This post is awsome, really sum up what I think is important. Most guys fell to realize how important it is when it comes down to being yourself, of course theres many different ways to define how "to be yourself". However majority of you come up with a false image on how to "be yourself" If you got bad attitude, bad posture, bad sociel life of course by all mean do whatever is nessacery to change that, but think about it what was the reason why you tried so desperatly to change the path of your life, so desperately to make a different, to feel defferent? Some of us might come to this site becuase of a long relationship, a breakup, a tragic mistake that can't be undo. We all come here in search of an answer, an explanation on why this is happening. Therefore dont everforget what happend and why you come to this site, what you want to change about you.
HAHAHA noticed how all that had nothing to do with the dating game? Now on toward the explanation we all been waiting for. To those of you that think being yourself is a bad mistake, well your wrong! When i say "be yourself" that doesnt mean be your boring, depressed, pathetic self. Think of enlightment, think of the time when you was most happy. My definition of being"yourself"
yourself- playfully enjoy the moment, no stress(that mean stop thinking about whether your impressing the girl or not) Theres better things in life then just girls so enjoy it, last but not least dont take anything for granted, cherish the time your having, if ur not enjoyin yourself do somthing that will.
WOW! you guys probaly hear that a lot huh? PSt most of you probaly dont even care. You guys think it is so hard to talk to girls, to go out on a date. Then you come up with all this rules.
rule# 1 be confident, rule# 2 smile, rule #3 dump her before she dumb you...yea yea shut up. Everything i just said is not somthing for you to add to your 10 commandment of djism, or your precious rule book, but take my word to heart be yourself, have passion in everything you do. more importantly lighten up.