Bad Situation!


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
Real situation from start to finish no BS!

For the whole school year me and this HOT girl was eyeing each other. Me, not gettin enough courage to approach, left it on the eyeing each other approach intill I felt it was now or never. I appoached got to no the girl a little well. Good enough that she won't forget me inless she bust her head wide open...god forbid. But the final day of school i get worked up courage to ask for her number. Now like a DJ I didnt ask I told her to put her number in my phone. (What was FUKED UP about it is I have 2 phones, one LSG and a i836, I pulled out the i836 because it look good and it got caught on my pants why this hot girl look at me FUK UP!!!) I manage to grab it and give it to her. NOw nextal buttons be difficult to press and she place her number in my phone so I got the number....So I thought. I only get 6 digits. I was pissed thinking she did that on purpose. But the phone is a issue to press so maybe it was a mistake.

What do the DJ's think, did she miss a # on purpose or was it a accident like i believe???


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2007
Reaction score
Oh dear! When you got the phone caught, did you turn it into a joke, or did you turn red and appear really embarrassed? About the number issue, I'm not sure whether she did it by accident or on purpose, but usually most people look at the screen when they enter a number to check if it's all there. Does she have your number?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
The problem was that you were way too nervous and forgot to check the phone number.
Make it a rule to check the number before accepting it.
Make it a rule to call the number on the spot.

She's gone , dude. Sorry.

Better luck next time with another girl.

Also, every guy has to HAS TO get over his "nervousness" or "shyness" in approaching a girl and asking for her phone number. The BIGGER a deal YOU MAKE IT, the more nervous SHE will become.
It's not a big deal.
In fact, get it through your head that women aren't pissed that you APPROACH.....THEY"RE PISSED BECAUSE YOU DON"T!!!!!!!!!!

Stuff like what happened to this poor kid WILL happen to you.
Learn from his mistakes.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
LOL, are you serious man. Get a hold of yourself, I'm SURE it was an accident. I'm being serious by the way.

Anyone stupid enough to purposely put 6 digits down, is an idiot, you're getting caught by me 100% of the time, and I'm busting your balls too.

Stop worrying...


New Member
Jul 29, 2007
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Dearl said:
Real situation from start to finish no BS!

For the whole school year me and this HOT girl was eyeing each other. Me, not gettin enough courage to approach, left it on the eyeing each other approach intill I felt it was now or never. I appoached got to no the girl a little well. Good enough that she won't forget me inless she bust her head wide open...god forbid. But the final day of school i get worked up courage to ask for her number. Now like a DJ I didnt ask I told her to put her number in my phone. (What was FUKED UP about it is I have 2 phones, one LSG and a i836, I pulled out the i836 because it look good and it got caught on my pants why this hot girl look at me FUK UP!!!) I manage to grab it and give it to her. NOw nextal buttons be difficult to press and she place her number in my phone so I got the number....So I thought. I only get 6 digits. I was pissed thinking she did that on purpose. But the phone is a issue to press so maybe it was a mistake.

What do the DJ's think, did she miss a # on purpose or was it a accident like i believe???
Dude! Have you heard of paper and pencil? You know the old fashion way of getting a phone number?


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think it is over with. I'ma see her again. By the time we get back to school I should have the confidents to approach again with no problem.