All personal attacks aside, the only reason I brought up your drug habits is because there aren't many people out there that would defend your typical stoner when they're denigrating the service of our police force. No need to get nasty. And you didn't "accuse" me of being a Republican. You correctly identified me as one.
This proves how embarrassing it truly is to be a right winger. Good thing the Dems have control.
I'm a moderate, and you need to enjoy your two years instead of trying to gloat on the Internet.
As for me being a "hip gangsta' wannabe" you are truly a nincompoop. This is about the pros and cons of being a cop. One of my closest friends is a Deputy Sheriff and he shares in my point of view.
Why did you quote that? I never said that. I said you have the attitude of "F'uck da police!",which you do. Unless of course you're a police supporter, which is highly unlikely considering the only pro that you can come up with for being a police officer is that SOME women MIGHT like a man in uniform. Not very fair and balanced. But hey, if you have a Deputy friend that's right there with you with this attitude, you may want to tell him that if he hates himself and colleagues that much...he may want to try to find a new line of work.
Contrary to your opinion (as minimal as it is) I have a healthy respect for the law but it's well known that what I've stated is true. Especially the hypocritical part.
Heh, reverting back to the attacks again? That's fine, but please don't try to come on here and say that it's "well known" that it's hypocritical for our civil services to get special traffic privileges to do their jobs. If you had your way and police officers weren't allowed to speed, run traffic lights, or set up roadblocks...there would be riots in the streets the first day, after the 20 fold increase of murders, assaults, and rapes.
Step 1. Shoot your ex-girlfriend in the face, in broad daylight. 2. Calmly walk away. 3. Watch police roll up at 25 miles per hour to the crime hour later. Step 4. Point and laugh from afar. Come now. You aren't really arguing this, are you?