Boo fvcking hoo! So you're bald[ing]. Big. Fvcking. Deal. Someone call a freaking Waahmbulance! We have a severe case of "Woe is me!" here!
Dude, I looked at your pics and while you're not a bad-looking guy here (no homo), you just exude that "Nice Guy" vibe that's probably turning women off right off the bat.
I started thinning in my twenties. By my late twenties, bald spot on top was pretty much well established and the front was getting thinner. I said "Fvck it!" and shaved it all off. One of the best decisions in my life!
Ever since I started not giving a sh!t whether women like me or not because I'm bald or not, I've had even more success with women! Now, don't get me wrong. There are some women who will never be attracted to me because they want a guy with a full head of hair. They just don't dig bald guys. Just like I don't dig fat, ugly chicks.
But you're lucky. Like I said, you're not ugly. Once you get past your hang up, you will be successful with girls. Well, the ones who don't care about hair.
When you do decide to take the plunge, experiment to see what works best for you. Clean shaven. Goatee. Five o'clock shadow. Try several and see which one works best. For me the goatee worked best. At the office I look and am the no non-sense guy who takes sh!t from no one. While I'm out riding my bikes, I look and am the badboy, biker type that women love.
As a bonus, let me give you a couple of examples of how bald can be sexy. I was out on a date with this girl who I took for a bike ride.
Her: "Oh my! Did you shave for me?"
Me: "Sweetheart, I shave
for me!
She gets on the back of the bike and she's rubbing my head at stops. She later moves downward to grab other things.
Another girl I was at a bar with:
Her: "Wow, the bald look fits you really well. You have the perfect head shape for the look."
(Note that girls who don't dig will tell you your head looks funny, your ears stick out, etc. -- when women like you, you suddenly have perfect features
Me: "Of course I do sweetheart!"
Her: "Can I rub it?"
Me: "Hey, you have to earn it first!"
Her: "LOL. So what do I have to do?"
Me: "Well, promise to be a good girl and I'll let you."
Her: "Okay I promise!"
Me: "Alright, knock yourself out..."
She then rubs my head with her hands. An hour later, I was at her place, fvcking her.