The Bad Ass Canadian
Master Don Juan
Disclaimer: I am not going to endorse the company in which i've become involved with. If anyone is interested in my opportunity, please send me a pm, for some info; otherwise do not accuse me of baiting. This thread is about the growth and change that goes hand in hand with becoming a network marketer, not the money that can be made. Also, i have very specific criteria that must be met before i consider signing someone and only 2-3 out of every 100 people will meet this criteria. That is a plain and simple truth based on the nature of people and their own motivations and I'm not interested in wasintg my time with people who aren't willing to work hard.
So I've decided to walk down an unknown path. One which I am utterly terrified of, yet also incredibly excited about. There's a light at the end of this dark tunnel, and I can see it so clearly in the distance... the only problem is that, between where i stand and that final destination, sits a dark cavern that i know is filled with all sorts of traps. Many/Most of them are traps of the mind... Traps that will challenge my beliefs; shake my sense of self and threaten to destroy the entire foundation of who I am and who I may become. but, if i can arm myself with enough knowledge on what to expect in my journey, the eventual dissapointments that arise every now and then, will be nothing more than minor setbacks as I grow without being emotionally attached to the outcome and i strive to reach my ultimate goal.
We live in a society of pessimists. A society of "Dream Stealers". I am utterly amazed at how many really great friends have attempted to shoot down my plans of becoming a successful network marketer and steal my dreams for a better life for myself, and my family. I've been told that i got sucked into a scam, that these things never work and that I'm wasting my time. If i were to let them steal my dream, it would be all over. I would go back to my old life which wasn't really getting me anywhere...just like it isn't getting them anywhere.
Here's a question: If they've never been involved in such an opportunity, then who are they to tell me what the business is all about? What do they know in regards to my chances at success, if they've never been involved?
These people live in the matrix. They are a part of the Rat Race that we are all conditioned to follow from a very early age. We become part of the 40 yr plan. Go to School, study hard, get a great job and spend your life living in suburbia, working 80hrs/week for someone else, so that you can hopefully have sundays off to spend 12 hrs with your family and save up enough money to retire when you're WAY too old to really enjoy it.... If, you're lucky enough to not be one of the 35 out of 100 who die by the time they reach 65. (mostly due to stress induced or stress related afflictions such as heart attacks and strokes and in some cases, cancer.)
I'm going for the 4 yr plan. I want to be retired by the time I'm 32-35. i have found the company that will be my vehicle for achieving this goal; if only i keep my dreams as my own, and not let anyone, friend or family member or stranger take it away with some uneducated statement and try and decide my outcome for me.
This industry is about personal development. As I'm learning the business, I'm being pushed to become more outgoing, more charismatic, more focused, more passionate and I am developing a newfound zest for life. I'm also improving my communication skills, ten-fold. I am forced to step outside of my comfort zone and do things that are incredibly scary, all for the sake of achieving my final outcome.
But guess what has been happening? In stepping outside of my circle, i am forced to eventually expand it. Things that were difficult for me to do last week, are now routine. There are things that I'm fighting to overcome, now, that will be routine next week....and so on and so on...
With all the development I've been undergoing for the sake of my business, my personal life and my relationships with the people around me have also improved. I've adopted an almost "crusade-like" attitude. I want to help others help themselves and rescue them from the rat race that they don't even know they are trapped in. I have assumed a more outgoing and positive attitude. I wake up every morning with fire inside me and people are taking notice. Women take notice. Everyone has been noting a change in me that they can't quite put a finger on. And that feeling is just amazing.
Having been the guy who battled depression and anxiety off and on for years, and to have finally found a calling that puts that all behind me, I have found the pathway that will lead me to becoming the real man i am destined to become.
Some key things to remember when you are working to achieve your goals, in whatever you are involved with.
- You adopt the personality of the 5 people you spend the most time with:
Do yourself a favor. If you hang around with dream stealers and people who live in a vaccum of negativity, get away from them. Surround yourself with positive role-models. My being involved with a network marketing team has thrust me into a place where everyone is positive. And this enthusiasm is infectious. You can't help but not adopt it as your own attitude, as well.
- Do what you've always done, and you will get what you've always got:
Were you are at this very moment in time is the culmination of all the choices you've made throughout your life. If you don't like where you are, at present, then it's up to you and you alone to step out of that comfort zone and make a commitment to grow and to change. Make notes on what is destructive in your life and take the neccessary steps to eliminate those issues, one by one.
- People's situations can be described as positions on a clock and depending on where they are on that clock, will ultimately decide how effective you are at recruiting, or seducing, or befriending or whatever you want to get from them at that point in time.
When a person's life is peachy and they have everything going for them, they are said to be at the 12 o'clock position. They are happy with their situation and don't want to "get involved" with anyone or anything. This can be a big reason why some guys get shot down by a girl. Don't take it personally because she just might not be ready for you, yet. This isn't always the case but many times, it is so...
When someone is at the 3 oclock position, they look like they are at 12 o'clock, but deep down they are looking for a change. From the outside perspective, we say to ourselves "There's no way that person would be interested in what i have to offer... look at everything he/she has going for them!!" So, we pass an opportunity by, because we are certain they would never be interested in us. Had you only had the balls to present them with an opporutnity, chances are they would have accepted, or at least looked into it.
When someone is at the 6 oclock position they are unhappy with their situation. It is the opposite of 12 'oclock and they are simply waiting for someone to come along and give them direction.
And lastly, we have the 9 o'clock position. These people are desperate and just waiting to be rescued.
Where are you on this clock? If you are 3,6 or 9 then i think you need to start making some changes.
What is the point of all this? Simple: You never know what position anyone is at, currently, unless you approach them and present them with an opportunity for a change. So to all you guys who have missed opportunities in the past, just remind yourselves of theses clock positions and don't take offense if she declines your invitation. It's nothing personal.
- There are 6 billion people in the world, and there are 6 billion different realities in which they live in.
No two people have the exact same reality. Everyone is different and there's no reason to become emotionally attached to an outcome with someone who lives in a different reality than you. It's a pointless waste of energy. If they decline your offer, move on. Don't dwell because you are just suffering and wasting energy better spent on your own personal development.
Growth is a difficult thing. To make the decision to become a new person requires an incredible amount of dedication and also the willingness to sacrifice some parts of your life; those instant satisfaction-types of activities like not going to the gym, or going out and partying, or eating that McDonald's; all sacrificed in return for the delayed gratification that comes with devoting yourself to the greater outcome. The ouctome that will change your life.
So I've decided to walk down an unknown path. One which I am utterly terrified of, yet also incredibly excited about. There's a light at the end of this dark tunnel, and I can see it so clearly in the distance... the only problem is that, between where i stand and that final destination, sits a dark cavern that i know is filled with all sorts of traps. Many/Most of them are traps of the mind... Traps that will challenge my beliefs; shake my sense of self and threaten to destroy the entire foundation of who I am and who I may become. but, if i can arm myself with enough knowledge on what to expect in my journey, the eventual dissapointments that arise every now and then, will be nothing more than minor setbacks as I grow without being emotionally attached to the outcome and i strive to reach my ultimate goal.
We live in a society of pessimists. A society of "Dream Stealers". I am utterly amazed at how many really great friends have attempted to shoot down my plans of becoming a successful network marketer and steal my dreams for a better life for myself, and my family. I've been told that i got sucked into a scam, that these things never work and that I'm wasting my time. If i were to let them steal my dream, it would be all over. I would go back to my old life which wasn't really getting me anywhere...just like it isn't getting them anywhere.
Here's a question: If they've never been involved in such an opportunity, then who are they to tell me what the business is all about? What do they know in regards to my chances at success, if they've never been involved?
These people live in the matrix. They are a part of the Rat Race that we are all conditioned to follow from a very early age. We become part of the 40 yr plan. Go to School, study hard, get a great job and spend your life living in suburbia, working 80hrs/week for someone else, so that you can hopefully have sundays off to spend 12 hrs with your family and save up enough money to retire when you're WAY too old to really enjoy it.... If, you're lucky enough to not be one of the 35 out of 100 who die by the time they reach 65. (mostly due to stress induced or stress related afflictions such as heart attacks and strokes and in some cases, cancer.)
I'm going for the 4 yr plan. I want to be retired by the time I'm 32-35. i have found the company that will be my vehicle for achieving this goal; if only i keep my dreams as my own, and not let anyone, friend or family member or stranger take it away with some uneducated statement and try and decide my outcome for me.
This industry is about personal development. As I'm learning the business, I'm being pushed to become more outgoing, more charismatic, more focused, more passionate and I am developing a newfound zest for life. I'm also improving my communication skills, ten-fold. I am forced to step outside of my comfort zone and do things that are incredibly scary, all for the sake of achieving my final outcome.
But guess what has been happening? In stepping outside of my circle, i am forced to eventually expand it. Things that were difficult for me to do last week, are now routine. There are things that I'm fighting to overcome, now, that will be routine next week....and so on and so on...
With all the development I've been undergoing for the sake of my business, my personal life and my relationships with the people around me have also improved. I've adopted an almost "crusade-like" attitude. I want to help others help themselves and rescue them from the rat race that they don't even know they are trapped in. I have assumed a more outgoing and positive attitude. I wake up every morning with fire inside me and people are taking notice. Women take notice. Everyone has been noting a change in me that they can't quite put a finger on. And that feeling is just amazing.
Having been the guy who battled depression and anxiety off and on for years, and to have finally found a calling that puts that all behind me, I have found the pathway that will lead me to becoming the real man i am destined to become.
Some key things to remember when you are working to achieve your goals, in whatever you are involved with.
- You adopt the personality of the 5 people you spend the most time with:
Do yourself a favor. If you hang around with dream stealers and people who live in a vaccum of negativity, get away from them. Surround yourself with positive role-models. My being involved with a network marketing team has thrust me into a place where everyone is positive. And this enthusiasm is infectious. You can't help but not adopt it as your own attitude, as well.
- Do what you've always done, and you will get what you've always got:
Were you are at this very moment in time is the culmination of all the choices you've made throughout your life. If you don't like where you are, at present, then it's up to you and you alone to step out of that comfort zone and make a commitment to grow and to change. Make notes on what is destructive in your life and take the neccessary steps to eliminate those issues, one by one.
- People's situations can be described as positions on a clock and depending on where they are on that clock, will ultimately decide how effective you are at recruiting, or seducing, or befriending or whatever you want to get from them at that point in time.
When a person's life is peachy and they have everything going for them, they are said to be at the 12 o'clock position. They are happy with their situation and don't want to "get involved" with anyone or anything. This can be a big reason why some guys get shot down by a girl. Don't take it personally because she just might not be ready for you, yet. This isn't always the case but many times, it is so...
When someone is at the 3 oclock position, they look like they are at 12 o'clock, but deep down they are looking for a change. From the outside perspective, we say to ourselves "There's no way that person would be interested in what i have to offer... look at everything he/she has going for them!!" So, we pass an opportunity by, because we are certain they would never be interested in us. Had you only had the balls to present them with an opporutnity, chances are they would have accepted, or at least looked into it.
When someone is at the 6 oclock position they are unhappy with their situation. It is the opposite of 12 'oclock and they are simply waiting for someone to come along and give them direction.
And lastly, we have the 9 o'clock position. These people are desperate and just waiting to be rescued.
Where are you on this clock? If you are 3,6 or 9 then i think you need to start making some changes.
What is the point of all this? Simple: You never know what position anyone is at, currently, unless you approach them and present them with an opportunity for a change. So to all you guys who have missed opportunities in the past, just remind yourselves of theses clock positions and don't take offense if she declines your invitation. It's nothing personal.
- There are 6 billion people in the world, and there are 6 billion different realities in which they live in.
No two people have the exact same reality. Everyone is different and there's no reason to become emotionally attached to an outcome with someone who lives in a different reality than you. It's a pointless waste of energy. If they decline your offer, move on. Don't dwell because you are just suffering and wasting energy better spent on your own personal development.
Growth is a difficult thing. To make the decision to become a new person requires an incredible amount of dedication and also the willingness to sacrifice some parts of your life; those instant satisfaction-types of activities like not going to the gym, or going out and partying, or eating that McDonald's; all sacrificed in return for the delayed gratification that comes with devoting yourself to the greater outcome. The ouctome that will change your life.
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