Banged a girl 5 hours after meeting her


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, last night I went to a party with some old high school friends, and one of the guys I am not that close with brought an attractive female along with him. There were over 15 guys at the party and only a couple of girls, since the party was for my group of guy friends. I figured it would be my first attempted pickup in this situation.

What I did:

She came, gave me some eye contact. All the guys introduced eachother to her and gave her lots of attention. I am one of the more popular guys in the group so I had social proof to the max. After about an hour in, I finally went up and met her, had a short convo with her. Later approached her again and talked for a while, many IOI's...asked me to go somewhere to eat one on one with her. Having a good time eating until the friend that brought her came and ****blocked me.(She later told me he wanted her too) Its ok though, I number closed and felt good. Was planning on calling her sometime in the next 3 days. She then left with the friend to get dropped off at home after the party, and she texts me at 3 am telling me "im so bored" and stuff, and then called me and said the same thing. I say, "want to hang out?" and she said if you pick me up...she lived 15 mins away.

Brought her back to my pad and finished my game and had a good, safe 4 hours of fun. It was light out already when we finished :whistle: . Afterwards she begged me to call her again soon.

My first asian. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Congrats brother.

Thats just the kind of positive story I needed to hear today.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Good work!! It's been a while since I've had a quick fling like that. It's also been a while since I've even gone out to a party/bar/club. Just reading this story has given me a little itch that I might need to scratch sometime soon.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Now are you saying that you banged her 5 hours after you met or that you Banged Her for 5 hours afer you met? LOL


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
ManOfMystery said:
Hey guys, last night I went to a party with some old high school friends, and one of the guys I am not that close with brought an attractive female along with him. There were over 15 guys at the party and only a couple of girls, since the party was for my group of guy friends. I figured it would be my first attempted pickup in this situation.

What I did:

She came, gave me some eye contact. All the guys introduced eachother to her and gave her lots of attention. I am one of the more popular guys in the group so I had social proof to the max. After about an hour in, I finally went up and met her, had a short convo with her. Later approached her again and talked for a while, many IOI's...asked me to go somewhere to eat one on one with her. Having a good time eating until the friend that brought her came and ****blocked me.(She later told me he wanted her too) Its ok though, I number closed and felt good. Was planning on calling her sometime in the next 3 days. She then left with the friend to get dropped off at home after the party, and she texts me at 3 am telling me "im so bored" and stuff, and then called me and said the same thing. I say, "want to hang out?" and she said if you pick me up...she lived 15 mins away.

Brought her back to my pad and finished my game and had a good, safe 4 hours of fun. It was light out already when we finished :whistle: . Afterwards she begged me to call her again soon.

My first asian. :rockon:

i love asians over and over:)