Bangkok Oneitis


New Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Bangkok, Thailand
Ok guys, I've got what to me at least, is a serious problem and hopefully there will be someone out there who can at least steer me in the right direction.

I've been a resident in Thailand for nearly 14 years. Got married about halfway into my time here and now have two great kids. Physically I'm 46, short, 5'6, muscular (and it shows) with a slight middle-age paunch. Both guys and girls have told me I am intimidating - at times I am glad I am, at others, mainly with women, I definitely don't mean to be. Most who take the time to know me end up thinking differently. I've literally **** thousands of women - some paid, some not so when it comes to the sex, it's not like I'm undernourished.

Anyhow, I'm married and not really happy. Basically, the long and short of it is that my Thai wife caught me cheating a few years ago, when she was my girlfriend and my wife. Now for those of you who are wondering, my wife is college-educated, speaks fluent English and is cute. After two kids she still looks good, and I think she gained about 5 pounds from when I met her - not bad and I'm not really complaining. We have really good sex, 4-5x a week and was a virgin when I met her.

The reason I'm not happy is that IMO due to my previous indiscretions she's very disbelieving of me. Now I don't blame her but it got to the point where when she tells me she thinks I've been ****ing around on her (and most of the time I hadn't been), I just tell her I'd been in an orgy and why wasn't she there. It affects our life together because alot of the time I don't even want to be with her. I travel alot also which doesn't help but I've tried to limit my extra-marital activities to when I'm outside of Thailand. But the kids...well...they make it difficult for me to consider leaving her. Sometimes I think I can, sometimes I think it's a mistake.

In the past year I've had a couple of Filipino girls, both were 8+. When one of them asked for a laptop to better keep in touch with me she went from girlfriend to simply a ****. And I did not pay her. I'm not an AFC - I've always got my share of *****, although not with what I consider to be more work than I should put forth. One of the Filipinas I'm still in touch with and will see next month. She's a **** buddy who wants me to be her boyfriend - but I don't want to be. I have never paid her and let me make it clear that I generally stay away from the working girls. Those who are regular girls may or may not be on the game but if they start asking me for money, they're immediately relegated to the "only a **** heap."

Now the problem is that a few months ago I met a girl in a restaurant who is also an 8+. She's got alot of what I like physically and is really, really easy on the eyes. Too easy. But for what it's worth, she's pretty down to earth. It's taken time but now I realize I really like the chick.

She's a 24-year old student who recently graduated and is unattached. We've talked about a variety of subjects, love being one of them. Seems she's never been in love, but has had 3 boyfriends. She's intelligent and curious, probably too intelligent for her own good. I get the feeling she likes me and she knows my feelings for her - but thinks I'm recently separated. In the beginning, when I asked her if she wanted to go out, she would say how she's busy (works 10-10 M-Fr and has school on Saturday and Sunday). Now in my head, if she wants to fit me in, she will, period. She's told me, "wait, just wait a little longer when I have some time."

Well now my marriage is on the brink of falling apart and while I can surely **** my separation woes silly with bar girls or some other chicks I've got in the line-up or who are works-in-progress, I don't want to because I've got oneitis for her. So in the next day or two I'll go see her and I am thinking of laying down some ultimatum.

Now women are pretty much the same everywhere but decent Thai women in general are notoriously slow to allow them into their pants and my being a foreigner is another issue as well. Some Thai women do not want to get involved with foreigners so it's just that much more work to try and change their minds if that's the case. It doesn't seem to be but I know she has sterotypes about them as we've talked about this and some of them are pretty funny. So this has been one in for me....Chicks who want cash obviously are not slow to all them into their pants. She doesn't want cash, that much I'm sure of, but I also am sure she doesn't just want to ****. So I'm a bit loopy now...I'm not sure I want to work on my marriage and I have tired of putting in the groundwork with this chick. It's time to close the ****ing deal.

My plan of action is to tell her I've grown tired of chasing her and have tired of waiting. Either she wants to hook up or not...there is no tomorrow. By now she knows me well enough to know what sort of person I am and vice-versa. I asked her away for a weekend, asked her to go to the Philippines with me (sand to the ****ing beach), and I get..."slowly, slowly, please, wait." ****ing A, patience is one thing but Thai girl or not, I'm ready to stop seeing her at her job or in the mall and start ****ing her on a regular basis. I do think though that if I begin doing this it's probably going to be one of those things where we're together all the time and I think she knows this too and this may be one reason why she hasn't succumbed to my charm / pressures. I'm sure the wife won't like my being away with another woman and in my head I think I probably should be careful what I wish for...

I've text her a few times and the only time I ever got a message was when I was leaving for the PI and she sent me an SMS on her own telling me to be safe and have a good flight.

In the mean time I've got two hospital administrators who know each other putting a slight press on me. They're works in progress. So is the very cute convenience store chick and grocery store clerk. So there are others floating around but if you know Bangkok - truly know it - you know there is far more ***** you can shake a stick at and I'm not speaking of bar girls.

Meeting and banging women here can be a full-time occupation / pursuit.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Yawn. Someone sure spent alot of time in Creative Writing coming up with that one.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
I didn't bother reading the post, but the title of this thread sounds like a Jackie Chan movie.


New Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Bangkok, Thailand
Leporello - I knew there might be someone out there who didn't believe me - but this is pretty normal here.

Stay in Thailand, don't just visit, and you'll see what I mean. Older guys like me who know the score can find young Thai women who are willing to get involved with them, without pay, in one way or another. Now does anyone have any decent advice, which is why I posted, or am I going to need to wing it on my own?


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
nollams said:
Leporello - I knew there might be someone out there who didn't believe me - but this is pretty normal here.

Stay in Thailand, don't just visit, and you'll see what I mean. Older guys like me who know the score can find young Thai women who are willing to get involved with them, without pay, in one way or another. Now does anyone have any decent advice, which is why I posted, or am I going to need to wing it on my own?
Ya gonna have to wing it :D

Good luck mate :)