If you're so decent why are you hanging around a forum where men are trained to be ****y and pleasurable
This is the question I was answering.
Look, this forum and site are to HELP guys who are either struggling with women, or just want to get even better than they currently are.
IF you are looking for help, you're at the right place. There are guys here with a wealth of knowledge that are genuinely willing to help others (including my self
) However, if you just came here to blast us all, then get the f*ck outta here dude lol. Simple as that. If you want help, start of slowly, ask questions, start reading, start going out there and applying what you learn (key).
Don't come in here with the most negative sh*t you can see. Also, you said that you have been bullied ALL YOUR LIFE. Why do you keep putting up with it? This site not only teaches guys to get girls, but also to deal with certain situations. Is being bullied ALL YOUR LIFE the true you? Is that part of "being your self"? I honestly don't think it is. YOu predecesors did not survive and all pass on their genes if they were weak. Think about it, they go wayyyyyyyyy back and each of them lived long enough to pass on their genes by having SEX with the other gender. You are the ONLY one so far that's at risk of dying a "virgin", because you are not willing to IMPROVE. What's the definition of insanity again, oh yeah, "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results".
And yes, being OVERLY nice to chicks is NOT a good idea and is NOT you being "YOURSELF", just like being bullied all your f*cking life is NOT you being your self, it's you being SCARED to be your self and respect your self and stand the f*ck up for your self! Next time someone tries to bully you, kick their fuc*in ass, or at least try! Trust me, people learn quick, the reason they keep bulling you is because they know they will get away with it like everyone else has.
Also, you being overly nice to girls is also not you being your self. It's you seking approval, it's you trying to please, etc. etc. No one here is saying go and beat women up, so dont' go to extremes... don't don't be a complete wimp either and DON'T be too nice, none of them like it. Say no to something she wants every now and then, dont' see her every single time she wants, call her on her bullsh*t when she gives you bullsh*t, make fun of her and tease her,, f*ck her hard, real hard, be the best lover she's ever had.. this is not abusing them, they want this lol, they wanna be f*cked really good!!! You're not abusing them you're giving them what they want..
Go off instinct more and dont' overanalyze everything, just "go for it", get in th game, go hit on girls, go up to them and start dancing, DON"T ask, just go up and dance with them, ask girls for numbers, ask girls for dates, and if you keep doing this and keep learning from here, you will keep improving... things CAN get better. I've seen them get better for a TON of guys.
Stop being so f*cking negative!!!!!!!! Do somethign about it!!!!!!