Becoming a Cop...

Dec 13, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
All personal attacks aside, the only reason I brought up your drug habits is because there aren't many people out there that would defend your typical stoner when they're denigrating the service of our police force. No need to get nasty. And you didn't "accuse" me of being a Republican. You correctly identified me as one.

This proves how embarrassing it truly is to be a right winger. Good thing the Dems have control.

I'm a moderate, and you need to enjoy your two years instead of trying to gloat on the Internet.

As for me being a "hip gangsta' wannabe" you are truly a nincompoop. This is about the pros and cons of being a cop. One of my closest friends is a Deputy Sheriff and he shares in my point of view.

Why did you quote that? I never said that. I said you have the attitude of "F'uck da police!",which you do. Unless of course you're a police supporter, which is highly unlikely considering the only pro that you can come up with for being a police officer is that SOME women MIGHT like a man in uniform. Not very fair and balanced. But hey, if you have a Deputy friend that's right there with you with this attitude, you may want to tell him that if he hates himself and colleagues that much...he may want to try to find a new line of work.

Contrary to your opinion (as minimal as it is) I have a healthy respect for the law but it's well known that what I've stated is true. Especially the hypocritical part.

Heh, reverting back to the attacks again? That's fine, but please don't try to come on here and say that it's "well known" that it's hypocritical for our civil services to get special traffic privileges to do their jobs. If you had your way and police officers weren't allowed to speed, run traffic lights, or set up roadblocks...there would be riots in the streets the first day, after the 20 fold increase of murders, assaults, and rapes.

Step 1. Shoot your ex-girlfriend in the face, in broad daylight. 2. Calmly walk away. 3. Watch police roll up at 25 miles per hour to the crime hour later. Step 4. Point and laugh from afar. Come now. You aren't really arguing this, are you?
Just a quick question: Since your head seems to be firmly positioned up your local sheriff’s brown starfish, what did he have for lunch?


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
El Febreezey Da Beez said:
Just a quick question: Since your head seems to be firmly positioned up your local sheriff’s brown starfish, what did he have for lunch?

:kick: :yes: :rock:


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
KarmaSutra said:
You seem to be the exception with my experiences with "THE MAN". If what you say is true then you have my full support and props for your dedication. It's easy to badmouth the cops and say how you don't need them but get robbed or your sh!t stolen and who do you call?

Hey thanks man..

Again, I agree. There are some bad egg cops out there, ones that wouldn't pass the psych eval if I was giving it. Who knows, there may be some of those guys who would say that about me.. lol

As for cops abusing the laws, it happens a lot, but there are also a lot of officers who don't do it. The bad ones are the ones you remember, that's human nature..

I was patrolling with a more senior officer at 3:30am one morning in a marked squad car, in a dead residential area. I was driving. He made fun of me because I actually used my turn signal at every turn. There wasn't a moving car or person to be seen in the whole neighborhood.. Still, I feel that until those lights and sirens go on for a warranted call, all laws apply to an officer in a squad car too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
VERY poor representation.


- There is nothing hypocritical about certain measures that police officers take to defend the public. What do you want cops to do, stop at stop signs in the middle of a high-speed pursuit while the criminal runs them? Please.

- Who says you get psychologically f'ucked? Maybe if you're already an unstable individual, or have been watching too many movies...sure.
The poster had a point. Cops are hypocritcal. Cops should obey the laws just like citizens. Your providing a strawman argument by saying "what are they supposed to do? stop at stops signs while the criminal gets away?" while criminals need to be caught, that really doesnt justify breaking the law. If thats the way you look at it, cops can break any law if they want to, as long as they can say "well, it helped me stop the criminal". Does this mean a cop can murder an innocent civilian if it some how helps him stop some criminal? Cops are not above the law. If you think about it, cops really are hypocritical, they may be stopping criminals, and no body may be complaining about high speed chases, but it doesnt change the fact that theyre hypocrits.

And they are psychologically fvcked. The behavior they display is very similar to the behavior of a sociopath. Cops will arrest some kid, and put him in prison not jail, prison for 20 years for possession of a felony amount of pot, knowing all the bad things that will happen to this poor kid and not feel bad at all about it. Theyre basically ruining his life. and they dont feel bad at all about it. Most people like me would feel really bad about doing this, especially if I knew that the kid only did this becuase he just got mixed up in the wrong crowd. I would feel horrible about it, I would probably arrest him though, but Id feel horrible. But cops would act like the kid was scum, dont care if theyre hurting someone. I dont beleive non-violent criminals should be put in prison where they will get killed and/or raped by violent criminals. Its like cops dont have feelings or something, and theyre all like that. That is some mind fvcking **** going on!

As for the pros, you can only think of one? That some women love men in uniform? Come on now. How about:

1) One of the highest paid jobs you can get without a college degree, with fantastic benefits.
2) Unique and exciting job environment.
3) Endless advancement opportunities.
4) Retire in 20 years.
5) Save lives, help people.
6) Be your own boss while on patrol.
7) Use your own discretion and judgment on the job.
8) All your coworkers have passed an extensive background investigation.
9) Help your community.
10) Easily move into other fields of law enforcement.

Let's be fair, now.
Cops destroy more innocent lives than they save. some laws are just stupid.