fall-foliage is so romantic. or we could have one of those summer getaway weddings in the Caribbean and just elope...can you give massages? No? That's it, weddings off! Oh, you are willing to learn? Hot damn, you are in like Flynn!"

You have her wrapped around your finger and are ready to ask her out
- "Are you spontaneous and adventurous?" (99% of the time she will say yes, now is the time to challenge her and invite her coffee/club/home)

She denies/protests
- "I thought you said you were adventurous. Oh well I only like to hang out with cool, spontaneous people so I guess I will be leaving now." (By this point you should have shown her a great time and are ready to close, so show her she will either get with the program or you are ghost! Be willing to walk away and show someone else a great time.)


C&F does several great things for you. It shows that:

- You are not a pushover
- You place a high value on yourself and your time
- You are comfortable around beautiful women
- You have a great sense of humor and like to have fun
- You are confident and even (gasp!) LIKE yourself as a person!
- You are not needy
- You don't put up with ****-tests and can defuse them with your humor
- Most importantly it screens out the psycho-bytches who can't laugh at themselves.

Big props to Styles for these defusing tactics.

She gets offended by your teasing
Tell her that you mean no offense and that in your family, teasing is a way of expressing affection.


Say, "I'll tell you what, I will give you a genuine, sincere compliment" and then make some profound insightful comment that blows her away.

She teases you and you have no comeback
Throw her off guard with a compliment. Say that you like a girl who can dish it out! Then tell her you think you are in love.

She has a huge stick up her ass and doesn't respond well to humor
This bytch aint worth your time TRUST ME, next her with this line:
"Whoa, relax honey, I am totally joking here. But you know what I find funniest of all?
How seriously you take yourself! (Then laugh at her and walk away!)

Remember your detachment ... remain unfazed no matter what! Handle each interaction without getting attached to the outcome, good or bad. Always keep in mind that this girl is one of BILLIONS and put this sh!t in perspective.

NOTE: This is an awful lot of material and I would never run this much C&F on any girl. Just helping you get the mindset and providing options for when you see these little opportunities arise.

In fact, since this has been the longest post ever, I feel I must point out...

Attracting without words

Experience has taught me that less is more. I know this seems like contradictory advice with all the verbal tips I am giving here, but trust me. Silence is a powerful tool! Try to say as little as possible while the girl spills her guts, and when you do open your mouth, make it count!

When I first started out in the field, I was deathly afraid of awkward pauses. I would spit out stories and jokes in an effort to fill the spaces of the conversation because I thought that silence = boredom. From my mistakes, I've learned that there is a difference between an awkward pause and a constructive one.

Awkward Pause
This is when your mind is frantically searching for something else to say. You become so engrossed in this mental search that your confident body language crumbles. The girl picks up on this silent cue and you come off like a nervous wuss! So you get nowhere with this chick and end up kicking yourself. Then you reinforce your fear of silence because you think, "Damn, I KNEW I should have said SOMETHING!" Totally not seeing how what turned her off in the first place is the fact that you never shut the fukk up!

Constructive Pause
Big difference. Once I have demonstrated that I am a interesting guy and I get her to laugh a couple of times, I totally shut up! I hold eye contact with her for a few moments of silence, then I look around, absorbing my environment and relaxing into my reality. The silence then becomes awkward for HER, so she feels the need to resume the convo. She will usually ask me questions about myself and that opens up plenty of opportunities for me to continue attracting her with my stellar personality. If she is very shy, she might not say anything, so I resume the convo by making an observation about our environment or even better, I comment on her. (clothes, hair, personality, whatever,,,people just love to hear about themselves)

Seductive Pause
As the exchange progresses, I start to give her more and more eye contact during my pauses. It's a subtle way of making her feel like she is getting me to open up. I have found that when you shoot the old "Bedroom Eyes" too much too soon, it can make a lot of girls defensive. Eye contact can be a very confrontational thing for a lot of people. Keep the EC friendly at first, otherwise you can come off as being kinda creepy. After a good laugh, or maybe something real profound is said and there is another gap in the convo, I will lock eyes with her, then tilt my head and smile ever so slightly as I look REAL deep into her eyes. I imagine kissing her while stealing a few quick glances at her lips. If all goes well, she will mirror me and I will close in slowly for a kiss. Others times, I just resume game cuz she needs to be warmed up a little more.

Playful Pause
Sometimes in the midst of your pause, she will ask you what you are thinking. Just keep staring at her until she is like "What? Whaaaaaat?" At this point you can compliment her and say she gives great eye contact. You can even drop some theory on her and talk about how alpha's establish their dominance with eye contact. Then challenge her to an Alpha stare-off. Be sure to make funny faces to fukk her up!

Don't try to pick her up. Just relax and feel free to speak your mind, crack jokes, be a wise-ass, give a compliment, whatever. If you are running a routine and you get interrupted, let the other person speak and follow a different train of thought. This is great because when the convo fizzles out you can return to what you were going to say before. Be fluid and just enjoy yourself. Get in tune with her and let the spirit of the moment guide you!

So What's Next?
There is a time to attract and a time to seduce. She will let you know she is attracted by becoming very curious about you. It is okay to deny her the right answers at first, but once you detect her interest level rising, (she asks more questions about you) start to phase some sincere rapport into the mix. Dont be too much of a clown. Remember, balance is everything! Sometimes it takes a while to warm a girl up to you and others she will be attracted right from the start. Learn to read her signals so you can decide when to ease up on the C&F and actually get to know her. By this point she will be dying to know more about you. Why? Because your presence has value my friend! Well done! Now it's time to...

9. Build Rapport


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
*click* *click* *load* *load* saved in favorites!!!


this set has to be one of the best posts ive read in my entire time at sosuave, very detailed and to the point!


Definate Bible Material!!

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Sir Auron

Don Juan
Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
uuuh, I have two words for you

Absolute Gold

This is truely remarkable man, I bow down to you lol. Thanks, this'll definately give me something to read for a while.


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
It all makes sense now

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!

No one has ever explained the game to me as clearly as you have.

This post showed me all the unconscious things I have been doing that have worked for me in the past. A year ago I was a clueless AFC. Now I am seducing strippers. I have this site to thank along with your inspiring posts, (and with myself for getting out there and experiencing things IRL). I took your challenge and it has made a huge difference btw.

Did I say thank you already? :D

To all you newjacks out there, I highly recommend reading the DJ Bible of course, but I think the Fingers series is more to the point and effective in terms of developing game, as long as you do like Fingz says and apply it all.

Keep up the EXCELLENT work man.

Daneelo S

Don Juan
Feb 22, 2003
Reaction score
Playful Pause
Sometimes in the midst of your pause, she will ask you what you are thinking. Just keep staring at her until she is like "What? Whaaaaaat?" At this point you can compliment her and say she gives great eye contact. You can even drop some theory on her and talk about how alpha's establish their dominance with eye contact. Then challenge her to an Alpha stare-off. Be sure to make funny faces to fukk her up!

Hey man with this one I trhink its a perfect oppurtunity for some CF, with the build-up when she says what? Whaaat? as you are staring into her eyes you can say " O nothing I'm just looking at my reflection in your eyes" not the best example but something along that line.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
This stuff is soooooo money, possibly the best post(s) I've ever read on seduction.

I'm going to print it out and read/re-read it until my eyes bleed.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Fingers... When I saw this post......... I f*cking cried.

I hope you get 'knighted' or 'sainted' or something for all the lives you are going to change, no matter how subtly.

10 000 thanks...

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Staten Island , NY
OMFG... This thread sounds like my dad!!!! he gets all the women zsdasfdsg of any age!!!! He's 47 yrs old and omg im jelious and I'am 17. Now I know his secrets bwahahaha. He does all this crap as if it was natural. Now I'am going to brush up on this, as once it was an old habbit of myne I didn't notice till this reminded me.

Excellent Thread man!



Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
Quite a gem Señor Fingers. It's good to come back from a break and see progress being made.

"If your rap is strong it can't go wrong."



Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Post es muy bien, senior!

bueno trabajo!

Girls like spanish...

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
The hell is this doing way back there...



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
The hell is this doing way back there...



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
The hell is this doing way back there...



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
All sound advice, but too much information.

Think of these as examples. Internalize the general idea, and the rest will come naturally ~~~