Becoming a player. Mr. P's Journey.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Day 51:

Seeing an upward trend finally.

-Had a girl over at my house. She really wasn't my type, so I we just hung out.
She has some hot friends though. :)

-Hung out with some more girls today when we had nothing to do. This one girl is completely into me, but her friends are always getting between us. She's sort of the shy one of their group and her bolder friends are alway sitting between us and stuff.

-My life changes on Saturday. Getting my license, I have no excuse not to hang out on the weekends or whenever. I'll have a place to f*ck girls, a way to go on dates without it being awkward, and I will have the option to go out with girls from other schools. I could have three girls at once and no one would know! :eek:


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
MrP said:
Day 51:
-My life changes on Saturday. Getting my license, I have no excuse not to hang out on the weekends or whenever. I'll have a place to f*ck girls, a way to go on dates without it being awkward, and I will have the option to go out with girls from other schools. I could have three girls at once and no one would know! :eek:
That's all good, but don't get discouraged if you're life doesn't completely change once you get a car. I have my license, and honestly, little to nothing has changed between me and girls. I blame it mostly on two barriers that I face though, which leads my to my questions, that I thought maybe you could help me answer.

So I'm in smart classes, so I hardly have any classes with any hot chicks what so ever. I know a lot of hot chicks casually, but I never see them and hardly talk to them anymore because I don't have ANY classes with them and I never see them. Now I do have like 1 or 2 classes with chicks I'd like to get with, but hardly any. How do I get passed this barrier?

My second barrier is that I don't have texting. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses but texting is actually a big deal in game. Since most chicks don't like to talk on the phone or wont ever call you, it's a quick easy way to keep in contact with them. It's also a way for them to approach you for once, because like I said, even if they had your number, they wont call you. So what do I do about this, besides get texting?

Just wondering if you could help, I'll post this in my thread later,



Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
AlexLefty said:
That's all good, but don't get discouraged if you're life doesn't completely change once you get a car. I have my license, and honestly, little to nothing has changed between me and girls. I blame it mostly on two barriers that I face though, which leads my to my questions, that I thought maybe you could help me answer.

So I'm in smart classes, so I hardly have any classes with any hot chicks what so ever. I know a lot of hot chicks casually, but I never see them and hardly talk to them anymore because I don't have ANY classes with them and I never see them. Now I do have like 1 or 2 classes with chicks I'd like to get with, but hardly any. How do I get passed this barrier?

My second barrier is that I don't have texting. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses but texting is actually a big deal in game. Since most chicks don't like to talk on the phone or wont ever call you, it's a quick easy way to keep in contact with them. It's also a way for them to approach you for once, because like I said, even if they had your number, they wont call you. So what do I do about this, besides get texting?

Just wondering if you could help, I'll post this in my thread later,

I know what you mean. My school has at least 2,000 students...
And it's split into two buildings, 9-10 and 11-12, so all my 9th grade girls from last year who were all over me, I never see anymore.

I also have the same problem with not being able to talk to girls in class, because they're on the other side of the room or whatever.
I've found two ways to help that. One way is to be the extremely social guy in class and talk to everyone near you. (You would never guess that some girls of completely different types would be friends with one another)
Another way is to "chase her down" after class, if you can. It takes some balls, but you do have common ground already.
Bonus points if you have some friends with you (especially girls). :up:

And as for texting, don't worry about it so much. It's a lot more effective just talking to her anyway. Just call her up. Possibly facebook chat?

Good Luck.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
DAY 60

Got my license a few days ago. Hell yeah!
First thing I did was go out and buy a box of trojans. I'm gonna need em. ;)

Things are going well with school.
A's and B's on the midterm.

A lot more people say hi to me in the halls and everything.
I catch some of the hottest girls eyeing me.

Anyone ever notice the more attractive you find a girl, the more attractive she finds you?

Starting to work out more often. Starting to see results.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Today I opened three cheerleaders who were walking down the hallway. I walked around them and was like "wtf are you doing??" Well received, but I had to go a different direction.

I also talked to this other girl for a while, but she kept texting people.
That annoys the $hit out of me. Idk if she was doing it because she was shy or because she didn't care. I think it's probably the first.

There's this new girl in one of my classes who keeps eye-f*cking me, but every time I try to chase her down after class, she walks super fast and I can't catch her unless I would run. I don't get it.


New Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hey MrP, was just checking out this thread and wanted to say what's up and good work so far/keep going.

Your last post clicks with me, I'm 17, my standards are extremely high too, and it seems if I'm at a place with 100 attractive girls I set the bar at the top 3; as was the case this new years. Got one make out with a gorgeous chick, but only saw about 3 others I would have bothered with but didn't get the opportunity. Whereas my mates all ended up with 5-7 hook ups, not all amazing girls but attractive none the less.

What's up with these standards my man?! Are they a good or bad thing?

PS. Sorry for posting my own story **** in your thread, not tryna hijack really.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Mtheuriau said:
Hey MrP, was just checking out this thread and wanted to say what's up and good work so far/keep going.

Your last post clicks with me, I'm 17, my standards are extremely high too, and it seems if I'm at a place with 100 attractive girls I set the bar at the top 3; as was the case this new years. Got one make out with a gorgeous chick, but only saw about 3 others I would have bothered with but didn't get the opportunity. Whereas my mates all ended up with 5-7 hook ups, not all amazing girls but attractive none the less.

What's up with these standards my man?! Are they a good or bad thing?

PS. Sorry for posting my own story **** in your thread, not tryna hijack really.
I know what you mean.

You were at a bar and you're 17? How did that happen? :yes:


New Member
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
MrP said:
I know what you mean.

You were at a bar and you're 17? How did that happen? :yes:
Haha sorry should have made that clearer, I was at a massive beach event, not a bar. Was pretty much packed with girls from 16-30.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
My January Goals

I've been a bit lazy lately and seem to work better on concrete goals than abstract ones. For example over the summer I told myself I was going to kiss a girl before the end of the month, over and over again, and... I did. :)

So here are my goals for January. It may seem like I'm setting the bar a bit low, but thats just because of how bad things have been.

1. Make out with at least one beautiful girl before the end of January.

2. Get at least two numbers from girls by the end of January

3. Make at least three new friends and hang out with them before the end of January.

4. Go to the Gym at least twice a week.