Becoming a player. Mr. P's Journey.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
DAY 28:

Today wasn't quite as great as I thought it would be, but better than last week.

The one problem I still struggle with sometimes is getting into a conversation with a group.

Ex. 1: We had a sub today in one of my classes and I was stuck just sitting there taking a nap because I felt like I couldn't join in to a conversation.

Ex. 2: In study hall, I had nothing to do, so I just pretended to do homework the whole time. :( Pissed at myself for that one.

I only have this issue in some of my classes, but my problem is that the people in the group are already talking to each other and I don't know how I could just walk over and join in.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
You're probably just thinking too much. Just go and do it. Walk up there, with a frame of mind that you already know them. You're gonna give value, and not take it.
Keep going man.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
DAY 29:

Much better. Today I stopped thinking so much and just sort of did what I wanted. It was awesome. I met a few more girls, I gave an awesome speech in my english class, and I actually even had people coming up to me to start conversations.

Just like Tyler said in the Blueprint: There really is no glass wall between you and other people. It's something you place upon yourself. Now that I've got rid of that, it feels really good.

3 Weeks Until I get my license. Hell yeah!
FR Section

-I saw this girl I knew from last year and she introduced me to her friend... who is really f*cking cute. They want me to chill with them at school sometime soon.

-I ran into another girl I know and her friend was really into me.

Today was a good day and tomorrow's gonna be even better!


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
DAY 31: Thing are going a lot better for me...
However, I still have a few sticking points.

-When you are on one side of the classroom and the hot girls are on the other side of the room, how do you talk to them?

-How to get invited to hang out with people. (I know it's a stupid question, but I'm in the process of leaving social retardation at the moment and can't find a straight answer.)

-Would it be weird to go out with more than one girl at once? (I know some people are going to say "Do what you want," but I'm just curious to know.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
-Dunno.. notes? Are your seats permanent? Are you using computers?

-Be the guy thats fun to be around. Invite people out yourself, ask some people to join them on the weekend, get their numbers.

-No. Depends on your school. How big it is etc. It can be hard, try not to date chicks that know eachother. If it gets out, you will lose them both. But you will also get the player tag. It has it's pros and cons.

I'll PM you.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
DAY 34:

Last week, by biggest focus was on gaining social proof.

- I got two of my classes changed and made new friends in both of them.

- I've been hanging out with different groups of people. (Bridge)

- I'm gaining more social proof in my main circle.

- I've been so much more alpha than I used to be.
I tried the no masturbation challenge again.
I'm on day 9 this time.
It helps a lot.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Day 40:

After going out yesterday and seeing more hot girls in one place than I've seen in a long time and how hesitant I was to talk to any of them, I've decided to do a bootcamp sort of thing to get me out of this rut I'm in, especially since I'm getting my license in 2 weeks. :)

I don't really have the time or the patience to go through with the Don Juan Bootcamp. (It wasn't designed for high school students) So I'm going to be starting a new thread called "Challenges and Exercises." In this thread, feel free to post any sort of exercise you have come across or used. Also feel free to create a challenge, such as; "Get 3 numbers in 30 mins" or something like that.

Just keep in mind that I won't be able to do a lot of these until I get my license in 2 weeks.

It's time to improve!


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Good luck:rock: :rock:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
MrP said:
Day 42

Nevermind on the NLP. It's really not my style.
And it's way too much work for what it does.

Finally got to the gym after a long time.
Starting a HIT routine. Gonna see how that goes.

Current Weight:145
Seriously, this is my 4th time posting this. Damn 10 posts per 1440 minutes.
You can ask my any questions you might have, even though I'm a novice in weight-training, I feel like I know it. It is much more than you would think.
So basic stuff: The three pillars of Gaining mass is:
Lift heavy.
Start out lifting light weight, high rep for a few weeks. Focus on FORM. It is so easy to do wrong, you will be doing poor form if you don't concentrate fully, it's all muscle-memory. Like playing a FPS! :D
Lift big, and become big.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
NorwegianDJ said:
Seriously, this is my 4th time posting this. Damn 10 posts per 1440 minutes.
You can ask my any questions you might have, even though I'm a novice in weight-training, I feel like I know it. It is much more than you would think.
So basic stuff: The three pillars of Gaining mass is:
Lift heavy.
Start out lifting light weight, high rep for a few weeks. Focus on FORM. It is so easy to do wrong, you will be doing poor form if you don't concentrate fully, it's all muscle-memory. Like playing a FPS! :D
Lift big, and become big.
Ok, I will :up:


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Day 45:

Hitting a bit of a slump at the moment.
I don't know exactly why, kinda lonely at the moment I suppose.

It seems like every week is a blank slate.
All my progress seems to go back to 0.

I feel like if I got past a certain point, some of that progress would stay with me.

Down to the specifics-

1. For some reason, I can't bring myself to approach the girls that are showing me obvious interest.

2. If in the event I do get a conversation going, it dies after about 30 seconds.

3. I still don't really have any friends. I have a social circle, but it seems like I'm just "tolerated" being there. I really don't get included all that much, so I guess you could call me an orbiter.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
MrP said:
Day 45:

Hitting a bit of a slump at the moment.
I don't know exactly why, kinda lonely at the moment I suppose.

It seems like every week is a blank slate.
All my progress seems to go back to 0.

I feel like if I got past a certain point, some of that progress would stay with me.

Down to the specifics-

1. For some reason, I can't bring myself to approach the girls that are showing me obvious interest.

2. If in the event I do get a conversation going, it dies after about 30 seconds.

3. I still don't really have any friends. I have a social circle, but it seems like I'm just "tolerated" being there. I really don't get included all that much, so I guess you could call me an orbiter.
I've noticed this about your journal too. It doesn't really seem like you're advancing anywhere, you're just, hovering in one spot, not really going anywhere, just posting your feelings while you hover.
You need to find someway to go UP, instead of just hovering.

Now, I don't know where your conversational skills are, but I know that working on your conversational skills with men and women will really help you be better liked, because you make other people feel good by listening to them and being a good conversationalist. I've noticed this the past few days. Try reading the pimpology series by pimpologist under section 7 of the DJ bible if you haven't already. It helps a lot.

Good luck


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
AlexLefty said:
I've noticed this about your journal too. It doesn't really seem like you're advancing anywhere, you're just, hovering in one spot, not really going anywhere, just posting your feelings while you hover.
You need to find someway to go UP, instead of just hovering.

Now, I don't know where your conversational skills are, but I know that working on your conversational skills with men and women will really help you be better liked, because you make other people feel good by listening to them and being a good conversationalist. I've noticed this the past few days. Try reading the pimpology series by pimpologist under section 7 of the DJ bible if you haven't already. It helps a lot.

Good luck
Thanks for that.

Today was a lot better than yesterday. I'm starting to see patterns. Not masturbating really helps too.

I get my license in about a week, so that should help.
I'm going Xmas shopping/Bootcamping at the mall next week. :)
Things are gonna get better.
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