Ok, your workout routine SUCKS, no other way to put it.
i dont have time to go into your actually lifting so i'll just go over cardio briefly (seems like others have commented on your meals already)
your cardio routine is pretty confusing, but i get the impression that cardio is hard for you.
here is a simple routine that you should do.
1. first minute: warm up jog (this should be easy)
2. next minute: jog a bit faster
next 30 seconds: SPRINT and keep it up, you should be sprinting at 85%-95% of your fastest eh iono run 85%-95%!
next 30 seconds: SLOW jog
3. repeat step 2 for oh... 4 times, if it's really hard 3 is okay also
4. cooldown - 1 minute slow jog, then 1 minute walk
This should take a little over 10 minutes(too lazy to do the math)
now as you're doing this, every 2 days of jogging, add another set of step 2 into your jog until the total time you take to do this is 25 minutes. once you're doing 25 minutes(the walk does not count) so 25 minutse should be your cooldown jog, every 3 days of jogging, increase your sprint time, cut it into your slow jog time for example:
2. next minute: jog a bit faster
next 40 seconds: SPRINT and keep it up, you should be sprinting at 85%-95% of your fastest eh iono run 85%-95%!
next 20 seconds: SLOW jog
do it until you have it going sprint 1 minute/ jog 1 minute etc etc
and you're set just keep that up. it will be much more effective than that thing you're described in your post.