Bad trip with weed (hallucinations, time distortion)?!


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
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Here's what happened to me tonight.

I was with some buddies at a little party. We were watching TV, drinking beer and smoking some weed. At 2AM, almost everyone was gone, except for me, my best buddy and 2 girlfriends. We rolled another joint and smoked it.

I was the one who had smoked the most since they were already pretty stoned.

Well, at first I got really high. Rarely gotten so high, I kept laughing and saying bullshìt with them, but nothing exceptional.

Then, I smoked another bit and I got more stoned than high. I was still rather happy, but I felt so tired I couldn't even move. Then the paranoia arose: I thought I had become a paralytic, so I forced myself to raise my arm. As I managed to, my whole body jumped away from the sofa because of the momentum. I started laughing again for this, together with my friends.

At the moment, we were watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Now, I'm very fond of horror flicks and I saw that one like a dozen times, I had already watched it that same morning. Nevertheless, the movie got me anxious, so I had to leave the room. And the paranoia started to grow bigger and bigger. Never experienced something like that, I was scared by everything. I remember that for each piece of forniture I looked at, I would say to myself something like "what if that knife flies and stabs you?" or "what if you open the tap and drown into the sink?".

I decided to listen to some music in order to try and relax. At first, the music relaxed me, but after the first song it was just worse. It sounded like noise and not music anymore.

I lifted my head from the table and I noticed I was having hallucinations: objects got bigger and smaller and floated in the air. Not like when you're high or very drunk and the world seems to move, it was different. The single objects changed form and size continuously.

I decided to drink lots of water, in order to puke everything and feel better. I drank a whole bottle of water in less than 5 minutes and I immediately felt sick. I puked 6 times. I immediately drank another 4 glasses of water and I managed to puke again. Now I felt a lot better, so I got back to the living room. I asked my friends why they weren't worried about me not coming back so far. They were like "WTF?! You left the room just 10 minutes ago, maybe less". I looked at the clock and they were right: I thought I had been out of that room for 2 hours, while just 10 minutes had gone.

I was extremely tired, so I let myself fall on the sofa and I somehow slept for a hour or so while watching the Exorcist III with them.

When I woke up I felt alright so me and my buddy went back home. I even managed to ride my bike for several miles in dark country hills streets, without any risk or problem whatsoever.

I have some questions:

1. Have you ever experienced a bad trip with weed?
2. Have you ever experienced hallucinations, paranoia and time distortion like mine with weed?
3. I'm pretty used to smoking pot, I'm not a newbie at all. The only difference is that I almost always smoke hashish whereas yesterday we only had weed. Also, I usually drink a lot before smoking, whereas yesterday I only drank beer. What could have caused a bad trip? Maybe it was not proper weed and something else had been added to that?
4. How come puking makes me feel better after smoking so much?

Thanks to everybody!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Most of it is probably in your head, especially feeling better after the puking. But there is always a chance that your pot has been sprayed or contaminated with pesticides or other chemicals. You never know for sure. The US Gov't tries to drop herbicide poison on all the outdoor pot plants in the Western hemisphere.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I have heard from doctors that there's always the chance of that happening. That it doesn't matter who you are, how long you've been smoking weed, what you're smoking, that eventually that will happen; whether it be on the fifth time, tenth time, hundredth, or five hundredth. It's just the nature of THC, apparently.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Deep Dish said:
I have heard from doctors that there's always the chance of that happening. That it doesn't matter who you are, how long you've been smoking weed, what you're smoking, that eventually that will happen; whether it be on the fifth time, tenth time, hundredth, or five hundredth. It's just the nature of THC, apparently.
No, that's not true.

You either:

A. HAd more potent weed that your body wasn't used to, so you panicked. When you start to panick things start to spiral.
B. Had a sprayed or laced weed (which I highly doubt because it would cost more to lace the weed with like coke then to sell it separately).

Finally man, you did NOT have a bad trip. Trust me, I'm a daily toker (probably 2-5 grams a day, usually around 3), and I've had some bad experiences (thought I saw Closed Eye visuals, etc), but nothing can prepare you for a bad trip. I had a bad trip on shrooms (don't do it man, it's dumb), and I know friends who have had even worse trips. You think time distortion on that weed was bad? About 20 seconds on those shrooms felt like I had been standing for hours upon hours. You hear AND see things. And the paranoia is alot worse, because you actually ARE seeing **** distort and change. Shadows scare the **** out of you if you are alone, I saw a kids face like melt off his body, I thought my body was melting (probably the serotonin or whatever running through my spine and other chemicals through my body), my face looked elongated and gaunt in the mirror, **** gets realllll ****ed up man. In retrospect though, its funny , but at that time its the most petrifying thing. I had like multiple vision man like I could see out of my regular eyes, but I had a feeling like I was watching myself do actions like I was ABOVE myself and looking down, with a birds eye view, and at the same time, I felt like I was lost in the confines of my own mind, wandering into an empty void (I would say it was like white, but it wasn't, it was like no color, just the definition of nothing ness). I knew what it was like to be insane, I kept repeating myself over and over even though I would try to say something else, I kept asking if I was wet or if i was melting. Scary **** man. I have on eof those liek electric lights from those shops that shoots off the red beams in an orb, and my friend went to touch it and it looked like it just shot out of the orb. Crazy crazy **** man, but I ended up doing it again to get over the experience, and it effectively ended it, thank God. And that wasn't even as bad as my friends who ended up getting lost while going to pee outside of the car, attacked my friend, cursed off my friends mom, fought an officer, cursed the said officer off, kept saying, "AM I ALLOWED!?", and thought they were draggin him to hell when he was in the ER.

By the way, all of that stuff just said wasn't me who experienced it, it was...someone who isn't me...

Anyway man, best way to get over it is to just go back and redo it and this time, keep a level head. Thats the same way the guy above lost control, he panicked, if you don't panick then you're fine. If you have any other questions about any other substance (I know alot of people in jersey/york that can help you out), just ask, or go to man, best site to learn about **** like that.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Adone said:
Nevertheless, the movie got me anxious, so I had to leave the room. And the paranoia started to grow bigger and bigger. Never experienced something like that, I was scared by everything.

It makes sense to me. Weed can certainly trigger paranoia and anxiety while you are stoned...and also as an after effect for the rest of your life.

Regarded as a relatively safe and socially acceptable drug, yet studies are showing that marijuana use can lead to some rather unpleasant long term effects (even after you stop smoking) like panic attacks and anxiety. Also correlations to schizophrenia and related psychosis, particularly for those who are predisposed.

On the bright least one doesn't turn into a vegetable like an acid head does...

I am not against marijuana use, (and I've definitely had my share)...but I think a person should be realistic with mind altering chemicals. If you have any more trippy experiences, I would seriously consider smoking in moderation. But ah, its just weed right?...don't let popular folk lore fool you. I don't think we know enough about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Thats why i dont smoke. Once i smoked and i saw all sorts of sh*t. One time i saw a ninja crawling toward my car...but it was really a rock. Another time i saw the grim reaper and it scared the shiii outta me. And another time i saw a tree turn into a cartoon and start dancing and i thought my friends door opened and was like an airplane door. I hate smoking with a passion. I get all paranoid and depressed.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Springdale, Arkansas
I only tripped once on weed and that was when i hung out with this like STRAIGHT UP HIPPIE! like he lived in a ****ing 1930s bus in the middle of the woods in a hippie commune and one day he was like, "hey man, my harvest is finally in wanna check out some of my cola buds?" and I was like cool whatever, its just bud. I was overwhelmed by it but I was like cool what kind is it? And he said "I call this Juicy Fruit" and he packed a huge bowl into his bonjg anf I took a rip and immediately I was forced to lay back in my chair and proceed to nearly suffocate from the overwhelming power and smell of this bud. It was exteemely potent KB! I coughed my ass off for like 4 minutes as did my friend and I threw up outside his bus and I was like "OH **** I'm gonna suffocate but I feel really really high, bad ass" and as I get done puking and look up, my world starts to tilt and what was once daylight in the woods seemed like all of a sudden we were in the middle of winter. My vision was literally black and white. The trees were black and the sunlight was white white and this really freaked me out and I sat down and was like damn I'm not smoking weed anymore. And after about 10 minutes of me *****ing about how I was tripping and my friend laughing at me he says "wanna smoke some more? wait here"
Well dude comes back with a plastic bag wrapped around a HUGE bush of weed about the size of my head, this was the first and only time I'd ever seen weed in such a big bush, bud thing. And boy did it STINK!!! And I passed out at the sight of knowing that there was more of this crazy weed.

Your weed was sprayed with detergent or dryer sheets to cover the smell. or, it was really potent **** but I doubt it. Or you are a beginner.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Mitch_Mustain said:
I only tripped once on weed and that was when i hung out with this like STRAIGHT UP HIPPIE! like he lived in a ****ing 1930s bus in the middle of the woods in a hippie commune and one day he was like, "hey man, my harvest is finally in wanna check out some of my cola buds?" and I was like cool whatever, its just bud. I was overwhelmed by it but I was like cool what kind is it? And he said "I call this Juicy Fruit" and he packed a huge bowl into his bonjg anf I took a rip and immediately I was forced to lay back in my chair and proceed to nearly suffocate from the overwhelming power and smell of this bud. It was exteemely potent KB! I coughed my ass off for like 4 minutes as did my friend and I threw up outside his bus and I was like "OH **** I'm gonna suffocate but I feel really really high, bad ass" and as I get done puking and look up, my world starts to tilt and what was once daylight in the woods seemed like all of a sudden we were in the middle of winter. My vision was literally black and white. The trees were black and the sunlight was white white and this really freaked me out and I sat down and was like damn I'm not smoking weed anymore. And after about 10 minutes of me *****ing about how I was tripping and my friend laughing at me he says "wanna smoke some more? wait here"
Well dude comes back with a plastic bag wrapped around a HUGE bush of weed about the size of my head, this was the first and only time I'd ever seen weed in such a big bush, bud thing. And boy did it STINK!!! And I passed out at the sight of knowing that there was more of this crazy weed.

Your weed was sprayed with detergent or dryer sheets to cover the smell. or, it was really potent **** but I doubt it. Or you are a beginner.

Nice experience man! My friends are going to an hippie commune this summer, so they're probably gonna do something like you:)

I don't think my experience was due to being a beginner, since I've been smoking marijuana regularly since I was maybe 16 (I'm 19 now) and never had any problem, just sometimes I passed out, but that was due to the alcohol mixed with that. I had never experienced paranoia at such a great level so far.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
I've had one interesting experience with freaking out after smoking.

One time my friends and I smoked a few bowls each of some stuff my friend got. Things got weird quickly, cause after the first bowl I experienced like a TV's snowy interference, except all multicolored. Then we went and hotboxed a van while smoking a few more bowls. That's when I got ripped out of my mind.

We get back to our room, and I am ****ed in half, completely out of it. I was sitting on the one sofa, trying to stay upright. My roommates start playing, get this, Mickey Mouse's Magical Adventure on the SNES. Well the combination of lights and sounds were freaking me out. I laid this gem out for them:

"Guys, turn that game off. Seriously, it's destroying my world. It's ruining my life."

They were nice and let me be. I closed my eyes, and saw all sorts of crazy psychadelic patterns and crap. I knew right then that I was also going to puke. I closed my eyes real hard, trying to stave it off, and it felt like a nuclear missile exploded infront of me, like 50 yards away, in slow motion, and the blast was coming towards me really slowly. It was at that point where I grabbed our trashcan and puked a ton in it. I don't think I moved for what felt like half an hour, but it was probably only like 4 minutes in real time.