To start I have always been prone to being introverted. I enjoy socializing and going out with friends but realize I will always tire and need down time afterwards. This year we had a Christmas party Friday, Saturday and Sunday... at the end of the get together on Saturday I was already fatigued. Sunday came and I actually dreaded going to the get together. I got there and was social for the first hour or so... we ate... and I found myself grabbing a bottle of water and going into the living room to watch football. I sat there watching the Dallas game and mentally felt exhausted. I realized I wasn’t being social but really couldn’t do anything to change it. When I would engage it was obvious I was checked out. It was the first time I have ever felt that way. Has anyone ever dealt with this?? Looking for ways to power through... I also find this happening when I’m on vacations with my buddies. After 3 or so days with them I literally need to go awol on my own and recharge.
One of my favorite new blood PUAS is Austen Summers. He's a extreme introvert. Prefers solitude. Things like solo hiking and finds people draining. I highly suggest that you check out that archive.
There's nothing wrong with that. Embrace your own crazy. The past 3 years demonstrated that abundance of low IQ morons wearing face masks and taking several heart injuring boosters. Tbh I don't like most people. Almost everyone is a NPC today. You saw who are your tribe and people during the insanity. Who called you? If you approach a 100 girls, how many do you pull? There's very few people that are your mates or Bae that's ride or die.
Rsd Ty is a bizarre dude. Likely a bit crazy and the asperger spectrum self reported. He's a introvert and monopolized pickup for nearly 2 decades and made a deca millionaire status plus. It's has its ups and downs.
Check out Ecky tolle or mooji. Read Tao te ching. Go in nature. Take up hiking. Meditate and pray. Do things to energize yourself. I took up calisthenics and cut my gym membership. I terminated several contacts including long time mates or others. Start a new.
I'm a ambivert. I used to think I'm extroverted but I fluctuate. I'm more social based on exposure, sales as a kid, and absurd amounts of pickup. Beyond pulling, I found most aren't DHV. People are DLV today and need to be discarded most often then not. After pulling, I want my solitude. Icy AFTER but no technique. No games. I want freedom. I want isolation.
The 3 yr of solitude was refreshing if not for the insanity of shutting down the world because of the flu. Solitude or time spent with a moron wearing a face mask alone in his car on route for another heart attack causing injection? It's a no Brainer. I pick solitude. Every time.
Your danger is too much isolation and atrophy of that million dollar mouth piece. That gift of gab. Even if I was foolish to adopt monogamy, I would still approach for sport just to flex.
Everyday SHOOT your shot again for sport. 3-5×. Our natural state is sloth and mediocrity. It's incumbent upon you to escape the mundanity of everyday life. Or suffer the consequences of mediocrity. There's no ambiguity.
Choose your destiny. LFG!