Bad situation - being backstabbed by best friend


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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ecently I have developed a lot thanks to these forums, pulled even a few girls from clubs :) I used to go there with my friends but now it is all over. Why must it be like that when everything is going so well, then always somebody must ruin this all. I used to have a huge oneitis problem. I kinda got over it, but a few days ago I met that girl again. She's just gorgeos. She had just broke with her boyfriend. Basically a free way for me. I did not ask her for a date, but just told we'd talk later. I also told my friends about it. When I had that oneitis almost a year ago , there were some stupid problems with her and so I ruined everything. I has also told my friends about it. Now I told them I will try with her again. One of them, the most respected one, whom all obey except me, I just don't let myself be treated as ****. If he says something, I just tell back. Well, he is angry with me for some reason and now he just will **** everything up for me. He has told me that she doesn't like to me, just normal. Now he just added her on MSN, he's very good at MSN game. Soon they are going out. He is like embarrassing her in front of our group, just telling what ***** she is in his opinion and how easy is to get her. That mother****er. I'd like let him beaten up, but I can't. He's the champ in kickboxing in my country, I'd get beaten up when I tried something. He told me he will just try to **** her and then just tell my "secrets" that he is making up and then just throw her away. I just have no idea on what the **** should I do. He just backstabbed me in my weakest point. I basically told him just to **** off etc, so now I need to do solo or just find another group to go with, that'snot hard, but I don't want her to be treaten like that. I'd just want to kill that guy. (I won't , but I'd want to) .When I asked him why did he do that, he just told me: "own fault taht you didn't try before... " Son of a *****... And he was like my best friend, known him for years. Yesterday he told her just a lot of BS about me, that I had told like she mas my gf, ****ed her very night, restricted my friends communication with her... JUST BS. And she belives him, not me. What should I do?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
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Auckland, New Zeland
I Believe you've lost here buddy. Fact is you can't win every battle at the moments he's got more influence then you so your fvcked no matter what, unless you can find a way to make him lose his influence?? Any other Djs know how to do this, please tell??

To be honest apart from the lying bullsh!t (Which he even that did well, waited to he knew she would believe him then told) this guy sounds like more of a dj/pua then you. Keep reading this website and work on it so next time you better then everyone else

Get over this girl man, it already sounds like you close to oneitis. You shouldn't try again if you ask me anyway. She obviously doesn't care for you like you do for her, so why should you?? Treat people like the treat you, girls maybe even less. Don't give this girl any special treatment, she's just another b!tch another fish in the sea of em you put her on this pedestal and that is not dj at all, you still got some learning and research to do bro, like we all do.

I know it not, good news but hope you understand


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2009
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birmingham, UK
it sounds like your well and truly ****ed my friend, move on, have nothing to do with this guy and next the girl, you sound like you're getting oneitis.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2008
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Man really **** one there.
Remember "True friends stab you in the front".
Where to start...
First you must pretty much except the fact that you don't know why he done it, thinking about that now will only worsen the situation. You only think about that so many months... years down the line when you can see clearly, and even laugh at the situation.

Secondly It is oneitis, she's gorgeous, she's perfect, anotehr guys got her. It feels like ****, murder is on your mind, anger, anger and more anger with a little bit of confusion and sadness. Fact is she's getting embarressed, and used, she may secretly like it, good for her. She may be gorgeous, I'm gorgeous, the girl i see every morning is, another girl going out with another boy is, the girls on TV are... Why fall for ONE gorgeous girl when you could fall for loads.. but not devloping "oneitis" of course haha.

Thirdly Is finding a new group, or you must stay away from him. This is going to be hard as hell, but worth it. Stay away from him, forget her, don't put yourself in a situation to be with them, if you do you just politely and calmly be like "i gotta run" "i'm going over there". This thing about kicking boxing, I say that kickboxing means **** in fights outside a ring, medic and ref. It may have advantages but doesn't mean he beat you. Don't beat him up, that just escalate things and make everything even harder to move on from.
Find new friends, distance, forget, move on. One day, yes ONE day you will be totally suave, happy, your life will be brilliant, and this would be something you laugh about. I remember a oneitis i had, i can laugh about it now even lol. I don't know if you should do this online, but if u see her in person i would personally do a smooth, calm and almost smirky comment. example: "this will be the last time i speak to you, we know the reasons, i'm not going to play cat a mouse with bull****, because that's what it all is. Enjoy" walk off. I hope you get my drift, I'm not sure about the guy, what to say to him, maybe just a calm simple, I'm washing my hands of you "bye Mr x"

What i said may not be the best, but i'm feeling for ya man, and that's not the grammaticaly errors, i know your angry lol.

Where you from mate, just curious?


Don Juan
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Melbourne, Aus
girls arent a problem
seems like your problem is that guy - he is obviosly not your friend then why do u hang out with him?

Just hang out with your other friends and forget abt the girl
Fighting skills arent everything in fights btw its mostly spirit


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
If you want to be better than him in fighting, then take MMA. In general, MMA is better than kickboxing.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
sounds like this guy needs to meet my friend mr. baseball bat. remember, theres no such thing as a fair fight


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
R1ch4rd said:
Man really **** one there.
Remember "True friends stab you in the front".
Where to start...
First you must pretty much except the fact that you don't know why he done it, thinking about that now will only worsen the situation. You only think about that so many months... years down the line when you can see clearly, and even laugh at the situation.

Secondly It is oneitis, she's gorgeous, she's perfect, anotehr guys got her. It feels like ****, murder is on your mind, anger, anger and more anger with a little bit of confusion and sadness. Fact is she's getting embarressed, and used, she may secretly like it, good for her. She may be gorgeous, I'm gorgeous, the girl i see every morning is, another girl going out with another boy is, the girls on TV are... Why fall for ONE gorgeous girl when you could fall for loads.. but not devloping "oneitis" of course haha.

Thirdly Is finding a new group, or you must stay away from him. This is going to be hard as hell, but worth it. Stay away from him, forget her, don't put yourself in a situation to be with them, if you do you just politely and calmly be like "i gotta run" "i'm going over there". This thing about kicking boxing, I say that kickboxing means **** in fights outside a ring, medic and ref. It may have advantages but doesn't mean he beat you. Don't beat him up, that just escalate things and make everything even harder to move on from.
Find new friends, distance, forget, move on. One day, yes ONE day you will be totally suave, happy, your life will be brilliant, and this would be something you laugh about. I remember a oneitis i had, i can laugh about it now even lol. I don't know if you should do this online, but if u see her in person i would personally do a smooth, calm and almost smirky comment. example: "this will be the last time i speak to you, we know the reasons, i'm not going to play cat a mouse with bull****, because that's what it all is. Enjoy" walk off. I hope you get my drift, I'm not sure about the guy, what to say to him, maybe just a calm simple, I'm washing my hands of you "bye Mr x"

What i said may not be the best, but i'm feeling for ya man, and that's not the grammaticaly errors, i know your angry lol.

Where you from mate, just curious?
Rich4rd's advice is spot on, listen to the man.